How to get rid of pigmentation marks

Pigmentation marks can make your face look dull and dry. Here's how to get rid off them

Apply a paste made of yogurt and sandalwood daily: The best way to ensure that your skin

is super soft and healthy is by applying a paste made of sandalwood and yogurt. This helps

diminish the pigmentation marks and also makes your skin glow.

Use a face wash suited to your skin type: A face wash that suits your skin is absolutely

important. For example, if you have dry skin, using a face wash that is designed for oily skin

will make your skin lose out on its essential oils.

Remember to take off makeup before you retire for the night: Sleeping with makeup is an

absolute no-no. It can damage your skin in the longer run, thereby making it dry and parched.

Drink lots of water and fruit juices: The intake of water and fruit juices is crucial to replenish your system and keep your skin looking healthy and your complexion glowing. It detoxifies your system from within as well.

Protect your skin from the harsh UV rays of the sun: One of the most prominent reasons for the damage of the skin is the UV rays of the sun that is seeped deep within the skin's pores and thereby causes pigmentation. Make sure to wear a sunscreen before you step out of your house on a daily basis.


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