10 Tips to Treat Brittle Nails

There is absolutely no doubt that manicures make the nails appear healthy, feminine and even sophisticated. But as the saying goes that excess of every thing is bad, manicures too can cause damage or even infection to our nails. Women who frequent the nail salon may find themselves left with brittle nails. Frequent application of acrylic products and harsh solvents, such as those found in nail polish removers are to be blamed for it.

Brittle nails break or crack very easily. They lack flexibility and moisture. Brittle nails usually have a thicker nail plate and tend to curve as they grow longer. They are often a typical result of aging, but certain diseases and conditions may also cause them to become brittle.

Tips to take care of brittle nails:

Following are some tips to deal with brittle nails and bring them back to a healthy and strong state.
• Apply vegetable oil on the finger tips and massage your nails with it. This would help to strengthen them.
• Use baking soda to clean your nails and soften cuticles. Dip a nailbrush in baking soda and scrub your nails with it.
• Add some salt in lukewarm water. Soak your fingers in that water for some time. Wipe them clean and then apply some moisturizing cream. You may also do the same with tea tree oil for better results.
• Add a few drops of olive oil and lemon juice to a tablespoon of honey. Apply this mixture to the nails before sleeping to treat brittle nails.
• Rub a little vaseline/petroleum jelly on your nails daily before going to bed, and leave overnight.
• Increase the intake of fruits and vegetables to heal the nails from the inside and keep them healthy. Also, include the sufficient amount of vitamin A, iron and calcium in your diet.

• Salmon, mackerel, and other cold – water fish contain fatty acids, which the body uses to strengthen the nails.
• Always wear gloves to protect your hands while washing the dishes or doing any task that requires dipping the hands in water. Wearing vinyl gloves, not latex or rubber, keeps your hands safe from coarse materials.
• Avoid the frequent use of acetone based nail polish remover. Acetone quickly removes moisture from the nails and makes them dry.
• Keep your nails short and well trimmed. Long nails are more fragile and break more easily than short ones.

Some facts about nails:

• Your fingernails grow about one-eighth of an inch a month.
• Fingernails grow faster than toenails.
• Nails on the longest fingers grow the fastest.
• If you’re right-handed, nails on that hand grow faster than on your left hand; the opposite is true for lefties.
• Your fingernails will also grow faster during the summer, during pregnancy, and when they are recovering from injury.


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