5 Home Remedy for thicker hair naturally

Home remedies for thicker hair

Thicker hair is not only for women as a part of their beauty but for men too their hair can be extremely important. Hair can easily change one’s physical appearance. Due to certain factors, you can face problems like hair loss, hair thinning or dry dull hair. Hence it becomes utmost important to take proper care before it’s too late. There are lot of natural and herbal home remedies to make hair thicker and stronger. Here are some home remedies for thicker hair naturally that works wonderfully for both men and women.

1. Egg home remedy for thicker hair

Eggs are wonder product that can give you thick hair naturally and also promotes hair growth. Eggs can literally take care of all your hair woes by providing extra nourishment to your hair. This high in protein egg home remedy will definitely give you good results and get back the lost volume. 
  • Take an egg if you have short hair or 2 for medium to long hair.
  • Break them in a bowl; beat the eggs thoroughly until you get an even mixture of the yolk and the egg white.
  • Apply this mixture on your hair and on the scalp.
  • Leave it for 30 to 45 minutes. You’ll notice that the hair is getting stiff as soon as the egg on them starts to get dry.
  • Wash this egg pack off your hair with lukewarm water. Lukewarm water helps to get rid of the smell and the residue a lot easier than using the cold water.
  • Shampoo afterwards so that the egg smell could be tackled.
  • This effective egg home remedy can be performed once a week or twice a week depending on your preference.

2. Fenugreek seeds home remedy for thicker hair

Fenugreek is known as Methi in India and is one of the oldest, tried and tested home remedy to get thicker hair naturally other than Amla (Indian gooseberry) that you will be reading in the next segment. Fenugreek prevents hair fall, makes hair roots stronger and promotes new hair growth.
Here is how-to do this home remedy:
  • Take a cup full of fenugreek seeds and soak them in a bowl full of two cups of plain water.
  • The best time to do this is at night as you can get the seeds ready by the morning or day time for the next step.
  • Take the seeds and grind them in a grinder with some water which will make the process easier.
  • Once you get a fine paste. Apply this on your scalp and gently massage. Make sure to coat your hair strands too.
  • Leave it for 30 – 45 minutes, rinse off with lukewarm water. You can shampoo after wards as some smell of fenugreek seeds may bother.
  • This remedy can be done once a week especially those who want thicker hair or are suffering from hair fall.

3. Indian Gooseberry Amla home remedy for thicker hair

Indian gooseberry is a powerful antioxidant which has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be a great ingredient for skin, hair and overall body health. It has loads of benefits but talking about hair care, it is one step way to beautiful hair. It can be applied as a juice, oil or as a fruity pulp to benefit your hair. Indian gooseberry or amla has the properties to make hair thicker, lustrous and prevents Since ancient times, it has been widely used in hair care routines.Read
  • Take half a cup of dried Indian gooseberry and soak it in the water.
  • The next morning boil that water and keep boiling until the gooseberries gets softer. Let it cool and then gently mash the pulp with hands. This will make the water in this mixture thicker and now strain the water and throw away the residue along with the peels and nuts.
  • Use this water to massage your scalp.
  • Once done use the remaining water to coat your hair strands also.
  • Leave this for an hour and then rinse off with plain water. Shampoo if you feel like.
  • At times this can make hair a bit dry initially so shampooing can help combat that.

4. Henna powder or leaves home remedy for thicker hair

Henna is known to color your hair temporarily but it also gives thicker hair you may have noticed that once you apply henna on your hair, your hair after the wash looks thicker. It’s due to the fact that the henna will make the hair strands thicker due to which the hair appears voluminous. Henna can be a bit drying for the hair so to combat that it’s better to mix an egg.
This home remedy for thicker hair needs:
  • Take some henna powder depending on your hair length and mix it with some water. Make sure the paste should not be very thick or too runny else it will create a mess.
  • Keep it for an hour to get soaked properly and after that mix one egg in it.
  • Mix it again and apply on your hair completely. Take someone’s help to do that for you. Or just like you shampoo. Apply the henna the same way on your hair and tie the hair in a bun if your hair is medium to long.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water. Shampoo instantly if you don’t want the color or else shampoo the next day.

5. Aloe Vera home remedy for thicker hair

Aloe Vera not only soothes the irritated skin but it is well known to make hair thicker and voluminous. This is a versatile, miracle product with many benefits. It helps in dry itchy scalp and gives relief in dandruff. 
  • To use this ingredient. You can extract some fresh aloe Vera gel.
  • Take a leaf of aloe Vera, peel off the outer green leafy layer and scoop out the gel with the help of a spoon.
  • Use this fresh gel to massage your scalp and hair.
  • Leave it for half an hour and rinse off with plain water. It is non greasy and non sticky therefore, minimizes the requirement to shampoo.
  • This easy home remedy can be tried 2 times a week by both men and women.
  • Try to use freshly extracted aloe Vera gel rather than using any store bought product which contains chemicals and preservatives.
These home remedies for thicker hair are easy though can take some time to show their results but they have long term benefits and are bound to give you thick and stronger hair naturally, once done regularly!


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