skin care

What Causes Prickly Heat?

While prickly heat is common in summers, they could lift their ugly head in winters too. The excessive sweat clogs the skin pores, which, in turn, trigger these rashes. This happens when your perspiration gets trapped under the skin, instead of evaporating. That is why prickly heat rashes are seen commonly along skin folds, such as neck, waist, armpits, and groin. Researchers have not found the exact reasons behind the clogging of sweat ducts, but there are several contributory factors involved.

Common factors triggering prickly heat (miliaria) could be –

    Wearing clothes made from synthetic fibers that prevent perspiration from evaporating
    Intensive exercising or physical activity that involves high levels of sweating
    Using oil-based cosmetics leading to clogged sweat glands
    Wearing excessively warm clothes in winter triggering perspiration
    Certain medications, such as those for ADHD or blood pressure

Babies are extremely prone to prickly heat. The sweat ducts of newborns remain under-developed for quite a long time, and hence are prone to quick blocking. Newborn babies can develop prickly heat if they are placed in incubators or wrapped up too snugly in blankets (1, 2, 3).
Symptoms Of Prickly Heat

Symptoms can include the following –

    Red rashes or inflamed areas of skin
    Small blisters
    Itching and irritation (1, 2)

Sounds rather annoying, doesn’t it? Thankfully, there are numerous home remedies for prickly heat rashes that you can try your hand at. It is advisable to use two or three remedies simultaneously for quicker and more effective healing. Here are the remedies!

Aloe Vera Gel For Prickly Heat

You Will Need

An aloe leaf
What You Have To Do

    Pluck an aloe leaf and cut it. Squeeze out the natural gel in the leaf into a bowl.
    Apply this onto the affected part of the body and massage it in.

If you cannot lay your hands on an aloe plant, use an aloe-rich moisturizing lotion.
How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this once or twice every day until you get relief from prickly heat.
Why This Works

The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of aloe vera gel help reduce various types of skin rashes, including those caused by prickly heat. It will help alleviate the inflammation and also ease the redness. An amazing skin softening and hydrating agent, it also prevents skin from dehydration

Oatmeal Bath For Prickly Heat

You Will Need

An aloe leaf
What You Have To Do

    Pluck an aloe leaf and cut it. Squeeze out the natural gel in the leaf into a bowl.
    Apply this onto the affected part of the body and massage it in.

If you cannot lay your hands on an aloe plant, use an aloe-rich moisturizing lotion.
How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this once or twice every day until you get relief from prickly heat.
Why This Works

The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of aloe vera gel help reduce various types of skin rashes, including those caused by prickly heat. It will help alleviate the inflammation and also ease the redness. An amazing skin softening and hydrating agent, it also prevents skin from dehydration

 Chickpea Flour For Prickly Heat

You Will Need

    2-3 tablespoons chickpea flour
    Water or rose water

What You Have To Do

    Make a thick paste of chickpea flour using some water.
    Apply the paste on to the affected part and let it stand for about 15 minutes.
    Use cool water to wash off the paste.

How Often You Should Do This

Apply this pack every day.
Why This Works

Also called as gram flour, chickpea flour pack acts a cleanser for the skin. It removes the impurities that are clogging the pores and also exfoliates the dead skin cells (6). This home remedy will provide relief from the itching and prickling sensation.

4. Fuller’s Earth For Prickly Heat
You Will Need

    3-4 tablespoons fuller’s earth (multani mitti)
    Rose water

What You Have To Do

    Take the fuller’s earth and mix it with a few drops of rosewater to make a paste.
    Apply the paste on the affected areas and wash off with cold water after about 20 minutes.

How Often You Should Do This

Apply this pack every day initially and then every alternate day until the prickly heat is completely gone.
Why This Works

Fuller’s earth or multani mitti has long been used for treating prickly heat. It is excellent in unclogging pores and giving the skin a fresh feeling

 Ice Cubes For Prickly Heat

You Will Need

    2-3 ice cubes
    A soft towel

What You Have To Do

    Place the ice cubes in the towel and gently place this on the affected skin.
    Keep it on for as long as you can.

You can also put the ice cubes in some water and let them melt. Use a soft cloth soaked in this chilled water to dab the affected skin.
How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this as and when you feel irritation and itching.
Why This Works

The coolness of the ice will soothe the skin and alleviate the redness and the irritation

Back To. Camphor For Prickly Heat
You Will Need

    1 camphor tablet
    Few drops of neem oil

What You Have To Do

    Take a mallet and crush the camphor into powder.
    Mix a little margosa (neem) oil in the powder to make a gooey paste.
    Apply the paste on your skin and let it sit for 5-7 minutes.
    Rinse it off with water.

How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this every alternate day.
Why This Works

This grandmother’s home remedy for prickly heat is extremely effective in healing a burning sensation and itching. It will feel cool and refreshing when applied to the heat rash . Neem being antimicrobial in nature will prevent any infections from developing at the affected site

 Fuller’s Earth For Prickly Heat
You Will Need

    3-4 tablespoons fuller’s earth (multani mitti)
    Rose water

What You Have To Do

    Take the fuller’s earth and mix it with a few drops of rosewater to make a paste.
    Apply the paste on the affected areas and wash off with cold water after about 20 minutes.

How Often You Should Do This

Apply this pack every day initially and then every alternate day until the prickly heat is completely gone.
Why This Works

Fuller’s earth or multani mitti has long been used for treating prickly heat. It is excellent in unclogging pores and giving the skin a fresh feeling

Back To . Baking Soda For Prickly Heat

You Will Need

    2 tablespoons baking soda
    A bowl of water

What You Have To Do

    Make a mild solution of baking soda with some cool water.
    Dip a clean, soft, washcloth in the solution and gently rub on the affected portions of the skin to heal prickly heat.
    Leave the solution for a couple of minutes before rinsing it off.

How Often You Should Do This

Do this 1-2 times every day.
Why This Works

The antibacterial properties of baking or cooking soda help in preventing infections at the site, while soothing the skin

6. Raw Potato For Prickly Heat

You Will Need

1 medium-sized potato
What You Have To Do

    Slice up the potato and apply the slices on the affected area.
    Leave the slices on for 10-15 minutes.
    Rinse the area with cool water.

You also can dab the areas with the slices.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this every day.
Why This Works

It will ease the itchy and prickly sensation as it is soothing for the skin. It is also an emollient

 Ginger For Prickly Heat
You Will Need

    A small piece of ginger

What You Have To Do

    Grate some fresh ginger root and boil it in water.
    Let the water cool and then use a clean, soft washcloth to dab your skin with this solution.
    Keep the solution on for 10-12 minutes and then rinse it off.

How Often You Should Do This

You can repeat this up to twice a day.
Coriander Leaves And Sandalwood Powder For Prickly Heat

You Will Need

    Handful of dried coriander leaves
    1 tablespoon sandalwood powder
    Rose water

What You Have To Do

    Grind the dried coriander leaves and mix sandalwood powder with it.
    Add rosewater to make a thick paste.
    Apply the paste on the affected skin.
    Let it stand till the paste dries and then use cool water to rinse it off.

How Often You Should Do This

Apply this paste every day.
Why This Works

Coriander is known for its antiseptic properties, while sandalwood helps to ease the burning and prickling sensation

. Henna Powder For Prickly Heat
You Will Need

    Few teaspoons henna powder

What You Have To Do

    Make a thick paste of henna powder using some water.
    Apply it on your rash.
    Leave it for about 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off.

How Often You Should Do This

A single application of this remedy will have lasting results.
Why This Works

Used in the Middle East and South East Asian countries for decorating the hands, this herb is known to treat skin ailments. It is a cooling agent and also an astringent while possessing antibacterial properties

If you do not mind a reddish tinge on your skin, you can use this home remedy for prickly heat rash.

 Lime Juice For Prickly Heat

You Will Need

    A lime
    A glass of water
    Honey (optional)

What You Have To Do

    Squeeze a fresh lime into a glass of water.
    You can sweeten it with honey and drink it.

How Often You Should Do This

Drink three to four glasses every day.
Why This Works

The potent antioxidants in lime juice can help hasten the healing process of your heat rashes (18). You will notice prickly heat disappearing in about 14 days.

Back To TOC. Honey For Prickly Heat
You Will Need

Raw honey
What You Have To Do

    Cleanse the area and apply honey directly on it.
    Let the honey stand for about 15 to 20 minutes before washing it off.

How Often You Should Do This

Repeat this 1-2 times every day.
Why This Works

Asian cultures use honey for its antibacterial and humectant properties. It soothes the itchiness and irritation of your prickly heat while nourishing your skin


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