Multani mitti for hair care

Multani mitti is a natural ingredient as Betonite. It has the capacity to help in removing the impurities from the skin without producing any side effects to the skin. It is typical to get long and strong hair in these days due to highly polluted world. It can fight against all hair problems. It is best, natural beauty ingredient that can be used commonly to treat all kind of skin problems like acne, oily skin, pimples, blemishes etc.
Multani mitti is natural clay that is mainly of alumina, silica, iron oxides, and water. It has great cleansing and oil absorbing properties that will help you to get rid of a number of hair issues.  It works better for hair also to get rid of split ends, oily hair, dry hair, dandruff. It acts as a cleansing agent that does not cause any damage to the hair.
Multani ‘mitti’ is also known as fuller’s earth is a type of mud containing silica, iron oxide and alumina which makes it a good hair care agent.Several types of hair masks are prepared using multani mitti or fuller’s earth with other natural ingredients to get rid of oily hair, split ends and dandruff.

Benefits for hair

  • Multani mitti strengthens the hair from the roots.
  • It helps in proper blood circulation in the skin from where the hair grows.
  • It works as a wonderful hair conditioner when used alone, but it can be used with many other ingredients to help in different problems of the hair like split ends, dandruff, acne etc.
  • It helps in removing toxins from the hair and scalp easily and has the properties to absorb excess oil from oily hair.
  • It is mild in nature, hence has no side effects or harms the skin in any way.
  • Multani mitti prevents hair fall by nourishing the roots and keeping the hair follicles safe.
  • Multani mitti is a good hair conditioner and helps to get rid of dandruff, acne and other skin problems of the scalp.

Natural hair packs with Multani mitti

Multani mitti for dry hair

Multani mitti have natural moisture of your hair, honey, and yogurt. Yogurt helps to put a stop of frequent hair fall. It keeps your scalp dandruff free and makes your hair glossy. Take 4 teaspoons of Multani mitti, 2 teaspoons of honey, ½ cup of yogurt, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients well in a bowl and apply it all over your hair and scalp. Repeat it twice a week to your dry hair soft and silky.

Multani mitti pack for hair loss problems

Use this hair wash that will reduce your hair fall significantly and will get excellent result in one month. It is also known to stimulate the hair roots and promotes your hair growth. Take 4 tablespoons of Multani mitti, 2 tablespoons of curd, 1 tablespoon of black pepper powder. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and blend them together. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave it for about 30 minutes. Then wash it off with a mild shampoo.

Mutlani mitti pack for split ends

Take 4 tablespoons of Multani mitti, 2 tablespoons of curd. Before applying this pack massage it gently with olive oil and leave it overnight. You just dip a towel in hot or lukewarm water and wrap up your oiled hair with it. Place the curd in a medium sized bowl and add Multani mitti into it. Keep the bowl aside and leave it for about an hour. Unwrap your hair and wash it with soaked Multani mitti. Wash it off with water. Make sure that you can use this hair wash for at least once a week. It can reduce your split ends within 3-4 weeks.

Multani mitti pack for oily hair

This gives you healthy and gorgeous hair. Take 2 tablespoons of Multani mitti, 2 tablespoons of reetha powder, 1 small bowl full of water. Take Multani mitti in a bowl and soak for 3 consecutive hours. Add reetha powder to it and keep it aside for another 40 minutes. Then wash it off your hair with this pack. It will keep your scalp from roots and clean your hair after sometime.

Multani mitti hair packs for dandruff control

Take 4 tablespoons of Multani mitti, 2 tablespoons of orange peel powder, and water. Mix Multani mitti and orange peel powder in a bowl and add required amount of water into it to form a thick paste. Apply this paste on your hair and scalp. Then wash it off with water. Repeat it twice a week to get dandruff free tresses.

Multani mitti pack for straight hair

Take 1 cup of Multani mitti. Add 5 teaspoons of rice flour and one egg white. Mix them well together and add a little water to form a thick paste. Apply this pack on your scalp and hair. Take a wide comb and comb your hair for about 2 – 3 times and apply this pack. Massage your hair with oil at night and use this pack next day. Apply this hair pack that combines your hair to keep it straight. Then leave the hair pack till dry completely and take around 40 minutes. Then wash it off with water. Take half cup of milk in a spray bottle and spray it on your hair. Comb your hair 4 -5 times. Then milk penetrates your hair for about 15 – 20 minutes. After that shampoo and condition your hair that makes your hair straight, silky, and bouncy.

Hair packs with Multani Mitti

Multani mitti and milk mask—this is the most effective hair mask which is prepared by mixing multani mitti with milk or water into a smooth paste. Massage olive oil in the hair and scalp and then apply the paste made with multani mitti. Leave it to dry completely and then wash it with water.
Multani Mitti and fenugreek mask is an ideal hair mask for dandruff. This mask is prepared by soaking fenugreek seeds overnight in water and then grinding the seeds into a paste in the morning. Mix multani mitti and lemon juice to the paste and apply on the hair and scalp. Leave it for about 30 minutes and then rinse it clean with water.
Multani miti and Aloe Vera gel packis found to be very effective for hair loss and growth. This pack can be prepared by mixing multani mitti with fresh aloe Vera gel and lemon juice. Mix the three ingredients and apply on the scalp. Wash with a mild shampoo after is completely dry.


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