Beauty benefits of garlic

Garlic usually makes for a strong tasting garnish for our dishes. However, this herb is a simple answer to a list of beauty and health problems, containing essential nutrients for our benefit.
For instance, it offers anti-fungal and antibiotic properties, along with high levels of zinc, calcium, sulfur, allicin, and selenium. Here is how it relieves our skin and hair with the help of these properties and compounds:
Treats hair loss
The presence of allicin, a sulfur compound enables garlic to combat hair loss. This is so because the compound works on increasing blood circulation in the scalp, which results in stimulating hair growth, keeping hair loss at bay.
Resolves scalp infections and dandruff
Other common problems that garlic tackles are itchy scalp, infections and excessive dandruff. The sulfur in garlic plays a key role in banishing dandruff and flakiness.
Clears blemishes and acne
A clove of garlic is good enough to eliminate bacteria from the skin’s surface with its anti-fungal power. Similarly, the antioxidants in garlic cleanse clogged pores and reduce acne and blemishes.
Keeps anti-ageing signs at bay
Just like it’s a great remedy for acne and pimples, garlic is beneficial to keep various signs of skin ageing away, as well. This rather traditional herb reduces free radicals and ensures the skin stays firm and youthful. The presence of sulfur in garlic aids collagen production which essentially fights off wrinkles and fine lines.
Strengthens brittle nails
It doesn’t take too long for our nails to get exposed to fungal infections followed by yellow stains on our nails. Such infections weaken our cuticles further, turning them dull and brittle. In such a case, garlic could provide relief too. Its anti-fungal nature protects and prevents nail infections. 
Garlic and olive oil for better hair growth
Garlic, when used with a base oil such as olive oil, further helps in nourishing the hair and reduces hair fall. Olive oil increases blood circulation and immediately stimulates hair follicles for thicker growth. Hence, the mixture of both these ingredients is ideal for healthy hair. 
  • Soak some garlic cloves in olive oil for a week or so.
  • After a week, use this oil to massage the scalp thoroughly.
  • Leave it overnight and wash with a mild shampoo.
  • Do this at least once a week for desired results.
Garlic cloves with honey in conditioner and shampoo for dandruff-free hair
If you want to put an end to your excessive dandruff problem, ingredients like garlic and honey in your regular shampoo and conditioner could prove beneficial.
Honey is a humectant  and nourishes the hair from the roots and right till the ends. Regular use of honey also ensures lustrous hair. Hence, using it with garlic deep cleanses and eliminates dandruff well. An easy way to incorporate these two ingredients in your regular hair-washing regime is by simply adding them to your shampoo or conditioner. 
  • Crush some garlic cloves and accumulate its juice.
  • Take a tablespoon of honey and add to your shampoo.
  • Mix it with the garlic juice and apply it thoroughly on your scalp.
Garlic with vinegar for acne and pimples
Acne and pimples are common skin problems that need strong remedies to free the skin and keep it healthy. Like garlic, apple cider vinegar too comes with bacteria-killing and acidic properties that ward off acne and their stubborn marks
  • Take around 2-3 pods of garlic and crush these into fine bits.
  • Mix this with some vinegar.
  • Dab a cotton ball soaked into this mixture and apply over the affected area.
  • Leave it on for a few minutes and wash well with cold water.
 Garlic cloves for infected nails
Garlic is a useful remedy to protect the nails against bacterial infections and helps in removal of yellow stains.
  • Churn out the juice from some crushed garlic cloves.
  • Soak a cotton ball into this juice and rub against your cuticles.
  • Do this twice a week for healthier nails.
  • Alternatively, you could squeeze in some garlic juice into your hand cream or lotion and apply it all over your nails.


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