Skin care tips for oily skin in summer

After the soothing breeze of spring, summer approaches and brings scorching sunrays with heat all over. People suffer from variety of skin complication during this season. The rashes, pimples, sweat and irritations are quite common. But there are some perfect ways with the help of which you can get a perfect skin care experience in a natural way. You should also stay away from chemical rich products for oily skin. If you are experiencing any skin trouble during summer, the skin care tips will be effective. But there are some fun activities to be enjoyed during this summer. In order to experience those, you must go for the best deal.
Wash up

    Best skin care tips in summer

The biggest benefit of washing your face is the removal of excess oil that accumulates on your face. The best thing to do is to carry a face wash which is meant for oily skin. But who has the time to wash their faces every hour? Even if you cannot spare the time for a proper scrub then do splash your face a couple of times whenever possible. This keeps your skin well hydrated, oil free and cool.
Wipe it

If you cannot find the time or place to wash your face or even have a refreshing splash of water you can always blot the oil away. You might carry a cotton handkerchief or paper napkins or dry face wipes. Wet wipes might seem like an alluring remedy but some face wipes can cause more accumulation. So, choose your wipes carefully and always opt for dry wipes.
Tone down

Summer is the best time to tone down your daily makeup. You might want to stick to your regular dose of heavy make up but it’s a better idea to let your skin breathe. Try not to apply too many layers of makeup. A little eye and lip make up can be fine but toning down the foundation can help your skin breathe. The more layers you add the more oil gets accumulated. You also need to reduce the application of night creams. If you moisturize too much then your face might become even oilier.
Block it

    Oily skin care tips

Many people tend to be stingy when it comes to sun block. There are many sun blocks especially for oily skin. Get a hold of such sun blocks and apply it generously. The sun light can be highly damaging for your skin. So, always be generous with your sun block.
Eat right

What you eat has a direct effect on your skin. Summers can be the best time to go on a healthy diet since the heat can ruin your appetite easily. Cut down on fatty and oily food to keep your body and skin healthy during summer. Fresh vegetables and fruits can in fact help reduce oil secretion from your skin.
Clean up

Cleaning your face is extremely necessary during summer. Face wash cannot take care of the oil secretion that summer causes. This is why it is important to cleanse your skin every night. Exfoliate your skin by using the right product and use the right mask to keep your oily skin from breaking out.

    Fairness beauty tips for oily skin

    Use tomato squeeze for oily skin in summer. Take half tomato grind and add seven drops of lemon juice. Mix it well and apply that paste on your face. Let it absorb into the skin, wait for 10 to 15mins and wash it with cold water. Apply twice in a week for better result.
    Mango is the seasonal fruit available in summer. Make use of this fruit by smashing the mango into soft pulp and massage it on your skin. Leave it for a few minutes and rinse it well with cold water. It helps in unclog the pores.
    Egg white and honey can give better result for oily skin. Mix a teaspoon of honey with an egg white and enough flour. Apply it as a mask on the face by avoiding the eye area. After 15mins wash it with warm water.

These tips are sure to save you from uncomfortable acne and pimple filled summer.

[Hindi tips for oily skin]
Skin care tips for oily skin in summer
Face scrub with banana, oats and milk

You can now make a wonderful face scrub to protect your skin from excessive oil secretion during summer. If you have oily skin there is a tendency that your face will accumulate excessive oil in its pores. But the scrubber made with the combination of banana pulp, milk and oil will work well.
Egg yolk for summer skin care

    Summer skin care face packs

Break one raw egg and take out the yolk portion of the egg aside. Now use a spoon or a fork to blend the yolk in an effective way. Once the yolk becomes lighter in color you can apply it over your face. Let it dry for 10 minutes and then peel out the mask.  This is also taken as one of the effective summer skin care for oily skin.
Honey with apple

Make a pulp of apple in a juicer and add few drops of honey in it.  You have to apply this pulp after cleaning your face. Make sure this pulp covers maximum portion of your face. Skin care during summer for oily skin will be effectively managed with these types of treatment.
Prefer gel than cream moisturizer

During summer, the gel based moisturizers are better than that of cream based. If you have oily skin it is actually a bad idea to use a cream based moisturizer. This will be a wonderful skin care during summer.


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