Recipe of Homemade Hair Oil for Grey hair treatment

Grey hair peeking from the hairline and sides can make you conscious. White hair or grey hair can be natural which is age related or that can be as a result of premature aging. Premature grey hair is hereditary, smoking, sun damage, poor diet etc. Whatever is the reason, grey or white hair can be your biggest concern related to the beauty and hair care. Natural remedies and hair care tips can solve most of the problems related to hair. Making grey hair black naturally to match up with the Original Indian dark hair can be achieved with the help of homemade hair oils. Herbal hair oil preparation at home is not very difficult. Earlier we have shared some tips to treat premature grey hair and now in this article we will share some recipes of homemade hair oils for grey hair to turn them black or dark naturally. You can buy herbal hair oils from the market as well but when you can make homemade hair oil to treat grey hair then why get the ready made ones. Natural homemade ones are better and devoid of any chemicals.

Homemade oil for grey hair recipe with curry leaves

  • ¼ cup of Curry leaves
  • 1 cup of Coconut oil
  • ¼ cup of dried amla or 2 teaspoonful of Amla powder
How to prepare: Take the coconut oil in a deep pan. Add the curry leaves, dried amla in that oil. Allow the oil to boil on the warm flame. Let the hair oil and the herbs warm for 15 – 20 minutes. Put off the flame and allow it to cool down. Once it cools, mash the herbs gently with the fingers and strain the oil. Fill the oil in a small bottle. You homemade hair oil for grey hair is ready. Apply it twice a week to massage the scalp and hair at night. Leave it overnight and wash the hair the next morning.
Benefits of this homemade curry leaves hair oil: Curry leaves also known as kadi patta has so many benefits for hair. Curry leaves prevent premature greying of hair. They make hair darker and black naturally. Apart from that it also makes hair dandruff free and relives from the scalp infections.

Homemade oil for grey hair with Hibiscus and Brahmi leaves

  • ½ cup of Amla powder
  • ¼ cup of brahmi leaves
  • 3-4 Hibiscus flower/leaves
  • ½ cup Almond oil
  • ½ cup Mustard oil
How to prepare this homemade hair oil for grey hair: The method for this oil is also similar except for the ingredients. Take the almond and mustard oil in a pan and boil them on low flame. Add the herbs like amla powder, brahmi leaves, hibiscus flower and leaves. Instead of amla powder, you can also put dried amla. Let it boil for 20 minutes and let it cool down. Mash the herbs so that the oil gets infused with the herb extracts. Strain the oil and store in bottle. Use this hair oil twice a week to get dark black hair naturally and to prevent premature greys.
Benefits of this homemade hair oil: This hair oil makes hair stronger from the roots and makes them darker when used regularly on the scalp and hair for twice a week. Hibiscus extracts keeps hair dark and helps the new strand regrowth. Almond oil is loaded with Vitamin E which nourishes the scalp for strength and longer hair. Brahmi used in this hair oil for grey hair makes hair retain the natural pigment and keeps them in the original color for a lot longer.
Try this hair oil to get naturally dark hair and to avoid premature white hair. This can be used by males, kids and elderly people too. Don’t forget to read our tips to make


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