Tomato face pack for tan free glowing skin

omato face packs for glowing skin
Tomato is used extensively in the homemade beauty tips when you wish to get rid of the sun tan, dark spots and the skin problems. Tomato juice is beneficial in skin whitening and lightening. This vegetable can do so much for the skin like reduces the acne and pimple scars. It absorbs the excess oils and skin feels non oily for a lot longer. Tomato packs also keep the skin toned and smooth in texture. Face packs using tomato juice makes the skin bright, radiant and flawless. Tomato has lycopene which does mild exfoliation and hence good for the aging mature skin as well.

Homemade tomato face packs

Tomato juice face pack with honey
This pack is for the youthful glow and is suitable for nature dry skin and also for oily skin.
Take some tomato juice and mix the equal amount of honey I it. Apply on the face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Try this every other than for healthy glowing face.
Tomato face pack for mild exfoliation
This is perfect for the sensitive skin that gets red fast with the scrubs. This mild oatmeal and tomato face pack will exfoliate and makes the skin softer and smoother for a fair complexion. Mix some tomato juice with 1 teaspoonful of oatmeal so that the oats gets soaked in the juice. Mash it well and apply on the face. Leave it to dry for 15 minutes and then take it out with mild scrubbing. Then wash the face.
Tomato face pack with lemon juice for fair complexion
This tomato face pack is especially for those who want to lighten the skin complexion in a natural way. This boost the cell renewal and whitens the skin tone t make the skin fair fast. Sing this face pack for 2 weeks wills how great results with the fairness. Take some tomato juice by squeezing the tomato and add half the quantity if lemon juice in it. Apply on the face and massage gently. Let it dry for half an hour then wash off. Try this everyday in the evening to improve the complexion.
Tomato sugar scrub pack for dark spots
Glycolic acid in the sugar and lycopene in the tomato juice are excellent to fade the pimple marks, dark spots and other marks on the face. Take 1 teaspoonful of sugar and mix sufficient tomato juice in that. Mix and massage on the face like a scrub to scrub the face. Then leave it for 20 minutes and wash off. Try this two times in a week to decrease the darkness of the black dark spots.
Tomato face pack with turmeric for glow and fair skin
Mix some tomato juice like 1 teaspoonful of tomato juice and half teaspoonful of lemon juice. Mix them and use on the face. Leave it for 10 minutes and then wash off. Do this everyday and within 2 weeks results will be seen in removing the sun tanning, hyper pigmentation, spots and skin lightening.
This can be tried by the men too to get healthier skin.


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