Anti Aging Mask Facial recipes

Facial recipes

Buttermilk, Oatmeal, Olive & Almond oil anti aging mask

Your face will look definitely rejuvenated and younger after you use thisanti aging mask a few times! (…that's how we would sell it if we had to)

What do you need:

    1/2 cup Buttermilk
    2 tablespoons Oatmeal
    1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive oil
    1 teaspoon Almond oil

How to do it:

Put the buttermilk and oatmeal in a pan and warm it up until the oatmeal is soft. Mix in the olive and almond oil and let it cool down, make sure you have a smooth and sticky paste

Spread the paste gently and equally with your fingertips on your clean face and neck; keep the eye area clear

Now lie down, relax and leave the mask on for 25-30 minutes

Then wash it off with alternately cold and warm water and end with a splash of cold; pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Finally tone and apply a moisturizer, this way you "seal" your skin to keep the water inside

Tip: Oatmeal cleans and soothes like the best, try our oatmeal masks

Facial recipes

Avocado, Cream, Carrot & Honey anti aging mask

Avocado is filled with vitamin E, carrot with beta-carotene and antioxidants; cream with protein and lactic acid and honey is the skin care queen that takes care of everything

In short, this anti aging facial will help you rebuild skin collagen, improve your tone and texture, and fade age spots

What do you need:

    1 Egg
    1 Carrot
    1/4 fresh Avocado
    2 tablespoons Heavy Cream
    1 tablespoon dark organic Honey

How to do it:

Cook the carrot until you can easily mush it. Peel the avocado and cut it in pieces. Put the carrot and avocado together with the rest of the ingredients in a food processor and mix/ mash it until you have a nice smooth cream

Spread the mask gently and equally with your fingertips on your clean face and neck; keep the eye area clear

Now lie down, relax and leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes

Then rinse it off with cold water; pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Finally tone and apply a moisturizer

Tip: Just avocado is sometimes enough to nourish your desperate skin; why not try our avocado masks
Facial recipes

Seaweed/ Kelp, Egg White, Honey & Orange anti aging mask

The seawater in kelp or seaweed used in anti aging masks is very similar to human plasma which makes it easier for the tons of nutrients in seaweed to "skip" over to our skin

What do you need:

    2 tablespoons Kelp powder (or Seaweed; find it in health food stores)
    1 tablespoon dark organic Honey
    1 teaspoon fresh Orange juice
    1 Egg white

How to do it:

Mix all the ingredients until you have a smooth and uniform creamy paste

Spread the paste gently and equally with a facial mask brush or spatula on your clean face and neck; keep the eye area clear

Now lie down, relax and leave the mask on for 15 minutes

Then wash it off with lukewarm water and end with a splash of cold; pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Finally tone and apply a moisturizer

Facial recipes

Papaya, Egg White, Yogurt, Honey & Lemon anti aging mask

This anti aging facial is a mild facial peel; it rejuvenates, leaving your skin moisturized, supple, and radiant. Papaya helps to slough off dead skin cells while the lemon donates antioxidants, stimulates collagen and bleaches dark spots

Honey is an over-all skin care queen and supports the skin's ability to rejuvenate. The egg white tightens pores and tones your skin

What do you need:

    1 Egg white
    1 ripe Papaya
    1/2 Lemon (juice)
    1 tablespoon dark organic Honey
    2 tablespoons Plain unflavored Yogurt, with active cultures

How to do it:

Peel and the papaya scrape out the seeds and cut it it pieces. Put these in a food processor and mash them to a pulp, then pour it into a mixing bowl. Add the egg white, yogurt, honey and the lemon juice; mix it into a creamy paste

Spread the paste gently and equally with a facial mask brush or spatula on your clean face and neck; keep the eye area clear

Now lie down, relax and leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes

Then wash it off with warm water and a soft warm wash cloth, end with a splash of cold; pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Finally tone and apply a moisturizer

Tip: For peeling masks, take a look at our safe facial peel recipes

Facial recipes

White/ Chinese Clay, Whole Wheat Flour, Jojoba & Almond oil anti aging mask

The whole wheat flour in this anti aging mask is great for sloughing off dead skin cells. It also contains vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that protects your skin from environmental toxins. It is said that it slows down the aging process of the skin

The white clay is the mildest of all clays. It is even suitable for sensitive skin. It stimulates circulation to the skin while gently exfoliating and cleansing it

What do you need:

    2-3oz.(55-85gr.) Kaolin Clay (White or Chinese clay)
    1 tablespoon Whole wheat flour
    1 teaspoons Almond oil
    1 teaspoon Jojoba oil
    Mineral water

How to do it:

Mix the clay with enough water and the rest of the ingredients to make a smooth and sticky paste that will stay on your face without it running off

Smooth the paste gently and equally with your fingertips on your clean face and neck; keep the eye area clear

Now lie down, relax and leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes

Then wash it off with alternately cold and warm water and end with a splash of cold; pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Finally tone and apply a moisturizer

Red Wine, Green Tea, Honey & Egg White anti aging mask

This anti aging facial will definitely make your skin look younger, extra vibrant and leaves it silky smooth

Both the red wine and green tea contain antioxidants from polyphenols, when translated this means they slow down the aging process of your skin

The egg white and red wine combined make a super skin toner, they seriously tighten your skin and give an extra boost to an already powerful anti aging force

What do you need:

    1 Egg white
    2 tablespoons Red wine
    1 tablespoons dark organic Honey
    1 teaspoon Matcha powdered green tea (or use strong steeped fresh green tea from leaves)

How to do it:

If necessary Warm up the honey as we mentioned in the recipe above. Mix the matcha powdered green tea with 1 teaspoon of fresh water, then gently mix the matcha, egg white, red wine and honey until you have a smooth uniform substance

Spread the paste gently and equally with a facial mask brush or spatula on your clean face and neck; keep the eye area clear

Now lie down, relax and leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes

Then wash it off with lukewarm water and end with a splash of cold; pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Finally tone and apply a moisturizer

Tip: After a fun evening keep a bottom of red wine in the bottle, you'll be amazed what you can achieve with our red wine face masks

Facial recipes

Lettuce, White Clay, Mint & Honey anti aging mask

Lettuce is astringent; it also soothes, calms, and heals your skin. In this anti aging mask it is combined to make a serious wrinkle fighter

What do you need:

    White clay
    5 fresh Lettuce leaves
    1 teaspoon dark organic Honey
    1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh mint leaves
    Fresh Water

How to do it:

Put the lettuce leaves in a food processor and mask them until it is totally fluid. Filter this juice through a clean cloth into a glass. Mix this filtered juice with the honey and mint leaves; let it rest for a few minutes

Take enough white clay to make a mask and mix it with the lettuce juice, honey, mint mix until you get a smooth and sticky paste that will stay on your face without it running off (add fresh water if necessary)

Spread the paste gently and equally with your fingertips on your clean face and neck; keep the eye area clear

Now lie down, relax and leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes

Then wash it off with alternately cold and warm water and end with a splash of cold; pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Finally tone and apply a moisturizer

Tip: If you're battling wrinkles also try our homemade wrinkle creams

Facial recipes

Comfrey, rosemary, Chamomile, Egg White & White Clay anti aging mask

Comfrey has soothing and smoothing properties and has proven vital in anti aging skin care. It contains allantoin, an ingredient that speeds up the natural replacement of body cells so they won't clog your pores

Chamomile soothes and heals your skin while rosemary is an antiseptic

What do you need:

    1 Egg white
    1 tablespoon dried Comfrey
    1 tablespoon finely chopped Rose petals
    1 teaspoon dried and crushed Chamomile flowers
    2 tablespoons White clay

How to do it:

Put the comfrey and chamomile in a cup and pour boiling water over it. Cover it and when it is completely cooled down strain it. Mix the white clay, egg white, rose petals and rosemary in a bowl; add enough of the comfrey, chamomile liquid to get a smooth sticky paste that will stay on your face without it running off (what is left of the comfrey liquid you keep for later)

Spread the paste gently and equally with your fingertips on your clean face and neck; keep the eye area clear

Now lie down, relax and leave the mask on for 20-25 minutes

Then wash it off with what is left of the comfrey liquid and some fresh cold water and a soft wash cloth or cotton pads and end with a splash of cold water; pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Finally tone and apply moisturizer


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