10 Multani Mitti Face Packs

10 Multani Mitti Face Packs

This post may sound exclusively for oily skin type, but other skin types can also take a peeps 😛 Fuller’s Earth is commonly known as Multani Mitti and its essentially Multan’s soil. Multan is a province in Pakistan and this sand is known for its amazing cleansing and absorbing properties. Multani mitti is very rich in minerals and helps to absorb excess oil from the skin. It also improves blood circulation and exfoliates the skin.

Multani Mitti or Fuller’s Earth is a very effective and strong cleanser.  Do you know that even Taj Mahal got a multani mitti treatment a few years ago to get rid of the stains and dirt that the stones had collected.  If multani mitti can clear stains off Taj Mahal, it can definitely tackle those pore-clogging oil, sebum, and bacteria.  Let’s check out a few face packs with multani mitti. I have used “2-tablespoon” measure throughout 😛

1. Multani Mitti and Honey Face Pack:

Ingredients Needed:

2 tablespoons multani mitti.

1-1/2 tablespoon honey.

1 tablespoon honey.

Rose water if needed to make it a smooth paste.

Method:  This face pack idea was given to me by my friend.  This face pack not only absorbs excess oil off the face, it gives a bright complexion too.  A quick fix if you have to attend an important function.  Mix all the ingredients together to make a paste.  You can also add rose water to bring the paste to a desired consistency.  Apply it on the face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes, rinse off.

2.  Multani Mitti and Curd Face Pack:

Ingredients Needed:

2 tablespoons multani mitti.

2 tablespoons curd.

1 tablespoon lemon.

Method:  Again, a face pack for oily and combination skin.  It adds glow to the face.  Mix all the ingredients together and apply on face and neck for 20 minutes.  Rinse off with cold water.

3.  Multani Mitti and Sandalwood Face Pack:

Ingredients Needed:

2 tablespoons multani mitti.

1 tablespoon besan.

2 tablespoons sandalwood powder
Method:  Mix all the ingredients together and apply on face and neck, keep for 15 minutes and rinse off.  Use twice a week to get glowing skin and to get rid of pimples.

4.  Multani Mitti and Orange Peel Powder Face Pack:

Ingredients Needed:

2 tablespoons of orange peel powder.

2 tablespoons multani mitti.

Milk as needed.

Method:  Mix orange peel powder and multani mitti together. Add milk to make it to a nice consistency.  This face pack is good for all skin types.  It works as a quick fix and also can be included in bridal grooming.

5.  Multani Mitti and Turmeric Face Pack

Ingredients Needed:

2 tablespoons multani mitti.

1 tablespoon turmeric (ambi haldi/kasturi manjal).

2 tablespoons honey.

Method:  Mix multani mitti and turmeric together.  Pour in honey to bring it up to a nice consistency.  Apply it on the face and neck and rinse off with cold water.  Within a few uses, you will notice your complexion getting brighter and lesser breakouts.

6.  Multani Mitti, Neem, and Rose Water Face Pack:

Ingredients Needed:

2 tablespoons of multani mitti.

Rose water enough to make a good paste out of multani mitti.

Method:  This face pack is exclusively for acne and blemish prone skin.  It gives clean and clear skin.  Mix all the ingredients together and apply it on the face.  Rinse off after it dries.  Regular use will control acne breakouts.

7.  Multani Mitti and Papaya Face Pack:

Ingredients Needed:

A few pieces of papaya.

1 tablespoon of multani mitti.

1 tablespoon of honey.

Method:  Papaya is an extremely rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A , antioxidants and combined with multani mitti and honey, it works as an excellent face pack to give glowing skin.  Mash the papaya, add honey and multani mitti and make into a nice paste.  Apply it on clean face and keep it on for 20 minutes.  Rinse off and notice clean and glowing skin.

8.  Multani Mitti and Potato Face Pack:

Ingredients Needed:

A medium-sized potato.
Rose Water.

Fuller’s Earth.

Method:  Potatoes are loaded with vitamin C, B complex, and minerals and they are good for skin.  Cut the washed potatoes into small pieces.  Grind it into a paste.  Add 3 to 4 tablespoons of Fuller’s Earth.  You can add rose water to make it to the desired consistency.  Apply it on the face and keep it for 20  minutes.  Wash off and get squeaky clean skin.

9.  Multani Mitti and Neem Face Pack: Ingredients Needed:

2 tablespoons multani mitti.

2 tablespoons neem-tulsi powder (you can read on how to make the neem tulsi powder in this post here).

Rose water/curd/milk.

Method:  This face pack is for those who have severe acne problem.  Mix all the three ingredients together and apply it on to the face, leave for 20 minutes.  Regular use will help you control the acne problem.

10.  Multani Mitti and Cucumber Face Pack:

Ingredients Needed:
  • Juice of half a cucumber.

  • Besan flour – 3 tablespoons.

  • Multani Mitti – 1 tablespoon.

  • Honey – 1 tablespoon (adjust it accordingly to make a creamy smooth paste).


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