Tips on How to Become Beautiful Naturally

Staying gorgeous is not an easy deal in today’s polluting environment. There are countless things that are always ready to harm the skin in different ways. The changing lifestyle and busy schedule are snatching away the proteins and vitamins from the daily diet. Keeping skin healthy and radiant becomes more difficult when the body doesn’t sufficient amount of proteins. Ladies get mad thinking day and night about how to become beautiful naturally.Alas! There is no remedy or solution that could make anyone beautiful overnight. Getting beautiful skin is a natural process that demands care and attention. So, basically getting flawless is not that hard if you follow some natural beauty tips on regular basis.
Face is the first thing that comes into the notice of any individual. And for sure nobody would like to roam around with ugly dull face. So, ladies start giving some special care and attention to your skin before it loses all its luster and radiance. But before moving on to the natural beauty tips for face, know how the skin gets dull and ugly in the rush of our daily life. Some of the common reasons and factor that affects the skin adversely are:
  1. Environmental factors:Skin gets affected from both internal as well as external factors. Changes in weather, extreme climate conditions, water quality of any particular region and many other surrounding areas environmental factors contribute a lot in affecting the skin to large extent. For example, the change of weather from extreme hot summer to winter leads to skin dryness, which could be dealt by keeping the skin moisturized and hydrated all the time.
  2. Pollution:Moving out of home and dealing with pollution is a daily task for every person. The harmful pollutant like carbon monoxide and dust particles come into the direct contact of skin and damage it badly. Hence, try to protect the skin from direct contact of polluting particles to keep the skin healthy and beautiful naturally.
  3. Lack of Proteins and Vitamins:One major reason why skin becomes dull and dry and suffers from other skin problems is lack of proteins and vitamins in diet. Our skin is a very sensitive part and needs certain specific vitamins like Vitamin C, Vitamin B and few others that helps in keeping it moisturized and lively. Lack of sufficient supply of vitamin and protein in the daily diet will make the skin unhealthy and lifeless. So, make sure that your diet has sufficient amount of proteins, vitamins and mineral in it. Raw fruits and vegetables has good amount of protein in it, add some of them in your daily diet to keep the skin healthy.
  4. Lack of Sleep:Lack of sleep leads to many health problems and one of them is skin problem. Less sleep also causes dark circles under the eyes and makes the skin dull. An adult should take at least 8 hours of sleep in a day so that their body gets complete rest and there is no tiredness in it.
  5. Bad Lifestyle:In today’s fast moving lifestyle and culture, every good and healthy habit is eliminating from individuals lifestyle. Gradually, the good lifestyle is turning into a bad lifestyle by giving less time to own self and health. So, don’t let your lifestyle into a bad one by skipping meals, sleeping less or late night, not exercising and various other bad habits. A bad lifestyle would never give you anything good in your life.

All the above reasons are few examples that damage the skin and make it dull and dark. But there is no worry until the damage is permanent and tips for beautiful skin are practiced regularly by the individual. The power of nature is ultimate and nothing stands ahead of it for long. Whether it is pimple, dull skin or any other skin problem, natural remedies has the power to heal any skin problem. The only answer to the biggest beauty question, “How to become beautiful naturally” is natural beauty tips. The natural remedies or tips can be easily practiced at home without any problem as most the ingredients used in the tips are easily available at home. And the best thing about the remedies is that they are not so hell expensive like the commercial beauty products available in market. So, look down for some tips for beautiful skin and bring home the natural ingredients now. Some special magical tips are as follows:`

  • Rosewater:The tenderness of rosewater gives special care to skin. Rosewater is used for many purposes; some people even use rose water for cleaning eyes. Rosewater can be prepared at home or bring Dabur Gulabari Rosewater from any local shop down the street. Adding up rosewater in the daily skin care regime is good for skin. Using rosewater is very easy, just take rosewater in small bowl and soak a cotton ball in it. Now dab the cotton ball over the face or gently clean the face with the cotton ball. Doing this practice on daily basis will surely give glowing skin and pinkish complexion to the user.
  • Curd:Curd is a favorite of a large majority of people in Indian culture and tastes great. Beyond the creamy and soothing taste of this ingredient, it can be used as skin smoothening ingredient. As the creamy texture of curd itself reveals its soothing effects, curd is a promising ingredient to provide fair complexion and beautiful skin. Hence, if the curd is there in your kitchen, there is no need to think how to become beautiful naturally. Take the benefits of curd by simply taking a bowl of curd beaten to smooth texture. Apply the curd over the skin every morning and clean the skin after few minutes with water. Curd is a natural moisturizer and will give soft and supple skin, if used on daily basis.
  • Turmeric:The yellow spice has great healing power and many health benefits. Some add it in drinking milk to build immunity while some use it as anti-septic agent over injuries and wounds. There are plenty of uses of turmeric. One of the popular usages of turmeric is for skin treatment. Turmeric is largely used in skin remedies and natural beauty tips for face. Application of turmeric is very easy, just take a tablespoon of turmeric in a bowl and add some rosewater drops in it to make the paste. Apply the paste over facial skin, hands and feet to make the skin beautiful naturally. Try and use the turmeric paste regularly or at least thrice in a week to get natural glow and beautiful skin. And if there is real hurry, one could use turmeric based Fem Fairness Naturals Turmeric Herbal Bleach to get instant fairness.
  • Lemon:Lemon is an easy, small ingredient to be used for skin care. Lemon has great benefits and used for cleaning and whitening of teeth too. Similarly, lemon also contributes in bringing up the fairer look to the skin too. Applying the juice of one lemon everyday is more than enough to get you beautiful skin. Feeling pinching and tingling sensation on the application of lemon juice is obvious due to its citrus nature. So, don’t consider the pinching sensation as any side effect. Pick this easiest and quickest natural beauty tips for faceand feel the difference in skin in just few weeks.
  • Cucumber:The famous veggie of different salads, cucumber is here to make the skin beautiful with its watery content. As we all know that cucumber is watery vegetable and has cooling effect, it could be used for relaxing and cooling the skin. Black heads and dark circles are also cleared with the help of application of cucumber. To make the skin beautiful naturally with cucumber, either make the juice of cucumber or apply the mashed cucumber over skin. Applying the cucumber paste in routine skin schedule will give fair and healthy skin. One can also add cucumber in their daily meal to make the skin beautiful naturally.
  • Tomato:The red tangy veggie, tomato was discovered as a refreshing vegetable for skin in the great festival of La Tomatino. Some random surveys and research also concluded that tomato is good for skin enhancement and rejuvenating the skin. Use this commonly available vegetable by directly squeezing it in a bowl and take the pulp of tomato for application over skin. Apply the tomato pulp or squeezed raw tomato over the face skin and keep it on for 10-15 minutes. Then wash the face with water. And yes remember, not to wash the face with any soap after applying the tomato paste over skin.
  • Basil Seeds (Tulsi):The holy seed of Indian culture, Basil seeds (Tulsi) are known well for curing various illnesses. Beyond curing illness, basil seeds have strong potential to give relief from different skin diseases and bring out the natural beauty of the skin. The best way to use basil seeds is to make a juice or paste of the seeds by grating them over stone. Apply the grinded paste over skin gently and leave it on for 5-10 minutes. To wash the skin, use lukewarm water. Do notice positive results; follow this regime regularly for at least three weeks.


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