How to Apply Multani Mitti (Fuller’s earth) for Hair Straightening

Thought multani mitti (Fuller’s earth)  is only beneficial to the skin, you might be wrong here as multani mitti is proved to be advantageous for hair as well. The fuller’s earth clay helps straighten the hair and eliminate the dandruff from the roots of the hair. It can be applied to both oily and dry scalp and also at any time of the year. Multani mitti is substantiated to be rich in natural earth material popularly termed as Betonite. Betonite is famous for its characteristics to eradicate all the impurities present in the skin or hair without triggering any side effects.
Moreover, multani mitti is being used as a natural cleanser since ancient times when people didn’t had any cosmetic products and yet they had amazing hair.

What Are The Components Of Multani Mitti?

Multani mitti also a sedimentary clay is composed of alumina, iron oxides, silica and water in proportions. As it is a mild agent, it doesn’t cause any kind of damage to the hair.

Multani Mitti For Hair Straightening:

Multani mitti can easily be used as a substitute for hair straightening because of its mild properties and its naturally conditioning characteristic. It can straighten your hair and help you get rid of split ends. To naturally straighten your hair, you need to follow below mentioned simple steps:
  1. Gather some multani mitti; approximately around a cup.
  2. Mix the multani mitti with approximately 5 tsp. of rice flour.
  3. Collect some egg white and then blend it with the latter mixture.
  4. After mixing well the above ingredients, you will get a smooth paste.
  5. Apply the paste to the length of your hair.
  6. After keeping the paste for good 5 minutes, comb your hair to the length straight.
  7. Keep the hair, well combed and packed with the mud paste for 10 long minutes.
  8. Wash off your hair and rinse delicately as the mud would dry so would tend to break the hair if mismanaged.
  9. After rinsing, dry your hair.
  10. The egg white will act as natural conditioner and the rice flour as a shampoo.
The pack can be kept for more than 10 minutes depending upon the hair length and the texture of the hair. The pack works for both oily and dry hair. You can add rose water or glycerin to make the texture of the hair smoother. If you are unable to wash off the pack using only water then you can add use extra mild shampoo to wash away the mud from the hair.
Apart from this you can also use olive oil and eggs for hair straightening purposes. You can beat the mixture and apply it at the length of the hair and leave it for at least an hour.
After using this multani mitti pack, your hair will behave straight and you wouldn’t need to reach out to the hair straighter or any other vague alternative.
Apart from this let’s have a look on other stringent essentials of multani mitti:
Multani Mitti helps in:
  1. Stimulates blood circulation.
  2. Conditioning of hair.
  3. Helps in curing acne.
  4. Makes hair beautiful and radiant.
  5. Multani mitti essentially removes eczema and other dreadful scalp conditions.
  6. Easily manages damaged and dull hair within a minimal cost range.
  7. Eradicates toxins from the hair.
  8. Helps in hair straightening and hair smoothening.
With so many benefits and rudiments of multani mitti, hair and skin would radiate and shine like a pearl. Using multani mitti in optimally will help you get rid of the split ends and dandruff as well.


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