How to remove unwanted hair naturally from face, legs and hands

Unwanted hair on the visible areas of the body like hands, feet, face and back affect the perfect look of a person. They are one of the main cosmetic problems faced by many women.  The causes of the unwanted hair growth can be due to imbalance of hormones in the body, irregular menstrual cycle, and use of certain medications or due to pregnancy.

There are many latest techniques like waxing, laser hair removal, electrolysis, etc. are available for unwanted facial hair removal but they are costly and cause harm to the skin. There are many age old natural home remedies available for efficient removal of unwanted hair from different parts of the body. These remedies are natural, and have no side effects. They are much cheaper than the methods available from beauty clinics.

Unwanted hair was always a matter connected that lead to critical discussions among women and many with regard to men. The rise in hair removal products is really a proof that it matters a lot for most of the women and men in the society today. Everyone is more than willing to pay the price the products demand to get rid of that unwanted body hair. But did you know that there is a vast range of home made remedies to combat unwanted hair, but it entails a certain amount of patience and easy practical methods can do just as well like any other product thereby saving your time, effort and money.

Natural methods to remove unwanted hair

Gram flour and turmeric powder to get rid of unwanted facial hair

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In India this approach is very popular among the youngsters who want to get rid of the unwanted hair, considering the fact that other methods are actually harsh upon their sensitive skin. Make a paste using Turmeric Powder(Haldi) + Gram Flour(Besan)+ Curd.Apply the it gently on the parts where you find excess hair and allow it to dry for 30 Minutes. Then damp the face and slowly rubbing it in the opposite direction of the hair growth wash it off sing cold water. Once its done apply moisturizer for the skin to look supple and soft.  Apply the paste once a week for about four months and you’ll surely begin to see the changes.

Pumice gems

Pumice gems contains crystals like substance that cold be used for scrubbing the area where there is excess facial hair growth. Use it as soon as you apply water and soap or various other lubricants on the body before using it, else it could form rashes along with red spots on your skin. Using pumice gems regularly before bathing can help in completely reducing unwanted hair growth on the body.

Spearmint herbal tea to control testosterone growth

Sometimes human hormones are the main cause for unwanted growth of facial hair, the main reason is excess amount of testosterone, generally in women. Spearmint tea may help reduce the testosterone degrees which naturally helps in decreasing unwanted hair growth. Drink 1 cup of spearmint herbal tea daily each morning for greater results.

Lemon, honey & sugar to remove of excessive hair

Its home-made waxing product, easy to make and use! Mix Honey+Lemon+Sugar [30: 10: 60 in proportions] Microwave on high till it gets into a gel like consistency. Let the gel cool to some extent so that you can apply on your hands and feet, otherwise it may result in burns on your skin. Apply a thin layer on the area and then using a rough cloth pull of the unwanted hair in the opposite direction of hair growth. Clean the surface, apply moisturizer on it and attain a smooth and glowing skin.

Hair removal with sandpaper (600 grit)

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Simply stroke it on the skin where there is unwanted hair, to some extent it may be distressing and it doesn’t remove very much hair. It might burn hypersensitive areas but is  an excellent exfoliater. Do not use the it for removing unwanted facial hair and avoid using hard kind of sand paper. Pumice rock is better in comparison to sandpaper.

Sugar & lemon mix for facial hair & body hair

Sugar water and lemon juice exfoliates the face and offers a natural bleach to the face.  These   three components combined together help to remove hair from the face as well as from other parts of the body. The mixture made with sugar water and lemon juice must be applied on the face in the direction of the growth of hair on the face. Leave it on the face and wash after 15-20 minutes.

Sugar mixed with water, lemon and honey is a very good home remedy to remove unwanted hair from legs and arms. It acts like wax and is very effective in removing unwanted hair growth on legs and arms.  It is a similar process like waxing and plucking and is slightly painful. For waxing little cornstarch is added to the mixture.  The mixture of sugar lemon and honey is heated to make it a free flowing paste. The areas of hair on the legs and arms need to be cleaned and dusted with cornstarch. Apply the mixture with a spatula on the areas of hair growth. Cover it with a waxing strip and press it to the mixture. Pull the strip on the opposite side of the hair growth.

Sugar molasses home wax treatment

This is the most effective treatment to get rid of unwanted hair from face, legs and hands naturally and easily. Mixing sugar with molasses or corn syrup will give the same effect that one gets when mixing sugar, honey and lemon together. Magnesium is a main component in molasses that help in balancing the hormones. It is quite effective in offering slow and steady relief from unwanted hair. Mixing the sugar with molasses or corn syrup will make the molasses become a depilatory wax that you can use on your hands and legs to remove unwanted hair.

Remove unwanted hair with lentil & potatoes

Potatoes combined with yellow lentil are an Ayurvedic process to get rid of the hair on the face and other parts of the body. Potatoes have natural bleach properties in them. The combination of both these items will help in making the hair color lighter.  Make a paste of soaked lentil and juice extracted from crushed potatoes. Apply on the face and other parts of the body and leave it to dry. Remove the paste in piles by rubbing the fingers over the paste. It helps in removing unwanted hair permanently by repeating the process two to three times in a fortnight.

Egg mask for unwanted hair removal

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Apply egg white on the face and leave it to dry. It can now be easily pulled off and the unwanted hair will come off with it. This could be little bit painful remedy but effective one for unwanted hair on legs and hands.

Banana and oatmeal scrub to get rid of unwanted hair

Banana is a natural ingredient that can be used to remove unwanted hair from the body. It will help in exfoliating the skin when mixed with a roughening ingredient like oatmeal. The banana will help in making your skin soft and supple and oatmeal will act as the cleanser for your skin. Both combine to give unique and effective results.

Safflower oil – Thanaka home remedy

Thanaka is a very popular tree in Myanmar whose bark is used for cosmetic purposes.  It helps in removing unwanted hair on the face and other body parts easily when mixed with Safflower oil helps cleansing and making the skin get softer and smoother. Thanaka powder is a natural body hair inhibitor that helps in easily removing unwanted hair.

Natural home remedies take a longer time to show results and hence lot of patience is required. There are no chemicals in these natural ingredients, hence any side effects.

Raw papaya for unwanted hair removal

You can now find an active enzyme in raw papaya named as papain. You can now use this to remove unwanted facial hair as it will restrict the hair growth easily. This also helps in exfoliating the skin and makes your skin tone well improved. If you have sensitive skin, papain present in the fruit will work well. In order to make this remedy, you have to take 2 tablespoon of raw papaya pulp and ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder. Now apply it over the face and other area of skin where there is unwanted hair. Wait for 15 minutes and wash with cold water.

White pepper and camphor remedy

The strong sensation of camphor as well as white pepper works well in removal of unwanted hair from your face and other parts. But, if you have sensitive skin this can also end up with burning sensation. In order to get powder of white pepper you need to make powder out of it. Now add 2-3 drops of almond oil in it. Now add the camphor in the solution and mix it really well. Apply this paste over the hands and legs where you want to remove unwanted hair. You need to leave it for 10- 15 minutes and then wash away the paste.

Rosewater and alum remedy for unwanted hair removal

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The rock of Alum can be easily found in the market in solid or powdered form. In order to get homemade remedy for unwanted hair the ingredients you would require include 2-3 tablespoon of rosewater, ½ teaspoon of Alum powder, few drops of olive oil and cotton ball. You need to take a container and add alum powder along with the rosewater as per the quantity mentioned. You need to use a teaspoon to dissolve the same. You need to use the cotton ball and apply over the areas where you want to remove unwanted hair. Wash it away once it is dry

Spearmint tea for unwanted hair growth

If you want to restrict the growth of unwanted hair, a wonderful home remedy will work really well in this regard. Yes, the spearmint tea is an amazing remedy which will help you make your unwanted hair restricted. Some ladies have a problem of unwanted hair over their face which is known as Hirsutism. Since this is a problem related to hormonal imbalance, do not go for cosmetics and medicines as this can end up with complications if it does not suites.  You need to boil water and prepare tea  in a normal way with the use of spearmint leaves instead of normal tea leaves. Drink this tea without sugar to get the remedy for unwanted hair growth.

Food rich in phytoestrogens for hair growth restriction

There are several foods that are rich in phytoestrogen which is normally provided to men and women when their hormonal level falls. Even if the hormonal level is more than what it should be, the unwanted hair growth can be easily viewed.  You must consume the food such as flaxseeds, Alfalfa, Brahmi herb, soy milk, Fennel herb and Licorice. This will help you get restriction of hair growth.

Basil onion paste due for hair removal

To create this home remedy you require 2 onions and 10- 15 basil leaves. When choosing the onion you need to take the transparent membranes. Now take basil leaves and onions in a grinder and make a paste out of it. Once the paste is done you need to apply it over the skin where unwanted hair is visible. Wait for 15 minutes and then wash away with cold water. Do this twice in a day and see the difference of the unwanted hair over your skin getting reduced.


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