Best Homemade Face Masks

1. Banana Face Mask

Many times we discover an overripe banana left over in the fruit bowl that nobody wants to eat. Mash this along with a tbsp of honey and a tbsp of fresh lemon juice. Add 1 tbsp of large granulated sugar and apply to the face in gentle circular motions to exfoliate skin and allow it to sit for 15 minutes after that. Banana and honey have a high dose of nutrients to smoothen and soften skin. Lemon makes if fairer and serves as an astringent. Wash off after 15 minutes and see the glow.

2. Lemon Rose Face Mask

Another balancing one. Mix 1 tbsp fresh lime juice, 1 tbsp glycerine and 1 tbsp rose water with besan and apply over face. Wash off after 15 minutes.

3. Chocolate Face Mask

In 1/2 cup of cocoa powder add 1/2 cup of honey. Pour into a large bowl and mix in 3 tbsp finely ground oatmeal or besan and 4 tbsp coconut milk. Make a smooth paste and apply. Keep on for 10 minutes. Chocolate has great antioxidant and cleansing properties and also contains magnesium which brightens dull-looking skin.

4. Coffee Mask For All Skin Types

Mix 1 tbsp of coffee with 1 tbsp of honey. This is an excellent mask cum scrub as the coffee grains exfoliate skin while the honey provides moisture. Coffee has the added advantage of being rich in antioxidants. You can make this in a greater quantity and store in an airtight container in the fridge.

5. Green tea Scrub-Mask

With it’s brilliant antioxidant properties, green tea is a refreshing and rejuvenating face pack for the summers. Make a cup of green tea with two teabags and leave the bags in for 1 hour. Remove them and mix 1 tbsp sugar and ½ tbsp lemon juice and refrigerate this tea for use over one week. Take 2 tbsps of tea everyday to soak 1 tbsp rough oatmeal flakes. Massage over face in circular motions. Leave on for 20 minutes and wash off. Moisturize.

6. Orange Peel Mask

Put fresh orange peels out in the sun to dry. When they are dry and a little hard, then grind them in the mixer with 1 tbsp rose water and 1 tbsp raw milk. Apply and leave on for 15 minutes before washing off. This is an excellent treatment for acne and tan removal. Those with extremely oily skin may want to skip the milk and use use 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar instead.


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