Bhringraj hair packs for hair growth

Bhringraj and amla hair pack for hair growth

    Natural homemade hair packs

Amla is known for its great effects on the scalp and hair. Adding fresh Amla with fresh Bhringraj leaves or adding Amla juice with bhringraj powder is the easiest way to prepare a fortifying hair pack. Blend 1 green amla with a handful of fresh bhringraj leaves and apply the resulting pack onto your scalp. You can also add 1 spoon of Amla juice with 2 spoons of bhringraj powder to prepare the pack. You should apply this pack at least on alternate days and wash it off with plain water after an hour.
Bhringraj – fenugreek hair growth pack

Fenugreek seeds come with some hormonal precursors that have proven effects in boosting the hair follicles. This makes it one of the best ingredients to be used in a hair growth pack along with bhringraj. Take 2 spoons of fenugreek seeds, soak them in sufficient water over night and in the morning grind them to a smooth paste. Add 5-6 spoons of bhringraj powder to it and sufficient water to make a smooth pack. Apply the resulting pack onto your scalp and leave on for an hour before
Apart from being used as a hair growth agent, this herb is also used for treating different ailments in Ayurvedic medicine.  Bhringraj has some active ingredients that help in nourishing the hair follicles, which naturally makes the hairs stronger at the root, arresting hair fall. At the same time, these active ingredients help the dormant hair follicles to come out of their “sleeping-stage” quickly and thus promotenew hair growth.  Here are some of the simple hair packs with Bhringraj that can be very helpful to boost hair growth.

washing off with plenty of water. Repeat every alternate day for the best results.

Hair growth pack with bhringraj, aloe vera and rosemary

Aloe Vera is a great source of Vitamin E and it can be effective to nourish the scalp, boosting hair growth. Rosemary is also known for its effects in clearing the scalp from any infections and invigorating the hair follicles. A pack made with Bhringraj, Aloe Vera and Rosemary can be really effective to induce fresh hair growth.

Collect the fresh Aloe Vera pulp from an Aloe Vera leaf. Grind it to make a gel. Mix two spoons of this Aloe Vera gel with 3 spoons of bhringraj powder and 2 drops of rosemary essential oil. You can also use fresh bhringraj and rosemary leaves if available. If needed, add a little water to reach the right consistency of a hair pack. Apply the pack focusing on your hair roots, leave on for an hour and then wash off with water only. Repeat on every other day.
Bhringraj and arnica oil for hair growth

An effective hair growth pack can be prepared by mixing Bhringraj leaves with Arnica oil, prepared from the flowers of the plant arnica which belongs from the sunflower family. You can add 1 spoon of a concentrated formulation of arnica oil with 4 spoons of bhringraj leaf powder and only required amount of distilled water to prepare a hair growth boosting pack. Apply it on your scalp on alternate days, let it stand for an hour and then wash off with plain water


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