Face Packs for Great Skin All tipe Skin

Summer has arrived and so have the pimples, oily skin, skin darkening, dull skin and other skin related problems. So this weekend try these  beauty face packs for a beautiful, radiant complexion.

Oatmeal Pack - Ingredients: 3 tsp oatmeal, 1 egg white,1 tsp honey, 1 tsp curd

Method - Make a good mixture of the above ingredients and refrigerate for some time. Before applying this paste on your skin, clean your face thoroughly. Let
Banana pack - Ingredients: Mint leaves and banana

Method - Grind some handful of mint leaves to a fine paste and mash half a banana. Mix both these paste together and apply it on your face. Keep this paste on for 10 minutes and wash it off with

Almond scrub - Ingredients: Grounded almonds and curd

Method - Mix some rice flour or ground almonds with cure to make a fine paste. Apply this paste before going to bed, to remove all dirt and impurities for 15 minutes. Scrub the paste on your face, when it is dried to remove the paste.
Minty pack - Ingredients: Fresh mint, turmeric powder – a pinch and lukewarm water

Method - Take some fresh mint and make a fine paste of it. Now add a pinch of turmeric powder and mix well. Wash your face with lukewarm water and apply this
Almonds and cream mask - Ingredients: 5-7 almonds, 2 tsp oatmeal, 4 tbsp full cream milk, 2 tsp china clay, drops lemon juice,1 mashed avocado

Method - Make a fine paste by mixing all the above ingredients.Apply on face and leave it for 20 minutes.Dampen cotton
Pea magic - Ingredients: Half cup powdered peas, 3 tsp curd, a few drops lemon juice, half-cup papaya, rose water

Method - Make a paste by mixing all ingredients together. Apply it for 20 minutes and wash your face with ice-cold water.


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