how to remove oily skin and face Oily skin care tips

Oily skin can be really frustrating when excess oil accumulates with sweat during summer. Some people have a habit of sweating over their hand palms. This becomes really irritated when in the corporate world anyone extends their hands for a shake. The sweaty hand won’t be really impressive in this regard. But, you can now get some natural remedy to stay away from the oily skin.

Sometimes the food that you eat also plays a vital role in creating oil balance in your body. This article will discuss such remedies one after another. After availing such remedy you will feel like loving your oily skin tone instead of hating it. Oily skin is shiny, thick and dull colored and a pain to deal. The excess oil accumulated on the outer layer of the skin leads to the development of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and skin irritation.

It has large pores and the skin has a coarse look. On the other hand, oily skin tends to age in a better manner and there are fewer wrinkles on it as compared to dry or normal skin. So it is not all that bad. But it is true that it is difficult to maintain an oily skin.
Top reasons for oily skin and face

    Skin care tips for oily skin

Follow these natural beauty tips for oily skin and be ready to flaunt your flawless and smooth skin.

    Clean your skin at least twice a day with a good face wash to remove the dirt and oil from your face. This will avert clogging up of the pores & keep your skin supple and smooth.
    Remove all make-up before hitting the bed.
    Include food that is rich in protein, in your daily diet.
    Add lots of leafy vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.
    Vitamin B2 assists in preventing excess production of oil on the skin, thus, include food like kernels, beans and nuts that are rich in vitamin B2.
    Reduce intake of sugar and fat
    Also, do not crave for comfort foods like chocolate, deep-fried food, alcohol based beverages etc.
    Genetics is the main cause of an oily skin. When oily skin runs in the family, chances of all family members to have an oily skin are unavoidable. A genetically oily is more likely to include clogged pores and breakouts.
    Overuse use of skin care products for cleansing, exfoliating or scrubbing for a smooth, clear skin can also lead to an oily skin.
    Seasonal changes – The level of oil production on the skin increases with the rise of heat and humidity in summer. In winter when the skin becomes dry the skin gets dehydrated and there are chances of excess oil  to compensate the loss
    Medications. Hormonal birth control and hormone replacement medications also cause an increase in oil production.
    Hormonal changes in women, during pregnancy, post and pre-menopause can kick sebaceous glands to produce more oil.
    Stress – During stress the body produces more androgen hormones which lead to more oil production.
    Sun tanning– Sun tanning may temporarily dry out the skin, but it actually causes the sebaceous glands to surge the production of oil in order to protect the skin’s surface.

    Fairness tips for oily skin

Natural home remedies to treat oily skin

    It is difficult to manage oily skin, but there are several solutions to handle this problem. There is no need use expensive, chemical based skin care products. Some simple homemade remedies are found to be effective to deal with oily skin.
    Egg Whites can effectively dry out skin blemishes and tone and tighten up oily skin. Apply a stiffly whipped egg white on the face and allow it to dry. Wash it off with water. Alternatively, make a mixture of egg white and lemon juice and apply it on the face. Leave it on for 15 before rinsing it with warm water.
    Yogurt helps to gently exfoliate the skin and absorbs excess oil from the face. Apply plain yogurt on the face. Leave it for 15 minutes before washing it off with cool water. Alternately mix oatmeal and honey with yogurt and apply this mixture on the face. Wash it off after 15 minutes with warm water
    Tomatoes are great for oily skin due to its properties of cooling and clearing. The natural oil-absorbing acids in tomatoes also help get rid of excess oil. Rub a cut tomato on the skin till the juice soaks the skin. Rinse after 15 minutes with cold water.
    Cucumbers also help to manage oily skin due to their cooling, astringent, and soothing properties. Higher vitamin and mineral content, magnesium, and potassium, are good for oily skin. Rub a slice of cucumber before going to bed. Wash it in the morning with warm water. Alternatively, make a mixture of cucumber juice and lime juice and apply it on the face and hands. This remedy can also be used to lighten freckles and reduce sunburn.

Simple tips to remove oily skin

    Regular cleaning with mild soap will help to keep oily skin under control. Make it a routine to wash the face and neck after coming in from outdoors
    Next, apply an astringent or toner to remove the dirt and close the pores on the skin.
    People with oily skin must use water based moisturizer in order to retain the moisture content in the body.
    Sunscreen lotion must be applied before going out in the sun, as the sun plays havoc on the skin and makes the sebaceous glands secrete excess oil.
    Fried food and fatty food must be avoided or limited as they lead to excess oil secretion on the skin. Consumption of  high calorie or sweet food items also increases the chances of excess oil and pimple formation
    Intake of fresh fruits and vegetables and lightly cooked are of great help to maintain a healthy looking skin.
    Caffeinated drinks must be limited as they heat up the system and cause the production of excess oil.
    Carbonated drinks are high in sugar content and are said to form pimples on oily skin.
    It is a myth that oily skin need not be hydrated. Understand that Oil is not moisture. Keep your skin hydrated by consuming lots of water. Use a good moisturizer, the one which matches your oily skin, so that your  skin continues to be hydrated.

Natural beauty tips to get rid of oily skin

    Lemon juice: Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with cold water & massage it on your skin. After ten to fifteen minutes, wash it off with a good face wash. This remedy will make your skin oil free.
    Lemon juice, Honey and Milk: Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with half a spoon of honey & a tablespoon of milk. Apply this paste on your face and leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes before taking washing it off with cold water. This acts as a natural bleaching remedy and also helps in preventing excess oil production in the skin
    Almond Honey Scrub: Blend few almonds with honey. Massage softly (don’t scrub) the paste up on your skin. After 10-15 minutes, cleanse your face with cold water.
    Oatmeal & Aloe Vera Scrub: Mix oatmeal with aloe Vera. Rub gently upon your skin. After 10-15 minutes, cleanse with water.
    Do not use overhead to scrub, in case you have acne problem, as this can aggravate your currently irritated skin.
    AVOID damp makeups as it directs to clogging up of pores.
    AVOID heavy and oily products that boasts of providing  nourishment.
    Aloe Vera: Wash your face thoroughly and apply aloe vera gel on your face & let it dry. You may refrigerate the gel to get a refreshing and cooling effect. You can apply aloe Vera gel on your face two to three times a day as per your convenience.
    Apple Facial: To convert your oily skin in to glowing skin, peel, apple & cut it into small pieces. Rub these apple pieces on your face. After one hour clean your face with cold water. This will make your skin oil free & glowing.
    Multani mitti: Mix multani mitti also known as fullers earth with water to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on your oily skin. Wash it off after it dries completely.
    Multani mitti, Lemon or Orange juice extract: Mix one teaspoon of multani mitti with half a teaspoon of lemon or orange juice. Apply this paste on your face & let it dry. After fifteen minutes, wash it off thoroughly.

    Best fairness creams for oily skin

Oily skin looks dull and unattractive and it requires special nourishment and proper care. Select the right kind of skin care that maintains oily skin. Oily skin easily catches dirt from the surroundings. It makes the skin look dull and lifeless.

Great ways to treat oily skin with fruits are here. These face packs help you to get rid of oily skin.
Banana face pack

Take a ripe banana that helps in treating oily skin. Mash a ripe banana, add a tablespoon of honey and a few drops of lemon into it. Mix them well and apply this fruit mask to your face and neck. Leave it for about 20 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat it once a week to get rid of oily skin and helps to cure acne.
Strawberry face pack

Strawberries are great to treat oily skin. Mash few strawberries and add a few drops of lemon juice into it. Mix them well and apply this paste on your face. Leave until it dries. Rinse it off with cold water. This helps to keep her oily skin smooth. It also prevents wrinkles and other signs of ageing.
Orange face pack

Oranges are rich in vitamin C. It helps to eliminate the oiliness of the skin, fights against ageing. It also improves the extra texture of the skin. Orange gives a fair younger looking skin. Apply orange juice on your skin directly, or you can mix it with other ingredients also.
Lemon face pack

    Face packs to get rid of oily skin

Lemon acts as a natural bleaching agent and is used as a prime ingredient in all face packs. The citrus property of lemon deeply cleanses skin and reduces oil secretion. It eliminates dead skin cells. Mix lemon juice with turmeric or any other ingredients that helps in skin recovery results good.
Cucumber face pack

Cucumber is the best facial mask to treat oily skin. It helps to prevent blemishes, and reduces dark spots. It also provides a radiant looking skin. Blend cucumber juice and add a few drops of lemon juice into it. If you want, you can also add a pinch of turmeric into it. Mix them well and apply it on your skin. Let it dry for some time and rinse it off with water.
Multani mitti

Multani mitti is the best suited face pack for oily skin. It helps to remove acne prone skin. Prepare a paste of Multani mitti with the required amount of rosewater. You can also add a pinch of turmeric into it. Apply this solution on the skin. Leave it to dry and rinse it off with lukewarm water.

    Best scrubs for oily skin

A natural remedy to care your oily skin is here. For this you need 2-3 almonds and honey. You need to grind the almonds and make smaller grains of it. Also take 2-3 tablespoon of honey. Mix both the ingredients well and apply over your face. This is a scrub that needs to be applied over the face. The paste needs to be massaged on your skin and then wash away. This will remove excess oil from your skin.
Fuller earth remedy for glowing skin

Fuller earth is easily available in stone as well as powdered form. In order to make a pack, the powdered fuller earth will be the best. Just take two spoons of fuller earth and mix it with plain water till it becomes a smooth paste. Make sure there is no lump. You can use a spoon to make paste. Once this is done apply it over your face so that it covers all portions. Wait till it is dry and wash with plain water.
Luke warm water remedy to remove oil and glow skin

Luke warm water is use to clean the oil and fats from the utensils as well as clothes. The same concept is placed over here. If you have oily skin, Luke warm water must be used to clean your face. The warm water will open your clogged pores of the skin and remove excess oil from your skin. Use a cotton ball dipped in warm water and rub over your skin to remove excess oil.


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