Natural Treatment for Men’s Damaged hair

Beautiful hair is not just for women but men too wish to have thick and softer hair. Hair is also a sign of youthfulness. People with less hair or men with receding hairline look more than their actual age. Hence, hair be called as a precious thing for anyone. But, having beautiful and shiny hair and maintaining them is very big task. Our schedules and lifestyle is so changed that it has become difficult to take care of hair. Lifestyle is to be blamed for damaged hair. To much exposure of the sunlight and outdoor activities can make the men’s hair go brittle, rough and shineless. Therefore, damaged hair is a matter of concern for many men, including young boys.
Treating damaged hair naturally is the best way as it causes no side effects. So, guys, if you are looking for some natural men’s hair care tips for dry damaged hair then this post atg site will help you. 

Why Men hair becomes dry and damaged?

Hair usually get damaged due to wear and tear, lack of moistening element, dryness, unhygienic maintenance, split ends, severe climatic conditions etc. Mostly for these things sun damaged is to be blamed for or the too much chemical used in the hair in the form of shampoos, hair styling products etc.

Important tips to prevent hair damage

  • Do not brush or comb harshly. Always detangle hair slowly.
  • Never comb hair when they are wet, especially when you have little long hair.
  • Use correct hair products and stay away from too much chemical laden products.
  • Wash hair properly. Do not wash daily as it can ruin the pH level and wash away the natural oils. This will make them further dry.
  • Use hair conditioners after the shampoo so that the dry damaged hair can get some relief and strength.
  • Oiling and scalp massaging should be done periodically for proper boost of blood circulation and healthy hair and scalp.
  • When you ride a bike, then try to use helmet always or a cap at least when you roaming the sun. This will prevent the hair from dust, dirt, pollutants and heat damage.

How Men can treat damaged hair at home naturally

Natural hair conditioners

Natural hair conditioners are always the best. They will make the hair super softer and shinier. You just have to try these natural conditioning ingredients on the hair and they will assure to give smooth beautiful hair.
Honey Mask
Honey mask is extremely beneficial for dry hair and hair fall. Apply honey on hair and let it be for 10 minutes and wash it. This smoothens and moist hair naturally. In addition, this gives natural deep conditioning. For men, 2-3 teaspoonful of honey diluted with 2-3 teaspoonful of water is enough.
Egg mask
It might be stinky but it is very effective. Egg packs moisturizes hair and conditions hair giving and shiny texture. Take an egg, break it in a bowl and apply it all over the hair. Keep this for 1 hour then wash the hair. You can shampoo to get rid of the egg smell. This is excellent way to cure the damaged hair for men and women.

Home Remedies for men’s Damaged Hair, Dull Hair


Yes, you heard it right. Most of us have healthy, long and heavy hair but they lack one flaunty thing and that is shine and bounce. Most of us want that shiny and bright looking hair. Beer can also treat the hair damage. These days there are beer shampoo even in the market for you guys.
  • Take ½ cup of beer and use it after you wash your hair.
  • Once you wash your hair apply beer nicely and leave it for 3-5 minutes now just rinse it well.
  • You can see natural glow on hair. Or simply use a beer shampoo and condition the hair with hair conditioner. Do this when you wash the hair.


The same way lemon can be used. Lemon juice is great to reverse the damage and to get the healthy shine in men’s hair. Just squeeze a lemon and take the juice in bowl or a cup. Wash your hair like you normally do. Put the lemon juice in a mug of water. Pour this mug of lemon water on the washed hair and wait for 30 second, Then pour clear water once and you are done. This is one of the best remedies to get rid of hair damage and get the shine back.

Fenugreek seeds for hair fall and damage

Fenugreek seeds or methi dana can reduce hair fall and treat damaged hair. The recipe goes this way.
  • 2 spoons of fenugreek (soaked overnight)
  • 1 cup curd
Mix them well and put it in the grinder to make a paste. Apply this paste all over the hair like a mask and keep for 2 hours. Then wash the hair with shampoo or just clean water if possible. Do this wonderful remedy once in a week to get maximum results in curing the hair damage and to control the hair fall.

Aloe Vera

Use on hair as well as on the scalp. This cleanses the hair and scalp. Also, it reduces the damage of the men’s hair.
  • Cut a strand of aloe Vera and use the gel on the hair and scalp.
  • Let it be for 10 minutes and wash it.
  • Do this 2 times in a week.
  • It is good for curly damaged hair. Read our post on

Oiling for dry and damaged hair

Regularly oil massaging maintain a healthy scalp and nourishes the hair. Oil is like food for hair. Coconut oil is very nourishing. You can also use olive oil, sesame oil, almond oil or mustard oil. Steaming is also good to clean the blocked scalp pores and to remove the dead cells.
Just take 2 oils of your choice and apply on the scalp and hair. Massage with light pressure using finger pads. Then keep this overnight and wash the hair in the morning. Regular oil massaging will surely treat the damage and bring the hair health back.
These were few easy and homely tips and tricks to treat damaged hair. The hair can damage due to various reasons so there are many ways given above to repair the hair.


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