Effective Homemade medicines for emergency
Please note that these homemade medicines worked for me and people around me. My family and few of my friends have been using this for a while. I have not got any negative feedback so far and thus wanted to share this with you all. Few might have even tried or heard of these from your granny. Hope you try this and it works well for you as well.
Dry Cough
I always get this problem of dry cough and it has never allowed me to sleep during the nights. Since my school days I have been suffering with this problem and whatever syrup or tablets I took it didn’t do any good to me. Then my grandmother suggested me to bite, chew and eat black pepper !!!!!
Though it sounded scary initially, the pain I went through made me try this and it made wonders. I did this every time I got dry cough and trust me these days I am not even facing the problem anymore. I just take 5-6 black pepper, chew it and then go to sleep. That is it and I can have a peaceful sleep. Also the cough would subside completely in 2-3 days 
Indigestion / Constipation
This medicine even worked for Neya !!! The paediatrics doctor suggested this too. Yes, all you need is just dry grapes/sultanas and water. Just boil 10-15 dry grapes in water. Filter the water and drink it either hot or warm and that is it. Do this regularly for a week and your system will become normal again .
Another remedy is to mix a pinch of asafoetida to buttermilk (for adults) or boiled milk (infants and children) also helps in curing problems related to digestion.
I prefer the previous one as it is a sweeter remedy than the second one, which I consider as a real bitter medicine.
Common Cold
I don’t know how many of you know the alternative for Vicks. Just heat coconut oil and add few camphor tablets to it and heat it until the camphor melts and blends well with oil. Homemade vicks is ready !!! Ta Da !!!! Swipe a little and apply in the chest and below the nape of the neck so that all cold gets out soon. We used this for Neya also and it worked really well. I was able to see significant improvement the very next day.
All these were shared by my granny to me and I follow the above mentioned remedies sincerely. I prefer these to the medicines available in the market unless and otherwise the condition is severe. Also I feel this is safer than the medicines as we know all the ingredients and we are making this ourselves. In today’s mechanical life we don’t follow all this due to time constraints but otherwise I would say this is the best way to cure minor diseases like the ones mentioned above.
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