Homemade Hair Masks and Hair Packs for frizzy, damaged hair and split ends

Hair Masks and Hair Packs for frizzy, damaged hair
Dry damaged hair can be due to over exposure to sun which causes sun damage. Homemade hair packs for dry damaged hair, frizzy hair or split ends are the best solution to make hair healthier. When the hair have splits ends or frizzy hair, it is difficult to style them in a particular way. You cannot keep them untied as the dry frizzy ends look really bad. So, if you are thinking how to make the dry damaged hair healthier again and to cure the splits ends then this post about homemade hair packs and hair masks will be helpful for you. These hair masks for damaged dry hair will ensure smoother lustrous locks.

Hair Packs for dry damaged hair, frizzy hair and split ends: Recipes

Lemon and honey hair pack
Take a lemon and extract the juice in a small bowl.
Add 3 teaspoonful of honey and 2 teaspoonful of rose water. Apply this mixture on the hair and gently massage the scalp too.
Keep this for 20 minutes on the hair and rinse your hair with lukewarm water.
You can shampoo after rinsing it off, if you feel like. Doing this remedy once or twice a week should be sufficient.
This hair pack also adds bounce to lifeless hair. Furthermore, this natural and herbal hair pack with lemon and honey is wonderful in curing splits ends and frizzy hair. This great combination clears dandruff, relives dry itchy scalp.

Homemade hair pack recipes for frizzy hair, split ends cure

Hibiscus, Orange Pulp and Peel pack for dry frizzy hair
Orange pulp and juice is excellent in making hair shinier and to get rid of the frizzy hair. Regular application of the homemade hair mask also cures the split ends. An added bonus is that this hair mask also cures dandruff attack naturally by eliminating the infection.
  • Take the orange pulp and some orange peel powder.
  • Mix some hibiscus flower paste. Apply the pack on your scalp and hair.
  • Slowly gently massage and leave it for half an hour. Wash it with mild lukewarm water and see the difference.
  • Make sure that you don’t have oiled your hair before this.
Avocado and banana hair mask for split ends
Avocado is amazing for treating split ends and banana is a good hair conditioner that controls frizzy hair. This hair pack with fruits helps treating damage and reverses the sun damage from the hair. This great combination is a good hair mask that can give you thicker hair and stronger roots.
  • Take a banana and an avocado Mash both of the fruits. You can do that by putting the fruit pieces in the blender. Once you get a pulpy paste.
  • Squeeze a lemon in this to enhance the efficiency. Apply this on your scalp and hair.
  • Leave for 20 minutes and wash off with some lukewarm water.
  • Banana can be a bit difficult to get rid of but lime juice in it will help and also the finer the banana pulp would be the easier it will be to get rid of.

Hair packs for dry damaged hair

Coconut oil and castor oil hair pack
Another age old remedy to improve dry damaged hair is with this hair pack with castor oil and coconut oil. Mix both the oils in equal quantities and massage the hair. Leave it overnight and shampoo the following morning. This is an excellent hair pack for dry damaged frizzy hair with splits ends. Moreover, it deeply conditions the hair and also makes hair shinier. Massaging helps promote blood circulation and acts as a way through which the oil’s nutrients get absorbed better in the scalp. Coconut oil along with the castor oil is extensively used in hot oil treatments which promotes hair growth and gives thicker hair.
Hair pack with Olive oil, banana for damaged hair
Olive oil has essential fatty acids and gets absorbed in the scalp pretty quickly. Unlike the coconut oil, olive oil is easier to get rid of while you shampoo your hair. Mix banana pulp with some olive oil and apply on the hair. Keep for one hour and rinse off. This hair pack deep conditions the hair and is also a good hair pack for damaged hair. The way to use this is same as that of the coconut oil though you can also mix it with some honey to make a deep conditioning hair mask.
Hair packs and masks can change the look of your unhealthy hair. All you have to do is to show regularity with these hair packs. 


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