6 Easy Homemade Body Scrubs For All Skin Types

1. Brown Sugar Body Scrub (Sensitive Skin Type)

Ingredients:1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup coconut oil (solidified but soft)
5-6 drops of any essential oil (rose, lavender, jasmine will gel perfectly)
1/2 tea spoon of Vitamin E (optional)Procedure and application:

Take a bowl, mix all the ingredients together till you obtain a wet sand consistency and store it in a jar. Massage it on your skin properly or use an exfoliating brush and move in circular motions on your skin. Wash it with lukewarm water, dab your skin with a warm towel and don't forget to moisturize your skin after you are done.


Brown sugar is less abrasive then raw sugar which makes it suitable for sensitive skin types. It facilitates relaxation, removes dead skin and even white heads.

2. Coconut Rose Sea Salt Scrub (Dry Skin Type)

1/2 cup Himalayan sea salt (you can use sea salt, Himalayan sea salt is just pink in colour)
1/2 cup of coconut oil (solidified but soft)
1/2 cup of dried crushed rose petals
5-6 drops of rose essential oil

Procedure and application:Mix all ingredients together and apply all over your skin. Wash with lukewarm water.


It gives you a fresh glow, exfoliates your skin, facilitates blood circulation due the abrasive nature of salt and induces relaxation.

3. Coffee Body Scrub (Antioxidant Value and Fights Cellulite)


1 cup ground coffee
1 cup raw sugar
1/2 cup coconut oil
5-6 drops of essential any essential oil (optional)

Procedure and application:Mix all ingredients together and apply all over your skin. Rub in a circular motion for deep absorption of the nutrients and cleansing. Wash with lukewarm water.


The aroma of coffee incorporated with vanilla or other scented oils creates a very relaxed and a soothing experience and exfoliates your skin as well. Antioxidants in coffee can help in preventing premature ageing and are believed to fight cellulite.

4. Green Tea Body Scrub (Oily Skin Type)

Ingredients:1 cup sugar
1/8 cup olive oil
1/4 cup of brewed green tea
1 1/2 bag of green tea (not brewed)

Procedure and application:Take a bowl, mix all the ingredients together till you obtain a thick paste like consistency. If your mixture is too watery, add more sugar to balance the excess water. You can even add vanilla for a sweet scent. Massage it on your skin properly. Wash it off with lukewarm water.


Green tea works wonders for oily skin. It exfoliates and removes dead skin, unclogs skin pores and induces freshness. Olive oil leaves the skin moisturized.

5. Tomato Sugar Body Scrub (Tan Removal)

3 tomatoes
1 cup sugarProcedure and application:

Puree the tomatoes in a blender and then in a bowl mix it with sugar.  Massage this mixture on your skin properly or use an exfoliating brush and move in circular motions. Wash with lukewarm water.


Tomatoes are rich in Vitamins A and C and replenish your skin with these nutrients. This homemade scrub can help in preventing acne, it lightens your complexion, removes tan, and makes your skin look fresh and smooth.

6. Lemon Sea Salt Scrub (Improves Skin Tone

Ingredients:1 cup sea salt or epsom salt
5 spoons olive oil
1 whole lemon’s juice
1 1/2 tablespoon lemon zest
Procedure and application:

Mix all ingredients and apply. Wash with lukewarm water. It can also be stored in a jar for later use.


Lemon brightens and lightens your skin tone, exfoliates the skin while olive oil moisturizes it leaving the skin feeling smooth and polished.


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