Glowing Skin in a Day with These Amazing Home Remedies

Is it possible to become fair in one day? With the amazing and fabulous homemade remedies that we have got you covered here, getting fair skin in one day is actually possible. Try them if you wish for instant fairness.
In today’s time and age when we are so accustomed to finding instant fixes to every problem-right from the coffee we drink to the food we consume-- who’s got time to indulge in an elaborate and time consuming routine when it comes to attaining fair and glowing skin. But obvious, our first reflex is to buy OTC fairness creams and products that the markets are currently flooded with and too an extent provide us instant solutions. But what these companies don’t warn us about is the long-term damage the excessive usage of these products can cause our skin. Yes, flawless, fair and glowing skin is the desire of every woman but what we need to do is stop and ask ourselves the question, if are we putting at stake a lot more than what we are getting in return.

If instant fairness is what you desire, why torture your skin with chemically treated products when you can achieve the desired results without damaging your skin and that too with ingredients procured right from your kitchen. True, fairness can’t be attained overnight and you need to go step-by-step to achieve the desired results, but that should not stop you from trying these home remedies for glowing skin in one day. Since they have been prepared using natural ingredients, your skin is saved from the rigours of damage that market ready skin care products can cause. Furthermore, with their regular application you will get few tones fairer and proudly flaunt radiant, glowing and beautiful skin. Still don’t believe us? Read further to know how to get fair skin that also glows with health.
Tips on How to Become Fair in One Day:
Wondering how to become fair? Follow these tips on a daily basis:
Use a mild cleanser like Dabur Gulabari Rose Water to remove dirt and pollution from the skin’s surface before going to bed

Use a mild soap-free face wash to wash your face
Always moisturise your face with a deep-hydrating cream or lotion like Dabur Gulabari Moisturising Cream

Exfoliate your face with homemade, natural or herbal scrubs, at least once a week, to eliminate presence of dead skin cells and impurities from the skin and to reveal fresh, new & healthy skin
Always apply an effective sunscreen lotion at least 20 minutes before stepping out in the sun. Sun’s harsh ultraviolet rays can damage your skin and result in dull and uneven skin tone. Make sure your sunscreen has higher SPF of 40 or more.

Beautiful and glowing skin is not an overnight game. So, apart from following this everyday skin care regime you also need to include few natural homemade remedies that can aid in giving you glowing skin in one day.

Turmeric & milk :

Want to know the secret to getting fair skin in one day the natural way? Start applying turmeric and milk face pack. Milk moisturises the skin and turmeric aids in lightening and brightening the skin tone. To get fair skin in a day, just mix equal quantities of milk and turmeric and apply on your face. Leave it on overnight and the morning after, wash your face with cold water.

Egg fix :
To become fair in one day, try the egg fix. It not only satisfactorily answer your query of how to become fair but also help in tightening and firming up the skin thus preventing wrinkles and fine lines from appearing on your face. Whip up an egg white and apply all over your face and neck. Leave it to dry for 20 mins before rinsing it off with normal water.
Fruit pack attack :
How to get fair skin with a fruit pack? Simple, by taking the pulp of a combination of fruits like papaya, avocado & cucumber; mixing it with a teaspoon of Dabur Gulabari Rose Water; letting it dry on the face for 25 minutes before rinsing it off with water.
Coconut water for glowing skin :
If how to get glowing skin is the question that bothers you, then you’ll find the answer in coconut water. It also helps in lightening and brightening the skin tone. Apply it twice a day all over your facial skin with the help of cotton for a period of 15 minutes to get the desired results.
Lemon glow :
If there is one anti-darkening remedy that you can trust even blindfolded then it is lemon. The citric acid present in lemons help remove dead skin cells and give way to fresher, younger and glowing skin. Lemons also aids in lightening of complexion, removal of darks pots & blemishes and provide as even tone & texture to the skin. Cut a lemon into half and apply its juice directly to the skin. You can also add few drops of honey to it for better results.

Note: Applying each of these remedies at least twice a week will give you the desired results.
Still wondering how to become fair or how to get glowing skin? For more tips on how to get fair skin, keep following our blog.


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