Easy egg or egg white hair packs for healthy hair growth at home

Egg and essential oil hair pack for better hair growth

Rosemary essential oil can be very helpful to stimulate growth of healthy hairs. You can add this essential oil with an egg to prepare a hair pack to ensure better hair growth. Using an essential oil with the egg will also ensure that the smell of raw egg is more tolerable.

Take the content of an egg in a glass bowl and add 2-3 drops of rosemary oil with it and then blend for 3-4 minutes. Apply the pack all over your scalp and hairs or on the bald patches as per your requirements. Wash off with water and shampoo after 30 minutes at least.
Egg and bhringraj oil hair pack

Bhringraj is a herb that is known for its ability to boost hair growth and to ensure better overall hair health. Pure bhringraj oil is now available from a number of herbal brands. You can use bhringraj oil with a whole egg or the white of two eggs to prepare a hair pack that will ensure healthy hair growth.

Take the egg or the white of two eggs in a container and add 2 spoons of Bhringraj oil to it. Mix the ingredients with a hand blender for 4-5 minutes and then apply. You can keep the pack on your head for an hour or till it gets dry.

Egg white and onion hair pack for hair growth

    Natural homemade neem hair packs

If you are suffering from bald patches on your head and you are concerned about quick and healthy hair growth on the patches, try out this easy hair pack that will never fail you. Take the white of an egg. Take a small, light colored onion and grate it. Squeeze out the juice. You will need to add two spoons of the onion extract with the white of an egg. So, if needed, you can use more than one small onion.

Mix the egg white and the onion extract with a blender for at least 5-7 minutes and it will make a frothy cream like substance. Apply this pack onto your scalp, focusing on the bald patches. Leave on for 45 minutes and then wash off with a herbal cleanser. Avoid staying in an aerated area or in an AC room where the pack can get dried off quickly. You should use this pack every day to get quick results.

Egg yolk and honey hair pack for quick hair growth

Honey is moisturizing and nourishing for the hairs. It can be very helpful to banish hair dryness, split ends and also to repair hair damage, which is essential for healthy hair growth.

To prepare a hair pack with egg yolk and honey all you need to do is to separate the yolk of the egg from the white. Once the yolk is separated take it in a glass bowl and beat it for few minutes. Then add 2 spoons of honey with the egg and then beat again to make a homogenous mixture. You can apply this pack onto your hairs and scalp, let it set for an hour without letting it get dry and then wash off.
Egg and coconut milk hair pack

The milk of coconut is a sure shot hair growth booster. It is highly nourishing for the hairs and is easily absorbed into the scalp. If you are trying to increase the growth of healthy hairs on your head, this pack can be actually helpful.

You can prepare fresh coconut milk by grinding a fresh coconut and then squeezing out the milk from it. Mix this milk with an egg and blend the two together at least for 10 minutes to make a completely homogenous mixture. Apply the resulting mask onto the hair roots as well as on the length of the hairs, as it will also help in repairing any hair damage and split ends. Keep your head covered with a shower cap to make sure that the pack does not get dry quickly. Let it set for at least an hour and then wash off with plenty of water and a shampoo.
Egg and fenugreek hair pack

For invigorating quick hair growth fenugreek can work miraculously. When you are trying to make your hairs healthy and grow faster, a pack made from fenugreek seeds and egg can be highly effective. Here is how you can prepare it easily at home.

Soak 2 spoons of fenugreek seeds in 1 cup of water overnight. In the morning strain the seeds and smash them to a paste in a grinder. Add an egg in it and blend again for at least 4-5 minutes to make a smooth and homogenous paste. Apply this pack onto your scalp and hairs and leave on. Wash off after an hour. Repeat twice a week for the best results.

Grow your hairs with egg and aloe vera

If you are trying to grow your hairs but they just seem not to grow quickly, try out this pack. Aloe Vera is a rich source of Vitamin E and it is known for being an effective hair growth booster.

Collect the Aloe Vera pulp from a fresh Aloe Vera leaf and blend it to make a smooth paste. Now add the content of an egg with the Aloe Vera in the blender and blend again for 3-4 minutes. Apply the resulting mask onto your scalp and hairs. Leave on for 45 minutes to one hour covering your head. Then wash off with a mild hair cleanser.
Egg and olive oil – Hair growth booster


You can prepare an easy and yet effective hair growth pack at home by mixing an egg with olive oil. Olive oil is high in Vitamin E content and it also provides nourishment to the hair roots and strands.

To prepare this easy hair growth boosting pack take an egg in a glass bowl and whisk it. Add 2 spoons of Olive oil to it and whisk again. Let the pack stand for some time and then apply it onto your hair as well as on the scalp. Let it get 80% dry and then wash off with a hair cleanser.

    Natural homemade hair packs

If you do not want to go into any complications for your hair pack, keeping it simple is always a good option. Just take an egg, break it and collect the content in a glass bowl. Whisk it until it becomes frothy. Now apply the pack directly onto your hairs and scalp and cover with a shower cap. Let it stand for 30 minutes to an hour and then wash off with water and a hair cleanser.

To reap great benefits from egg hair packs adding some other nourishing ingredients with an egg can be really effective. Check out the different egg hair packs mentioned below that can help in healthy hair growth and will also give other benefits to the hairs, like making them soft, shiny and manageable.
Egg and avocado hair pack for healthy hair growth

Avocado contains a good amount of Vitamin E and C. It is highly nourishing for the scalp and hairs. You can prepare egg and Avocado hair pack by following the next steps.

Take a ripe avocado and remove the seed. Mash it and then add it in a blender along with an egg to prepare a smooth paste. Apply this pack onto your hairs and scalp and leave on at least for an hour without letting it get dry. Wash off with water and a herbal hair cleanser.
Egg and yogurt hair pack for hair growth

Yogurt is highly nourishing for the hairs and scalp. It can repair any damage or dryness of the hairs. You can easily prepare a hair pack with egg and yogurt at your home and enjoy the benefits.

Take the content of an egg in a glass bowl and whisk it. Now add 2 spoons of yogurt to the egg and mix again. Apply the resulting mixture onto your scalp and hairs and let it set for an hour, covering your head with a shower cap. Wash off using a shampoo.


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