5 Homemade Anti-Ageing Face Packs

5 Homemade Anti-Ageing Face Packs

Worried that fine lines, sagging skin, crow’s feet, laughing lines have started to show up slowly on your face? Then, its time to start on the anti-ageing routine.  Along with using those heavy anti-ageing creams, you can try these face packs to pamper your skin and smooth out your fine lines the natural way.  All these face packs have rich anti-oxidant ingredients that help in combating the damage caused by free radicals.  Some natural ingredients have amazing anti-ageing benefits and when used regularly, slows down the ageing process considerably. Try some of these out:

1.  Banana and Curd Face Pack:

These ingredients can directly be picked up from the kitchen, all you need is half a banana, 2 tablespoon of fresh curd, 1 tablespoon of honey.  First, mix honey with curd.  Mash the banana and add it in the curd using a spoon until it becomes a smooth paste.  Apply the pack on the face and keep on for 20 minutes before rinsing off.  Your skin will feel tightened, follow up with a moisturizer.
This face pack combines the benefit of pomegranate which has powerful anti-oxidants, vitamin A, C, and E and honey and green tea which of course has amazing anti-ageing benefits.  Make a paste of pomegranate along with the seeds, add in 1 tbsp yogurt to it, make some green tea and add in 1 teaspoon along with 1/2 a teaspoon of lemon.  Now, add 1 tablespoon of honey.  You can add in kasturi manjal to this pack, but its optional, you can skip it.  Apply it on face and neck and keep for 20 minutes and wash it away with lukewarm water.  This face pack acts as a natural peeling pack too and is suitable for all skin types.  Remember to make a fresh pack each time because it can oxidize.
Avocado is full of anti-ageing vitamins like A, B, C, and potassium.  Kiwi is rich in vitamin C, E, and vitamin A. The black seeds of kiwi fruit contains fatty omega 3 acids that keeps the skin healthy and soft.  To make this pack, take 1 avocado and 1 kiwi fruit, remove the skin, and get the pulp out of both.  Mash the pulp from the fruits to get a smooth paste, you can add in one tablespoon of honey to this paste.  Apply on the face and neck and keep on for half an hour.  This face pack adds a glow to the face and gives rich anti-ageing benefits.
Green tea is rich in antioxidants and therefore good to slow down the ageing process.  Cocoa is rich in flavonoids that help to maintain collagen level in the skin.  Cocoa is also rich in antioxidants.  Here’s how you can make this pack:  Tear a green tea bag and take out its content in a clean bowl, add 3/4 spoon of cocoa powder.  Then, mix in a tablespoon of yogurt and another tablespoon of honey.  Add in some fresh aloe vera gel and mix in a bit of yogurt. Mix everything well to get a good consistency.  Apply on the face and neck, rinse off after 20 minutes.
For this face pack, which is easy and quick to make, you need just a few pieces of ripe banana and a few tablespoons of cold milk.  Mix milk in the bananas and mash in completely.  Apply the pack on the face and neck and leave on for 20 minutes.  Rinse off with cold water and get toned skin


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