Toner For all skin tip home made

Here are top recipes of making a homemade natural toner for oily skin. These toners help in absorbing excess oil from skin and removing dirt from face. In addition, toners assist in restoring the skin’s delicate pH balance and lessen the skin pores’ size, which is important for managing sebum production
It is all the more necessary for people having oily skin as it helps shrink the pores, which is important for controlling sebum production. Moreover, it restores pH balance of the skin, adds a layer of protection, and creates the perfect base upon which the moisturizer can be applied.

Best Natural Toner For Oily Skin

Most over the counter skin toners contain alcohol, toxic, perfume, artificial colors, dyes and sulfate.  All these can irritate your skin, dry it out excessively and further cause allergic reactions. For daily skin care, best is to use homemade skin toners made of all natural ingredients.  I recommend these top all natural skin toners to help relieve oily skin. Try any one of them as per your personal choice.

Lemon And Witch Hazel Face Toner For Oily Skin

Both lemon and witch hazel are natural astringents. So, they help shrink the open pores and cut down the amount of sebum on your skin.

You will need:

(i) Lemon: 1

(ii) Witch hazel: 1/2 tablespoon

(iii) Water: 2 tablespoon, clean


(i) Squeeze out juice of the lemon. Add the witch hazel and water to it and stir well.

(ii) Soak cotton ball in the mixture and wipe your face with it.

(iii) Repeat the process 2 times in a day after cleansing your face.

Tip: You can increase the quantity of witch hazel if your skin is excessively oily.

Useful Related Post: Witch Hazel And Vitamin C Skin Toner Recipe

Oily Skin Lemon Toner

Lemon is a natural astringent. It helps control oily skin. Moreover, they also have natural antimicrobial compounds that can exterminate the bacteria – which otherwise can cause acne. Lemon juice can also reduce appearance of the enlarged pores.


(i) Dilute 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice with 1 cup of water.

(ii) Apply the solution to your face using a cotton pad.

Alternatively, you can rub a lemon peel on your face and wipe off any residue with a wet cotton pad. This helps not only control oiliness, but also removes tan.

Cucumber Face Toner

Cucumber is a natural coolant that soothes inflammation of skin, tightens skin pores and removes excess dirt & oil without drying out your skin completely.

You will need:

(i) Cucumber: 1

(ii) Water: 1 ½ cups


(i) Chop the cucumber into small pieces.

(ii) Pour water into a pan and add the chopped cucumber.

(iii) Heat the pan on a low heat for about 8-10 minutes, and then increase the heat until the water starts to boil.

(iv) Remove from heat and let it cool down completely.

(v) Blend the cucumber water mixture, and store it in a container.

(vi) Let it cool and then filter the juice using a sieve.

(vii) Soak cotton pad in the toner and wipe your face with it.

(viii) Apply the toner 2 times in a day after cleansing.

Useful Related Posts: DIY Cucumber Face Mist Toner

Green Tea Skin Toner

Green tea is full of powerful antioxidants that help exterminate free radicals, which can otherwise cause premature skin aging. This toner is surprisingly moisturizing, removes excess oils and reduces size of the large skin pores at the same time.

You will need:

(i) Green tea: 2 bags

(ii) Water: 1 cup

(iii) Tea tree oil: few drops


(i) Bring 1 cup of water to boil.

(ii) Add 2 green tea bags to it, and allow the bags steep in the water for 10 minutes.

(iii) Remove the tea bags and allow the tea-concoction cool down completely.

(iv) Add a few drops of tea tree oil to the tea mixture and stir it thoroughly.

(v) After washing your face, soak a cotton ball in this solution and wipe your face with it.

(vi) Do not rinse afterwards. Repeat the wiping 2 times in a day.

Homemade Mint Leaves Toner

Menthol present in mint acts as a natural astringent and coolant. It regulates sebum production and helps to cool down the skin.


(i) Bring 1 ½ cups of water to boil.

(ii) Add a couple of mint leaves to the water while it is still hot.

(iii) Allow the mint leaves-water mix cool down completely.

(iv) Strain the water, pour it into a close lid jar and store it in a cool, dark place.

(v) Saturate a cotton pad with this toner and wipe your face with it.

(vi) Do not rinse afterwards. Repeat the wiping 2 times in a day.

Useful Related Post: Cucumber And Basil Skin Toner For Oily Skin

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

Apple cider vinegar restores pH balance and removes excess oil from the skin.

(i) Pour 1 part of apple cider vinegar into a container.

(ii) Add 2 parts of distilled water to it.

(iii) Stir well so as to mix the ingredients.

(iv) Soak cotton ball in the toner and wipe your freshly cleansed skin.


(i) Avoid applying this toner to the eye area.

(ii) Select raw, organic and unfiltered apple cider vinegar for best results.

You can also opt for plain white vinegar. Mix one part water with one part of plain white vinegar. After washing, apply it to your face  with a clean cotton ball. Let it dry, do not rinse. This is an old-fashioned home toner remedy that works very well.

Homemade Aloe Vera Toner

Aloe Vera restores pH balance of the skin and controls excessive sebum production. It acts as a natural astringent, so helps tighten the open pores.


(i) Slice an aloe vera leaf and scoop out the gel-like substance.

(ii) Put 2 tablespoons of the gel in a bowl and add 3 to 4 tablespoons of cold water to it.

(iii) Mix it well and apply the solution onto your face using a cotton pad. Let it dry out for about 5-10 minutes, and then rinse off with cool water.

(iv) Repeat the application 2 times in a day.

Homemade Chamomile Toner

Chamomile contains essential oils and antioxidants, so has ability to shrink the open pores. It helps get rid of excess oil, and impurities from the skin surface. It has high penetration capability that makes it more effective.

(i) Bring a cup of water to boil. Immerse a chamomile tea bag into hot water. Cover the cup and allow it to brew for 10 minutes.

(ii) Remove the tea bag and store the tea in a small bottle.

(iii) Pour a few drops of the toner onto cotton pad and wipe your face with it after every wash.

Useful Related Post: DIY Basil Toner

Homemade Tomato Toner

Tomato juice has natural astringent properties that help shrink skin pores. Moreover, it decreases unwanted shine and sebum from your face. Further, it also soothes skin irritation, relieves rashes and itching.


(i) Take a medium-sized ripe tomato.

(ii) Crush it thoroughly and squeeze its juice.

(iii) Dip a cotton ball in the tomato juice and apply it to your freshly cleansed face.

(iv) Let it sit on your skin for about 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off using water.

(v) Repeat it twice daily.

Tip: For added benefits, you can mix equal parts of freshly extracted tomato juice and raw, organic honey. This is one of the best homemade toners for oily skin. Apply this thick paste to your face and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Rose Water Oily Skin Toner

This is an ancient remedy to help maintain natural pH balance of skin. Thus, it controls excess sebum production. It has cleansing properties that make it a great choice to open clogged pores and remove impurities. You can buy rosewater at any department store, drug store, or health food store. Read the label to make sure you are buying pure rosewater.


(i) Soak a cotton ball in rose water and apply it to all over your face for getting soft, oil free skin. Let it dry out.

(ii) Repeat it after every wash.

Tip: For added benefits, mix in 1/2 teaspoon of camphor powder into a bottle of rosewater. Apply this solution onto your face after every wash.

Peppermint Tea Toner With Lemon Juice

Menthol, the basic constituent of peppermint, has a cooling effect on skin. It helps to calm and heal inflammation caused due to acne and pimples. Menthol also reduces secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands.

You will need:

(i) Lemon juice: 1 tablespoon, freshly squeezed

(ii) Peppermint tea bag: 1

(iii) Hot water: 1 cup


(i) Put the tea bag in the hot water and let the tea bag steep for 5 minutes.

(ii) Let it cool down, remove the tea bag and then add the lemon juice. Mix well the solution.

(iii) Soak cotton ball in the concoction and wipe your face and neck after cleansing it.

White Vinegar And Rose Water Toner

White vinegar regulates pH of the skin. So, it controls excessive oiliness. White vinegar is acidic in nature that makes it a potent antimicrobial agent. So, it helps to treat acne and pimples.


(i) Add a tablespoon of white vinegar to a bottle of rosewater. Mix well the solution.

(ii) Use this concoction to wipe your face after every cleansing session.

Egg White Oily Skin Toner

Egg white contains powerful astringent properties that shrink and tighten skin pores. It reduces the accumulated sebum / extra oil from the skin surface. Moreover, it helps to lift up the sagging skin, so as a consequence reduces the appearance of wrinkles.


(i) Break an egg in a bowl and carefully separate the egg white from the yolk.

(ii) Beat the egg white until you get a uniform liquid. Apply it all over your face after cleansing.

(iii) Allow it to dry out on its own and then rinse off with cool water.


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