multani mitti face packs for glowing skin

Multan Mitta or fuller’s earth makes an excellent cleansing mask. It is rich in minerals and

when applied to the skin in the form of a paste, it helps in improving circulation. It dries up

slowly and becomes hard while absorbing the dead cells on the top of the skin and

removing excess oil.  A mask made of fuller’s earth is best for soaking oil and dirt from the surface of the skin.

Since ancient times fuller’s earth has been a natural remedy to treat acne and pimples. It

works as a natural cleanser and is found to be very effective in acne breakouts. Multan mitt

 is effective for getting a glowing skin. It can be used for oily, dry or combination skin. It

helps in whitening skin discolouration and tanned skin.  It also serves as a skin tone and skin tightened.

Multani mitti for clear skin

Multani Mitti face pack for glowing skin


Multani Mitti – 2-3 tbsp

Milk – as required

Curd – 1 tbsp

Graded Cucumber – 1 tbsp

Bengal gram flour (Besan) – 2-3 tbsp


Mix all the ingredients well and apply it on the face and neck. Leave it on for about 20

minutes and once it dries wash it off with cold or warm water.

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Multani Mitti face pack for combo skin


Multani Matti – 2-3 tbsp

Curd – 1 tbsp

Lemon – ½ tbsp

Turmeric – A tiny pinch


Mix all the ingredients well and apply it on the face and neck. Leave it on for about 20

minutes and once it dries wash it off with cold or warm water

Multani mitti face pack for skin discoloration


Multani Mitti- 2-3 tbsp

Spud paste (potato paste) – 2 tbsp


Mix all the ingredients well and apply it on the face and neck. Leave it on for about 20

minutes and once it dries wash it off with cold water.

Multani Mitti face pack for oily Skin


Multani mitti – 2-3 tbsp

Tomato juice – 1 tbsp

Lime juice – ½ tbsp

Honey – 1 tbsp

Mix all the ingredients well and apply it on the face and neck. Leave it on for about 20

 minutes and once it dries wash it off with warm water

Multani mitti face pack for skin tan


Multani mitti –  2-3 tbsp

Coconut water – 1 1/2 tbsp

Sugar – 1/4 tbsp


Mix all the ingredients well and apply it on the face and neck. Leave it on for about 15

minutes and once it dries wash it off with warm water

Multani mitti face pack for dry skin


Multani mitti – 2 tbsp

Dairy powder – 1 tbsp

Oats- 1 tbsp

Egg yogurt – 1 tbsp

Honey – 1 tbsp


Mix all the ingredients well and apply it on the face and neck. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and once it dries wash it off with warm water

Multani mitti load up for fatty skin in addition to skin tightening


Multani Mitti – 2-3 tbsp

Egg white – 1 tbsp

Water – as required


Mix all the ingredients well and apply it on the face and neck. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and once it dries wash it off with warm water.

Multani Mitti for dry skin

Multani Mitti with lemon juice to fight acne and its scars


Multani mitti – 2 tbsp

Lemon Juice – 1 tbsp

Rose water – 1 teaspoon


Take the ingredients in a small glass bowl and blend them well. There should be no lumps

and the paste should be smooth. The mixture should be easy to place on your face and not

very watery or sticky. Apply this on your face and wait for 30 minutes. When it is dry, wash it

with water. This stops oil secretion and stops appearing of acne and pimples. The pack also adds a glow to your face.

Multani mitti & neem face pack for reducing oil and pimples


Multani mitti – 2 tbsp

Neem powder – 1 tbsp

Rose water – 1 tbsp

Lemon juice – 1 tbsp


Take the multani mitti in a glass bowl and add rose water and lemon juice to it. Mix it well

 and then add the neem powder to this paste. Blend well to form a smooth paste. Anoint

your face with this pack and leave it for 30 minutes. When it is completely dry, wash it off.

This pack gives you glowing skin that is free of greasiness and any bacterial attack.

Green tea face packs for glowing skin

Multani mitti & sandalwood powder for lighter tone of skin and blemishes


Multani mitti – 2 tbsp

Sandalwood powder – ½ tbsp

Turmeric powder – 1 pinchful


Take the ingredients and mix them well. Add water or lemon juice with this if you have oily

skin. The milk is best if you have dry skin. Make a paste with the liquid that you choose and

smear your face with this pack. Wash when it is dry. The turmeric helps in lightening the

scars of pimples or any other growth on your face. Sandalwood helps in keeping your skin

free of oil and dirt. The pack gives you blemish free skin that glows.

Various homemade packs, scrubs and cleansers   for the skin with multani mitti

Multani mitt for oily skin — Make a mixture of fuller’s earth rose water and few drops of

lemon juice with warm water. Apply the pack on the face. Leave it for 30 minutes before

washing it off. This mask helps to get rid of excess oil, impurities and dead skin cells from

the skin. If milk is added the same pack can be used for combination skin.

Pack for Dry skin–Multani Mitti and Almonds Face Pack offers softness to the dry skin. Mix

 multani mitti and crushed almonds in a bowl. Make a paste by adding milk to it. Apply it on

the face. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash it with water.

Pack for radiant skin–Multani Mitti and honey face pack is beneficial to get a radiant skin.

 Make a thick paste with fuller’s earth, honey and rose water apply this mixture on the r face

and leave it for 30 minutes before rinsingit off with water.

Multani Mitti Pack for pigmented skin—a pack made of Multani mitti, carrot pulp and olive oil

can be made by making a paste with all the three ingredients. Apply on the face and leave it for 30 minutes and then wash it off.

Pack for Toned and Oil free skin –Multani Mitta, milk and sandalwood can make an ideal

pack t for toned and oil free skin. Mix equal amounts of the three ingredients and make a

thick paste. Apply this on the face and leave it for 30 minutes before washing it off.

Pack for a brighter skin—a pack made of multani mitt, honey and turmeric will reveal a

brighter tone of the skin instantly. Apply the paste for 20 minutes and then wash it with cold

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Pack for a flawless skin – Multani Mitta, rose water and potato face pack is beneficial in

 revealing a flawless skin in a month’s time. Make a paste of potato and add multani mitt

and water and apply it on the face. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash off with cold or

warm water.
Multani Mitti Pack for Dark patches – Multani Mitti, neem, and rose water helps to control

breakouts and to reduce dark patches on skin. It is good pack for those suffering from acne

and blemish skin… Make a paste with the three ingredients and apply it on the face. Leave

it for 20 minutes before washing.

Pack for tanned skin—Make a paste by mixing multani mitti, honey, and besan and

cucumber juice and apply it on the face.  Wash it off after 30 minutes. This face pack is an

 excellent remedy to treat tanned skins during summers.

Pack to clear discolouration of the skin— Make a paste with the grated skin of a papaya,

 multani mitt and 2 broken vitamin E capsules to it. Apply the paste on the affected areas

 and wash after 20 minutes.

A cleansing mask – Make a paste by mixing multani mitt, some tomato pulp, cucumber juice

and yogurt. Leave it on your face for 20 minutes, and rinse.

A cleansing scrub is made by mixing Multani Mitta, dried orange peel, and sandalwood

powder. It can be stored in an airtight container and rubbed on the skin with few drops of

water and then cleaned with water.


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