Home Remedies on How to Get Rid of Dark Spots & Blemishes

How to Get Rid of Dark Spots? Is Question always poping in your brain? Actually people get scared of wrinkles as the most telling sign of skin aging! But its interesting to know that its not wrinkles that bother so early and horribly the Indian skin as other problems do.. and that problem is of how to get rid of dark spots and blemishes. These scar the skin and leave dark pigments.  Its an common problem now days
Technically, dark spots on skin are also known as hyper-pigmentation. Darkened skin and those uneven parches are quite a nightmare for any beauty conscious person. In fact you must know someone who is conscious of socializing only because their face is not as flawless and hence might become the topic of conversation which of course is not a good idea unless it reflects impeccably flawless beauty… right??
And on top of this, extra makeup to conceal these dark spots seem like an only quick solution but in the longer run, it would make the matter worse… yeah babes!! You should better figure out some permanent and effective solution get rid of these darker slurs on your personality… wondering what to do… read on and you will know the right solution to fix the problem of dark spots and pigmentation!
Reasons Behinds The Dark Spot On Face
The major cause of dark spots and black spots on face is increased amount the melanin in the skin. Once the amount of melanin get increased in skin rather than being dispersed evenly on the skin, the excess melanin pigments get clump in bunches and form noticeable black spot.The increase of melanin in skin happens due to over exposure of the sun. Hormonal imbalance in the body, deficiency of vitamins are also the reason that can cause dark spots on your skin. Use of chemicals and medicines can also cause dark spots on your skin. Dark spot and blemishes are most often caused by the regular and excess use of cosmetic products like foundations, moisturizers and night creams, etc. Some these products contains greasy and irritating ingredients which clog your pores. The congested pores of skin are also a major reason behind development of dark spots and blemishes. You should go for lighter and non-comedogenic cosmetics products.Factors like improper diet, alcohol consumption, internal health problems, allergic reactions stress, overexposure to environmental irritants, absence of a proper skincare routine, and a genetic heredity also lead to black spot and blemishes.

 Home Remedies on How to Get Rid of Dark Spots

Like there are many reason behind the occurrence of dark spots fortunately there are several ways to remove the dark patches from skin. You can use some simple home based ingredients to remove dark spots from your facial skin.

  • Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is natural bleaching agent with its acidic contents. This is an incredible home remedy being used as organic bleaching agent to alleviate the dark spots on face. All that you have to do is take two to three lemons and squeeze the juice out of one lemon. Take a clean cotton ball and dip it in the juice and now cleanse the darker patches of your skin. Applying it directly to dark spots twice a day would be helpful in removal of darker spots from your face. You can also cut lemons in equal parts and apply the open end of lemon on dark spot of your skin. This is a quick ,easy and cheap method to treat the dark spot on your face.
  • Onion Juice
Like lemon, onion juice also contain acidic contents that works like natural bleaching agent for your face. Take three or four red onion and cut them into pieces and extract the juice from it using your juicer. You can blend it if you don’t have the juicer. Once your onion juice ready you can dip cotton squab in your onion juice. Apply it directly darker area of your face which you wish to lighten. Keep it on your skin for 20-30 minutes then rinse off your face using cold water. Now clear up your face using a mild cleanser that is best for your face. It is an important to eliminate any lingering onion aroma from your face.After all, our intention is to remove the dark spots here, not make people repel people with scent of onion.
  • Turmeric and Lemon Juice
Take a table spoon of turmeric powder and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Make a fine mixture of ingredients. Apply the mixture of lemon juice and turmeric on your face . Leave this mixture on your face for 1 hour until it get dry and wash it with cold water. Doing this regularly would help you to restore the glow of your skin and it eradicate the dark spot from your skin.
  • Fenugreek (Methi) Leaves
Fenugreek leaves are very helpful in removal of dark spots from your face. Make a fine paste of fenugreek leaves with combining with water. Apply this paste on your face and leave this on your facial skin for 30 to 40 minutes. Once this mixture get dry wash it with cold water. Use a mild cleanser to cleanse your face after this. This paste also help you to get rid of acne scars. Fenugreek leaves are also taken in tea form. They are more effective when a little amount of cinnamon in it. Fenugreek leaves with cinnamon reduce inflammation. The incredible herb is very helpful in getting rid the scars of skin, fenugreek also balance the blood flow and and reduce breakout from your skin.
  • Curd
Curd contains some amazing that help in removal of impurities from the skin and it also lighten up the complexion. Curd is the best treatment for getting rid of black spots and acne scars from your skin. For better results you can add egg whites in curd to make the skin supple and soft. All you need to do is apply curd to the affected areas of your face and leave it on for about 25 minutes. Acidophilus is a fine macrobiotics element in curd that very efficient to tone the skin. Doing this home based treatment for one month would be helpful in removal of dark spots from your skin.
  • Cucumber And Lemon Juice
Crash a cucumber and extract the juice from it. Mix the juice of cucumber with of lemon juice and milk. Make a fine mixture of these ingredients. Then apply the mixture on your face and leave it for 25 min, and then wash you face with clean and normal water. Doing this daily will give you blemish free skin.

  • Mixture Of Banana And Cucumber
Mash up the cucumber and banana in a small bowl then blend the both in a mixer or grinder. Add equal amount of honey and lemon juice into mixture. Put 2 to drops of olive oil in the mixture and blend it well. After a fine mixture apply it on your face and leave for 30 to 45 minutes. Put the mixture on your face for till it get dry and wash it off with clear water. Doing this for 20 to 25 days regularly can work wonders for your skin.

  • Sandalwood And Rosewater
Sandalwood and rosewater is very effective ingredient for removal of dark spots from your face.Took powdered sandalwood and rosewater in equal amount and make a fine mixture of these ingredients. Apply the mixture to the darker spots of your face. Doing this for 20 to 25 days regularly can be very helpful in removal of darker spots from your face.
  • Powdered Orange Peels And Curd
The mixture of powdered orange peels and curd can be a good option for removal of dark spots from your face. Take equal amount of both ingredients and make a fine paste out of it. Once the mixture is ready apply it on your face and wash it off with clean water. Doing this for 20 to 25 days would be helpful in removal of dark patches from your skin.


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