Home Remedies on How to Get Rid of Dark Spots & Blemishes

Reasons Behinds The Dark Spot On Face
The major cause of dark spots and black spots on face is increased amount the melanin in the skin. Once the amount of melanin get increased in skin rather than being dispersed evenly on the skin, the excess melanin pigments get clump in bunches and form noticeable black spot.The increase of melanin in skin happens due to over exposure of the sun. Hormonal imbalance in the body, deficiency of vitamins are also the reason that can cause dark spots on your skin. Use of chemicals and medicines can also cause dark spots on your skin. Dark spot and blemishes are most often caused by the regular and excess use of cosmetic products like foundations, moisturizers and night creams, etc. Some these products contains greasy and irritating ingredients which clog your pores. The congested pores of skin are also a major reason behind development of dark spots and blemishes. You should go for lighter and non-comedogenic cosmetics products.Factors like improper diet, alcohol consumption, internal health problems, allergic reactions stress, overexposure to environmental irritants, absence of a proper skincare routine, and a genetic heredity also lead to black spot and blemishes

  • Mixture of Onion And Garlic Juice
Onion and garlic juice are very popular home remedy that fade up the dark spots from your face. All you have to do is make a find combination of 1 tablespoon of onion juice and 1 tablespoon of garlic juice. For better result you can also add vinegar to the mixture, if your skin is oily. Apply this mixture to your face, leave for 10-15 minutes and wash it off with cold water. Use a mild cleanser to wash you face properly.
  • Steaming Your Face
Steaming of face help in unlocking the skin pores and removing the extra oils from the pores of skin. Best way to do it is by putting hot water in a bowl and make steam pass to your skin. This treatment is very helpful in clearing impurities and balancing the clout of melanin in the skin. Doing steaming daily would give you glowing and radiant skin without any blemishes.
  • Vitamin E Oil.
Vitamin oil is an great antioxidant it is very helpful in repairing the damaged cells and strengthen new ones. Massaging your face with Vitamin E or applying it directly to dark spots on face would be a great treatment for dark spots on your face. Daily application of vitamin E will fade down dark spot and blemishes on your face. Another alternative is adding food items rich in vitamin E like dried apricots,sunflower seeds, nuts (almonds, peanuts, pine nuts), and wheat germ oil in your daily diet.

  • Aloe Vera
Aloe vera plant is a amazing herb with many health benefits. This is one solution to several skin and beauty related problem. It’ is a great natural moisturizer with efficiency to cure sunburns. Aloe vera is a nice solution to fade dark spots on your face. Take an aloe vera leave and crush it into small piece, extract the juice and apply it directly to your dark spots. Once it get dry wash it off from your face.

Doing this regularly for 15 to 20 days would be helpful in removal of dark spots from your facial skin.

  • Buttermilk
Buttermilk contain lactic acid that is very good for your skin. Dark spots on your skin can be removed by applying buttermilk on your face. You can use a cotton swab to apply the butter milk on your face and leave it there of 30 to 45 minutes and wash it clean water. If your skin is oily and have acne then you should add a little lemon juice to the buttermilk and apply it to dark spot of your face. You can also mix 3 table spoons of buttermilk with 2 tablespoon of tomato juice and apply it to darker spot of your face. Doing this regularly for 20 to 25 day can make your skin dark spot and blemish free.

General Tips to Avoid Darker Spot on Your Skin
    • Use sun screens : Use mild sunscreen every time while you get out in sun. You can also use scarf or hat to protect you from sun while venturing out in the sun.

Clear oil and dirt from your skin: Daily skin cleansing is one of the basic and most important step of your daily skin care regimen. Use a good face wash and cleanser to clean your skin daily.

  • Exfoliate your skin : Exfoliation of skin clear up the pores of your skin. Use a good scrubber to exfoliate your skin. Do this twice daily if you want to have glowing and radiant skin without blemishes.

Vitamin C : Increase the amount of food items containing vitamin C in your diet. Vitamin C is a very essential for blemish-less and clear skin. Lack of vitamin C is the major reason behind development of dark spot on your face. It produces collagen which is very efficient the damaged cell of your skin thus make your skin glowing and beautiful.

Diet for Spotless and Glowing Skin
Balanced diet with high nutrient value like Vitamins, minerals and proteins is the basic necessity for glowing and beautiful skin. Fruits and vegetables containing anti-oxidants are very helpful in improving the condition of skin. Make sure fruits like- papaya, banana, oranges, apple, berries and vegetables like cucumber, tomato, lemon are great source of skin cleansing agents.
These food items contains antioxidants that make your skin youthful by slowing down the ageing process and keep skin clear from black spots and wrinkles and moisture contains of fruits and vegetable make your skin soft and smooth.

Cosmetic and Modern Treatment for Dark Spots
There are several products available in market to reduce the dark spot on your face. Some of these products are night gold cream, Elle Dark Spot CorrectorOxyglow Wrinkle Lift, and Olay Total Effect are few popular products to remove the dark spot from your face.
  • Acid Treatments
The most common acids found in acne and dark spot treatment products are alpha-hydroxy acids and beta-hydroxy acid.Alpha-hydroxy acids involves glycolic acid, citric acid, lactic acid and mandelic acid. These acids exfoliate the skin very effectively and are also gentle enough for sensitive skin. While alpha-hydroxy acids are often found in serums, moisturizers , creams and peels.

  • Chemical Peel
This beauty treatment is use when normal cosmetics and creams don’t fade your dark spots Chemical peels removes the top layers of your skin. Peels contains acids in high concentrations.

  • Laser Treatment
This treatment is very popular now a days. In this methods laser pulses destroy the melanin contents from your face that cause dark spots. The area with pigment absorbs the light and melanin get vaporize and shatter by the lasers.
Whatever the reason behind spots on your face, whether it is sun spots, age spots, spots from chicken pox, acne spots, nobody literally like it on their skin. As black spots appears on the face for countless reasons, fortunately there are many ways, you can get rid of these awkward spot once and for all. With so many modern ways available we can easily get rid of black spots on your face. Despite of advancement in methods of skincare, natural remedies and methods remain always relevant. Following proper and effective beauty regimen will be very helpful in protecting your skin from dark spot and blemishes.


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