Beat hair loss, dandruff, grey hair and more with these home remedies

Our hair adds a distinctiveness to our personality and there are so many different ways to style it to suit our mood and occasion. But due to factors such as pollution, stress, poor diet, etc. our mane starts to look dull and lifeless or we even start losing hair. To combat these hair woes, you always have home remedies to your rescue. Here is our mega guide of remedies for common hair problems like hair loss, dandruff, grey hair and more.
To beat hair loss
Every day, you probably lose anywhere between 50 to 100 strands of hair which is perfectly normal, say dermatologists. It is when the hair loss exceeds this figure that we begin to notice thinning of hair or bald patches – a condition known as alopecia. Most people are likely to experience hair loss in their 30s because at this time, hormonal change, stress and an unhealthy diet take their toll. Besides trying to correct factors leading to hair loss, adopting a few herbal remedies is also helpful in facilitating hair regrowth.
Onion and garlic
The element sulphur increases the production of collagen which in turn helps the hair to grow. Onion and garlic are rich sources of sulphur and this explains why they have been used in traditional medicines for regrowth of hair.
  • Chop the onion into fine pieces and squeeze the juice out.
  • Apply to the scalp and leave on for about 15 minutes; then rinse with a mild shampoo.
  • Crush a few cloves of garlic, add in a little coconut oil and boil for a few minutes.
  • When this mix cools down to feel warm to the touch, apply it on the scalp with a little massaging action.
  • Repeat this treatment two to three times a week for best results. Garlic is also very good for enhancing your beauty. 
When it comes to caring for your hair, coconut provides a host of ingredients that naturally condition and promote growth of hair. The milk of the coconut contains proteins, essential fats and minerals such as potassium and iron; using it regularly can reduce the breakage of hair. Coconut oil also carries the same rich ingredients and it helps to make the hair stronger right from the root, through the shaft to the tip. It also has many more beauty benefits. 
  • Regular use of this oil to massage the scalp has a protective action against hair loss.
  • Grate coconut and squeeze out the milk by mixing in a little water.
  • Apply this to the specific area where you notice thinning or balding. Allow to stay overnight and the next morning, rinse off with water.
Known for long as a natural hair colour and conditioner in Asian countries, henna has a major role to play in strengthening hair. When combined with mustard oil, it works even better.
  • Take about 250 ml of mustard oil in a tin can; add in about 60g of washed and dried henna leaves.
  • Boil the mixture until the leaves get totally burnt and then filter the oil using muslin cloth.
  • Cool and store the oil in an airtight container and use it to massage hair on a regular basis.
  • Some people also use a hair renewal pack that consists of 1 cup of the dry powder of henna leaves mixed with half a cup of curd.
  • Apply this to the hair and allow to dry, and then wash with cool water and a mild shampoo.
Coconut oil and hibiscus are the secrets to the thick mane of hair we observe in people living in Kerala, India. Hibiscus has rejuvenating properties – it nourishes hair, prevents premature greying and also helps cure dandruff. Regular use of the flowers can help prevent hair loss too.
  • Crush a few flowers of hibiscus and mix with sesame oil or coconut oil to make a fine paste.
  • Apply this to the scalp and hair, leave on for a few hours and then rinse with cool water and a mild shampoo.
Packed with vitamin C and rich in antioxidants, amla is the perfect solution for most hair loss woes. Besides applying to the scalp, it is also helpful to consume it on a regular basis because the vitamin C is good for your body.
  • Crush the amla fruit to extract a juice or buy the amla powder available at an herbal store.
  • Add 2 teaspoons of the juice or the powder into an equal quantity of the juice freshly squeezed from a lime.
  • Mix well, apply to the scalp and leave it to dry; then rinse using warm water
Eggs are another rich source of sulphur; they also contain a lot of protein and minerals such as selenium, iodine, phosphorus, iron and zinc. This makes it an excellent promoter of hair regrowth especially when combined with olive oil.
  • Take the white of one egg and mix in a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Beat to give a paste-like consistency and apply to the entire scalp and hair.
  • Keep it on for about 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water and a mild shampoo. You can reap in benefits of egg by making other 
To get rid of dandruff
There’s no hair condition as embarrassing as dandruff and there are several reasons which lead to dandruff. Sometimes the solution can lie in the last place you’d expect – your kitchen! Here are 10 things from your kitchen that can get rid of those pesky flakes:
Curd with its acidic and conditioning properties helps fight dandruff.
  • Ferment a small amount of curd (enough to cover your scalp) for two days.
  • Apply it and keep it for one hour.
  • Wash it off with a mild shampoo.
  • Do this at least twice a week
Aloe vera gel 
It contains healing, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Applying fresh aloe vera gel on the scalp is another way of keeping your dandruff at bay.
  • Keep the gel on for 30 minutes.
  • Wash your hair with an aloe vera based shampoo.
Methi is a herb that is readily available in our kitchen. It has anti-fungal and scalp soothing properties.
  • Soak fenugreek seeds overnight in water and grind to a fine paste.
  • Apply this paste on the scalp for 30 to 45 minutes.
  • Wash with a mild shampoo.
  • Use this regularly to see results. Methi also helps in beating other hair and skin problems like acne, hair fall, itchy scalp, etc. 
Gram flour
Besan is an effective cleansing agent. It removes the dirt and is handy for getting rid of dandruff.
  • Apply gram flour mixed with curd on your scalp.
  • Rinse after 20-30 minutes to get dandruff-free hair. And if you want smooth and flawless skin.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well, it can keep your dandruff away too! It has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Make a paste with equal quantities of apple and orange and apply it on the scalp.
  • Wash your hair after 20-30 minutes with a shampoo.
Neem leaves 
Its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties are highly effective in controlling dandruff.
Basil leaves 
Tulsi has been used since ages for its healing properties.
  • Make a paste of tulsi leaves and amla powder mixed with water.
  • Massage on the scalp.
  • Let it remain for half an hour.
  • Wash the hair with water. .
For dry hair
Dry, frizzy hair can be unmanageable and have a lacklustre appearance. On the other hand, healthy hair has an outer layer that contains natural oil to keep it moist and shiny. When this layer is damaged – and this can happen due to several reasons – the hair begins to look and feel dull, unhealthy and dry. Whatever be the specific cause for your dry hair, there are a few home remedies that can help you combat this problem. You can also read about these
Vinegar acts like a conditioner on dry hair; it also has the desirable effect of removing dandruff that may be contributing to the lacklustre appearance of your hair.
  • Take about half a cup of vinegar and mix in 2 cups of water.
  • Use this liquid as a conditioner after you have rinsed the shampoo out of your hair.
  • Allow it to stay on for a few minutes and then rinse off completely with water. Also try apple cider vinegar for your skin and hair.
Eggs are rich in proteins, fatty acids as well as the fat-soluble vitamins and this makes them an excellent nutrient; besides, they also have a cleansing and conditioning effect, which means they can work wonders on dry hair.
  • Take the contents of 3 eggs, mix in a single teaspoon of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Mix thoroughly to get a viscous liquid; apply this to your hair and cover the hair for about half-an-hour with a plastic cap.
  • Wash out with a mild shampoo and water to get hair that has a healthy moisture content and a lively shine.
Vegetable oils
Dry hair often tends to get brittle too and this causes it to break easily. Any vegetable oil – olive, coconut or almond – can be used to moisturise such dry hair and give it strength. Jawed Habib tells you the right kind of oil for your hair type.
  • Warm a little oil to a temperature that feels comfortable to the skin.
  • Then slightly dampen your hair and apply this warm oil all over.
  • Cover with a warm towel and leave it on for about an hour.
  • Use a mild shampoo to wash hair and when the hair has dried, you’ll find it has a healthy look and texture.
  • For a greater moisturising effect, mix in a teaspoon of honey into the warm oil.
For oily hair
If you’ve washed your hair just a day or two ago and already, it has developed a greasy texture that makes it appear lank and dull, you probably suffer from the problem of oily hair – a condition that is quite common in teens but may also affect adults. If you have oily hair, here are a few natural home remedies that could help you cope.
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice not only contains vital vitamins and minerals that promote healthy hair, it can also help keep excessive oiliness at bay.
  • Squeeze out the juice from one small lemon, dilute it with a cup of water, mix well and apply to your scalp.
  • Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water and a mild shampoo.
  • The lemon juice is also an effective way of getting rid of shampoo build-up on your hair. 
 Tea Rinse
Tea contains an astringent substance called tannic acid; this helps to prevent the build-up of excessive oil on the scalp by tightening the pores.
  • Dip a tea bag in some warm water and apply the resulting tea to your scalp.
  • Leave on for a few minutes and then rinse out with a mild shampoo.
Baking Soda
When used in a highly diluted form, baking soda can help to curb oiliness in the hair.
  • Mix about two to three tablespoons of baking soda into a litre of water.
  • Apply to the hair and leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse with a mild shampoo.
  • Baking soda also comes in handy as a deodorant and acne solution.

Home-made shampoo
Often, oily hair may also be the result of a strong shampoo that does not get completely washed out and therefore, leaves residues on the hair, giving it an oily and dull appearance. In such cases, the best option is to use a mild shampoo.
  • Make a mixture of equal parts of shikakai and reetha powder that cleanse your hair without leaving any oiliness behind.
  • Alternatively, you could make your own shampoo at home by mixing a tablespoon of lemon juice with a teaspoon of aloe vera gel.
  • This shampoo will keep for about a week if you store it under refrigeration.
To colour grey hair
Till about a few decades ago, grey hair was a sign that you had grown older and probably wiser, too. However, in today’s times, grey hair is more likely to be an indication of your stress levels, having nothing much to do with age or wisdom. . This greying of hair is a condition that cannot be reversed, but can be effectively concealed by the use of hair colours.
Henna contains compounds that stain the hair or skin a dark red or brown colour and this makes it a wonderful natural hair dye.
  • For black hair that has gone grey, use henna in combination with sesame (gingelly or til) oil and curry leaves.
  • Boil some sesame oil, add a few curry leaves and keep this liquid in a tightly closed container.
  • Anytime you want to colour your hair, add some henna into this extract and boil for a few minutes.
  • Cool and apply to hair, wait for three to four hours and then wash your hair using shikaka
Tea and Coffee
Both tea and coffee have the ability to dye hair a dark brown, but the liquid you use has to be sufficiently concentrated.
  • Use tea powder or tea bags to brew a strong tea, strain and use the liquid when it is warm.
  • Strong black coffee decoction obtained by mixing coffee powder with boiling water and then straining can also help to stain hair a dark brown.
  • You need to soak your hair in the tea or coffee decoction for quite a few hours to see the results.
  • An easier way to make the coffee dye is to mix in some instant coffee granules with some hair conditioner and mix well before applying to hair.
Walnut shells
The outer hard shell covering of walnuts gives a very strong colour that can dye your hair a dark brown. But make sure you eat the walnut before using it outer shell. .
  • Crush the walnut shells and immerse them in boiling water, and boil well for about half an hour.
  • Then cool the liquid, strain it and using a cotton ball, apply the liquid over the part of hair you want to dye.
  • Allow to stay on hair for at least one hour and then rinse out using a mild shampoo and water.
  • Avoid using hot water which may cause a loss of the dye effect.


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