Anti Aging Home Remedies

Anti Aging Home Remedies

Better late than never! Aging is triggered by a lot of factors beyond the natural phenomenon. And these are what you need to target if you want to look younger than your age. There are quite a few simple homemade anti aging remedies you can rely on and delay the onset of aging process.
Why home remedies for anti-aging?

You ask why anti aging home remedies when the market for anti-aging products is a massive one. People go to moon and come back to find out the cosmetics that can erase their signs of aging. If you are not convinced, take a stroll and hunt for some anti-aging products, ranging from creams, lotions, oils to pills and supplements, exclusively meant for different parts of the body! But be ready to spend a fortune? That’s only one reason why you should aim for natural anti aging remedies- they are cheaper!

Home remedies are literally safe to use on skin. Anti-aging home remedies are all about making the most of the natural ingredients to delay the onset of aging, at the comfort of home. You don’t have to worry about allergies and other side effects to your skin and body when you go for natural remedies for delayed aging.
What are the Best Home Remedies for Anti Aging

So, what all do you mean when you say ‘anti aging home remedies!’

These remedies are a set of efforts. You need to do the following:

    Hydrate from Inside Out– Drink adequate water
    Boost Vitamin C intake
    Set a skin care routine and stick to it
    Facial Massage
    Homemade recipes for delayed anti aging signs

       I.            Hydrate from Inside Out – Best Anti Aging Home Remedy
Drink Water in all Possible Forms

Water is the elixir of life and yes, health. The key to good health and wellbeing is water. Water keeps the body functions regulated. Guess what, inadequate water or liquid intake reflects in your skin almost instantly. It becomes obvious that your skin yearns for hydration. So, drink water to prevent aging.

Not all liquids are water or can be counted as water intake. Coffee, colas, sodas and other carbonated beverages, at no cost, can be counted as water consumption. Rather, these liquids dehydrate your body considerably.
The Importance of Water for Anti Aging

The Father of Medicine, Hippocrates emphasized strongly on the importance of water many centuries ago.
Body Cells and tissues demand water

Cells need water for optimum functioning. It is simple. When the cells and tissues lack water, they become dry and depict it through skin. Dry skin triggers aging process. Besides, lack of hydration affect the normal functioning of the skin cells, they don’t produce collagen which is responsible for elasticity of your skin.

Inadequate liquid intake leads to inflammation of the cells. If you check with people having swollen face and puffy eye bags, they would mostly suffer from dehydration.

So, water is inevitable for skin, Drink as much water as you can every day, it can even reverse aging signs.
Healthy liquids (various forms of water you can drink everyday to delay aging)

Drink a minimum of 8 glasses / 2 liters of water every day. This is the staple quantity and you can increase it if your body demands it like when you exercise or travel to a hot humid place. If you can’t drink so much of water, you can have the following liquids instead of water.

    Fresh fruit juices (no shakes and smoothies, just plain juice extracted from the fruit- and yes, without sugar!)
    Tender Coconut water
    Sweet toddy or palm nectar
    Ice Apple juice
    Butter milk
    Green tea
    Herbal Teas
    Clear soups

If you are bored of drinking liquids, take water based fruits and vegetables like water melon, grapes, berries, kiwi, and cucumbers are also a good alternative of water.
    II.            Boost Vitamin C Intake – Orally and Topically

Vitamin C has widely been accepted as the anti aging vitamin, it is the ultimate skin friendly nutrient. Of course, skin needs many other nutrients including fats and oils to delay the onset of aging and to look younger but vitamin C is the queen of all nutrients when it comes to radiant supple skin and a youthful look.

Exposure to UV radiation, chemicals and pollutants reduces collagen production, which in turn, increases the oxidative stress in your skin. Vitamin C, an antioxidant, also called ascorbic acid, fights off free radicals and regulates the health of skin cells by boosting the production of collagen. When you check the anti aging serums in store, you could come across a lot of serums containing Vitamin C as the major ingredient. You can in fact, make anti aging serums at home with vitamin C and many other anti aging ingredients. Here, however, we are also talking about consuming vitamin C as a home remedy for delaying aging.

Simply stated, smart usage of Vitamin C in your daily routine makes age just a number.

    Vitamin C reduces wrinkles
    It diminishes scars and dark spots on the skin
    It boosts collagen production
    It aids in removal of dead skin cells
    It reduces irritation, inflammation and redness of skin
    It enhances the skin’s natural healing ability

How to Take Vitamin C as a part of Anti Aging Diet

Boost your vitamin C levels and you can drop a decade from your appearance. Vitamin C is found abundantly in citrus fruits (lemon, lime, grape fruit, oranges etc.) kiwi, berries, bell pepper, papayas, cantaloupe, amla or the Indian gooseberry and many more.

    Eat a fruit rich in vitamin C or drink a glass of fresh fruit juice, at least, once a day.
    The best policy would be to get a dose of vitamin C, right in the morning to ward off the effects in the event when you don’t get a chance to have a citrus fruit during the day. For this, have fresh lemon juice on an empty stomach.

Get this:

    Lemon- 1
    Warm water- 1 glass
    Honey (optional)- 1-2 tsp

Do this:

    Take a glass of warm water
    Squeeze a lemon into this warm water
    Add a teaspoon or two of honey, if using, and mix well.
    Drink it on empty stomach, every morning.

This not only makes your skin younger looking but also boosts your metabolism as well as detoxifies your system.
How to use Vitamin C as Topical Anti Aging Home Remedies?

Use the fruits rich in vitamin C as face packs. Following are a few simple anti aging home remedies that use vitamin C rich ingredients.

    Rub a slice of lemon on your skin to fade away wrinkles.
    Grind the skin of orange with a few drops of water and apply it as orange peel face mask.
    Dry the orange peel and powder it. Add it to the serums, face packs and face washes to rejuvenate your skin.
    Mash the fruit or fruits (berries, papayas, cantaloupe etc) and apply as face pack.

Using vitamin C topically reduces the appearance of aging signs and gives you a revitalized look.
 III.            Start Anti Aging Skin Care Routine at Home

While anti aging home remedies conceal age spots, reduce wrinkles, stimulate collagen production, or improve your skin tone, the major goal of these home remedies is to restore your younger looking appearance.  Healthy skincare routine is the first step towards achieving a younger you!

There’s nothing difficult in scheduling your anti aging skin care routine. Respect your skin and feed what your skin needs. This is the key to anti aging home remedies. There are just four steps to a great anti aging skin care:


1.      Steam bath your face

Steam bath your face to unclog the pores on your skin surface.

Clogged pores on the facial skin leads to a lot of irritation. It is the major contributing factor for infection and breakouts on your skin. If you thought acne is only a problem of teenagers, think again. Many middle aged people suffer from acne, thanks to all hormonal fluctuations going on inside their bodies.

Clogged pores also affect the overall skin texture which makes you look older. Steaming your skin is the best way to cleanse the skin and unclog pores. Steam bath is like bathing your skin from inside out. The dirt and debris accumulated under the skin is expelled through sweat and the pores get opened when you steam bath your face.

Getting a facial steam at home is not a big deal.

Get this:

    Boiled water in a bowl
    Essential oil of your choice (rose, lavender, lemon, any oil would do)- few drops

If you don’t have essential oil, get this:

    Turmeric powder- 1 tsp
    Neem leaves- handful of them

Do this:

    Boil a bowl of water and add a few drops of essential oil (optional, any choice of essential oil).


    You can add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to the boiling water and a handful of neem leaves. Neem leaves are natural anti-septic and can be very effective in addressing the acne breakouts. Besides, the medicinal and healing properties of neem leaves can reduce the effects of aging on your skin such as inflammation and itching.
    Just sit close to the bowl placed on a table and lean your face slightly towards the bowl to get the steam on your face. Remove it after few seconds. Again take the steam for few seconds, remove, and repeat for about 5-6 minutes.

Steam bath your face, twice a week.
2.     Exfoliate to Remove the Dead Skin from Mature Skin

Accumulation of waste inside your skin manifests in form of unhealthy skin, followed by premature signs of aging. Exfoliation is probably the easiest and cheapest way (yes, you can use some handy ingredients available at your home to exfoliate skin) to restore or manage the younger looking skin, naturally.

When you remove the dead skin cells, it makes room for growth of fresh and youthful cells. It aids in reinstating the skin vibrancy, the even texture and enhanced skin tone.
Homemade exfoliating anti aging scrubs
Sugar and salt are easily available in all homes.

Sugar: Take two or three teaspoons of sugar and mix a few drops of water. Rub it gently on face and wash if off after 15 minutes.

Sugary treats are harmful for body and skin, but sugar applied topically can do wonders for your skin. Sugar contains glycolic acid and alpha hydroxyl, both of which are responsible for production of fresh and healthy skin cells. These two elements are used in most of the anti-aging skin care products.

Crystal Salt: Just like sugar scrub, use the salt scrub. (Mix salt with olive oil or glycerin instead of water) Himalayan Salt aka Pink Salt makes the best bet to exfoliate the aging skin. This mineral rich salt also lend some trace elements to you that revitalize your skin.

Salt has mild abrasive properties and it makes an excellent exfoliating element. Suited more for people with dry skin.

Baking Soda with Honey: If you have sensitive skin with acne breakouts, try baking soda and honey scrub. Mix two or three spoons of baking soda with honey and gently rub on face.

Honey and baking soda enhance the process of removing dead cells. Most of the non-abrasive microdermabrasion skin treatments and a few spa treatments use sodium bi-carbonate as the major ingredient, which is nothing but Baking Soda. Besides, honey is the natural moisturizer, suitable for all skin tones.

Don’t exfoliate skin for more than 2 times a week. It may rip off the skin’s natural oils and damage the top layer of the skin.
3.     Moisturize the skin to delay aging

People with dry skin or prone to skin dryness are more likely to develop signs of aging at an early age. The key to delay aging is moisturizing your skin. So, moisturizing the skin is essential to prevent premature signs of aging.

Moderate to extreme climate changes can damage the dry skin even more. Lack of moisture affects the collagen production, which affects the elasticity of skin and makes your skin look saggy, dull and dry.
What to use to moisturize skin?

You can use coconut oil, vitamin E oil, almond oil or olive oil as natural skin moisturizers. Apply the oil at night before bed and wash it in the morning.
4.     Tone your skin and keep aging away

Toning your facial skin is quintessential part of anti aging home remedies. Using facial toners enhance the look of your skin.
What to use for toning your skin?

One of the most popular items used as an effective facial toner is Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful ingredient that comes with a lot of hidden benefits for skin and health.

Owing to its acidic nature, it regulates the pH balance of your skin and keeps infections and inflammation away. ACV also acts as a natural astringent. Because it regulates and balances the pH level of your skin, your skin is neither too oily nor too dry.

Do this:

    Add one part of ACV with two parts of water
    Apply on the face and neck as toner.

Quick Dos and Don’ts on Anti Aging Skin Care

When you kick start with a proper skincare regime, adhere to the following dos and don’ts, which accelerate the reversal of aging signs and slow down the aging process in a long run.

    Never sleep with makeup on. Remove makeup, apply some oil or moisturizer before you set the morning alarm.
    Go de-makeup for a few days if you are the one who regularly wears makeup.
    Cover your skin when you go out in the sun.
    Get adequate sleep. Your swollen eyes and face apparently exhibit your lack of sleep.
    Stick to organic and natural skincare products.

Following a healthy skin care regimen helps restoring the natural repairing and rejuvenating process of the skin, which keeps the skin healthy and young.
  IV.            Facial Massage – Embrace the Goodness of the Oils

Massaging is one of the old-age therapies aimed at managing healthy, radiant and younger looking skin. Anti aging effects of massage on skin and body is no secret in this era too. And when it comes to anti aging benefits of facial massage, there are not one or two, they are many!

    Facial massage stimulates blood circulation which keeps your skin healthy
    it moisturizes skin perfectly (the carrier used to massage the face – oil or cream- does this by deeply penetrating into the skin)
    regulates the moisture and oil balance of the skin
    reduces the accumulation of toxins and dead cells
    enhances the skin radiance and makes it glow naturally
    tones the muscles and prevents sagginess of skin
    makes you feel relaxed as facial massage also reduces tension

How to massage face for anti aging effects

    Take two or three tablespoons of oil and apply on face and neck.
    Massage the skin gently with mild pressure.
    You can do it at night and leave it overnight. Wash it off next morning.

You can use natural oils to massage your face and neck instead of using creams and moisturizers.
What oils to use for anti aging facial massage

Massage your face with any choice of oil mentioned below.
Coconut Oil – Best Moisturizer with loads of anti aging benefits

    Very thin and absorbs into the skin quickly
    Has some of the rarest fatty acids, which boost the skin health
    Contains antimicrobial and antifungal properties
    It is a oil rich in Vitamin E having anti aging benefits to the skin
    Has proteins that build skin cells
    Gives natural face lift and minimize the appearance of aging signs

Castor Oil – Multi-faceted anti aging remedy

Castor oil is potentially one of the most effective and the safest anti aging solutions. The dense oil makes a great moisturizer for extremely dry to normal skin. The richness of the castor oil penetrates deep into the skin and rejuvenates the skin from inside. The antioxidant properties of the oil treat and protect the skin from oxidizing agents. Although the oil is dense, it doesn’t give you the oily feeling on your skin.

    Gives your skin soft and smooth texture
    Very effective wrinkle treatment, which can even reduce severe wrinkles
    Add a natural radiance to the facial skin
    Tightens the skin, is one of the very effective home remedies for skin tightening

But you must apply just a dab of oil on your face. Only a few drops of oil are sufficient to apply on face. Don’t overdo with castor oil as it might lead to swelling.

Do facial massage every alternate day or thrice a week.
     V.            Simple Anti Aging Home Remedies for aging signs

Above, you have seen about making some small changes in your daily beauty routine as a part of anti aging home remedies. Here are some more tips for you, certain simple remedies you can easily do at home to reverse as well as prevent aging signs.
Honey – Nature’s Answer to Aging Skin

Honey is the best answer to all skin problems. It does wonder to skin regardless of your age and skin problems you experience.

    It is a cleanser
    It is a natural moisturizer
    It balances the oiliness of the skin
    It prevents the skin dryness
    It reduces sagginess of the skin and improves its elasticity
    It aids in regulating collagen production
    It diminishes skin blemishes
    It treats hyper pigmentation, scars and spots
    It enhances skin texture

Apply two or three teaspoons honey and massage it gently on face. You cannot sleep with honey on face. Wash it off with cold water after 20 to 30 minutes.
Cucumber Slice – An Anti-Wrinkle Therapy

Slice a cucumber and place the slices on your eyes and apply some cucumber juice all over your face. Sit back and take rest for 15 to 20 minutes. Cucumber is one of the nutrient rich vegetables which can reverse the signs of aging in no time.

    Cucumber revitalizes the skin with its moisturizing properties.
    The cooling properties of cucumber rejuvenate the wrinkled skin and reduce wrinkles. It is one of the best home remedies for wrinkles
    Cucumber also reduces blemishes and helps you get rid of age spots.
    It soothes irritated eyes and nourishes your skin.
    Reduces puffy eyes. In fact, it is one of the top remedies for puffy itchy under eyes that comes with aging

Potato Lightens and Tightens the Aging Skin

Not many are aware about this fact that potato contains some natural skin lightening elements (which is different from the bleaching agents). These elements lighten the dark circles around eyes. Potato also contains skin tightening properties that reduce the puffiness of the eyes and face.

    Grate the potato, extract the juice and apply it on face and eyes.
    Or, just slice the potato and apply the slice on your eyelids. (15 to 20 minutes)

If you have puffy eyes or face and dark circles, look no further than applying some raw potato on your face.
Egg Whites – Magically erase away the aging signs

Application of egg whites on the facial skin is one of the easiest and effective anti aging home remedies that instantly tightens the skin and lighten the fine lines and wrinkles. They are also one of the best ways to get rid of crow’s feet, a problem that’s frequently faced by aging people. Eggs are rich source of proteins and minerals.

    Minerals and riboflavin aid in repairing the damaged tissues
    Hydrates the skin
    Neutralizes the skin damages caused by free radicals
    Reduces the effects of oxidative stress on skin
    Very effective in reversing premature aging signs

When you apply egg whites on the wrinkled area, it stretches the skin. It shrinks the pores and softens the skin which provides younger looking skin. In addition, you get a natural glow.
Milk – Cleanse your skin

Splash a few drops of milk on your face and cleanse your skin. Milk is a very gentle ingredient that can clear the skin. It has lactic acid which aids in growth of fresh cells. After every time you wash the face, cleanse your skin with milk.
Lemon Juice – The multipurpose home remedy for aging skin

Lemon can be used for anything from skin lightening to teeth whitening. Lemon contains natural bleaching element which can even reduce the dark spots on the face, hands and legs. Vitamin C in lemon makes it one of the best home remedies for pigmentation of the skin caused by aging and sun exposure.

Apply lemon juice or rub a slice of lemon on face and neck (arms and legs too, if needed) daily and wash the skin after 15 minutes. Don’t step out in the sun after applying lemon juice to skin as it makes your skin more photo sensitive.


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