Get Ready to Bleach Skin At Home with Natural Bleach for Face

Round the clock throughout the day, our skin exercise and suffers all kind of pressure and situations with us. Even the stress is equally shared by our skin reflecting some wrinkle lines on our forehead. There is no denial to the fact that being the most sensitive part of our body, skin suffers the toughest and roughest damage without us realizing. But everything has its own limit and can’t resist things beyond that. This also goes for our skin. Suffering the harsh air pollution, sun-tanning and other factors, our skin becomes dull, dry and lifeless. An individual starts looking old even before the age because of dull and dry skin. This becomes the reason why ladies run to cosmetic stores and start hunting for some good skin lightening cream and other beauty products.
But rather than relying on the skin bleaching cream and chemical based products, using natural bleach for face is better and safer bet. Without any doubt, it could be said that bleaching skin naturally ways will not harm your skin in anyway and will also help you regain the natural skin tone. On the other hand, the chemical based beauty products like skin lightening cream, skin bleach and moisturizer will surely harm the skin and can also cause skin allergy and other skin problems. Hence, try to avoid chemical based beauty products and in case there is any emergency then use chemical free skin bleach like Fem Fairness Naturals Pearl Bleach.
Before getting into the process of skin bleaching, it is important to know what is skin bleaching and why do people go for this option. Skin bleaching is a process in which the tiny small skin hair is matched with the skin color by using different skin bleaching creams or natural agents. Basically, it is a process of bringing the skin discoloration, dark spots or any skin patch to an even and matching skin color tone with the help of various or any particular kind of bleaching agent. For rare occasion, it is fine to bleach the skin but doing this practice frequently is not a good or advisable practice. In fact, there are numerous harms of bleaching the skin; some of them are as follows:
  • Grey Spots on Skin: Excessive use of bleaching agents and harmful chemical bleach over skin can end in giving visible grey spots over skin. The grey spots occur over the skin due to excessive use or application of bleach over particular area of skin, damaging the internal skin layer. Hence, it is better to avoid bleaching as much as possible.
  • Swelling of Skin: The chemicals or bleach agent are harsh in nature and sometimes they cause immense irritation and allergy to skin. Following this, some people suffer from swelling of skin and other skin problems like skin redness and sensitivity. This is the reason why some people take a small patch test before going for complete bleaching process. If your skin is allergic or sensitive to any kind of chemical then it is always advisable that take a small patch test of bleach product before using it over large skin area. This precaution could save the whole skin from severe allergy and problem in case of any bad consequences.
  • Acne or Pimples: Getting pimple or acne naturally is a different affair and suffering from pimple or acne problem post bleach process is a side effect. Hence, notice whether the skin your skin is suffering from acne or pimple after taking bleach process or this is regular skin problem. If the skin is suffering from any kind of irritation or post bleach problem like acne or any other thing then visit a skin specialist as soon as possible.
  • Thinning of Skin: Bleaching agents and chemicals have properties and potential to harm the skin layers and cells. Using skin bleaching cream or any other bleach product on regular basis will lead to thinning of skin. Thinning of skin will start causing skin ageing and loosening of skin. Also, one could feel loss of luster from their skin.
  • Skin Cancer: Skin cancer is a very serious and severe problem occurring in rare cases where the skin is exposed to excess of harmful chemicals, bleach and other rigorous process for skin enhancement. Hence, don’t do such injustice to your own skin and treat skin with special care and attention instead of torturing it with harmful chemicals.
All the above harms and skin problems clearly indicate the disadvantage of the easy and quick skin bleaching process. And if someone really cares and want to look beautiful then go for natural bleach for face instead of chemical based bleach products. Some good natural bleach options available in market are Fem Fairness Naturals Pearl Bleach, Gold Bleach and many more. Nature has solution and remedy to every human need and requirement. There are many natural ingredients that act as a natural bleaching agent without causing any harm or side effect to the skin. So, when things can work good and easy naturally then why to complicate things by moving into commercial world. Here is the list of some natural bleach face packs that will give you flawless and beautiful skin:
  • Aloe Vera Gel: The major cause of uneven skin tone is hyper pigmentation. Aloe Vera gel is one such natural ingredient that reduces and eliminates hyper pigmentation and helps in restoring the natural skin color. Also, the Aloe Vera gel is used in various skin remedies to pamper the skin. When it comes to natural bleaching, Aloe Vera gel helps in improving the overall skin tone by regenerating the new cells and rebuilding of damaged tissues. To use Aloe Vera gel as natural bleach, take out the gel from Aloe Vera leaf in a container. Gently massage the gel over facial skin and put it on for half an hour and then clean the face with clean water.
  • Honey: Skin gets uneven tone due to various reasons such as dryness, hyper pigmentation, dark spots and many others. Honey helps in getting over the darker skin tone and bleaches the skin naturally. The antibacterial properties of this sweet ingredient will alleviate acne scars and ageing spots. Utilize the goodness of honey for skin bleaching by applying pure honey over facial skin. Let the honey work over skin for few minutes and then clean the skin with lukewarm water gently. If someone needs natural glow and even tone complexion, use honey once in a day preferably in the night to clean the face and remove dead cells of skin.
  • Lemons: The tangy juicy lemons have citrus acid and acidic properties that act as a natural bleaching agent. So, if you are in real hurry and need any fuss free natural ingredient to bleach the skin, go for lemons. As, it is repetitively mentioned and also in the knowledge of large audience, Vitamin C content in lemons promote growth of new skin cells. So, the lemons have various benefits for skin and can be used regularly as a bleaching agent as well as for healthy skin. The easiest way to use lemon for skin is to collect lemon juice in a bowl and dab cotton ball in the lemon juice. Or else one can directly rub the lemons over the skin on regular basis. Adding lemon in the skincare regime will keep the skin fair and free from skin problems.
  • Yogurt: Being a by-product of milk, yogurt has many qualities and benefits for skin. For bleaching the skin naturally, the lactic acid content in yogurt works well. The smooth texture of yogurt gives a similar smooth and flawless texture to the skin by moisturizing it deeply. Yogurt is used in various ways by adding different natural ingredients or using it directly over the skin. If you don’t wish to put much effort then simply take fresh unflavored yogurt in a container and beat it until it becomes smooth paste. Then simply massage the skin with plain yogurt. And if you wish to make the mixture richer, add half tablespoon of honey in one tablespoon of yogurt. Keep any of the above yogurt pack over skin for 15 minutes and then clear the skin with normal clean water. Practicing the healthy yogurt remedy to bleach the skin is healthy and absolutely free from side effects.
  • Gram Flour: Used in many Indian dishes, gram flour is all time favorite of home makers. The nutritious value of gram flour is known to keep the skin healthy and toned. Gram flour is even used to achieve fair skin if combined with some other natural ingredients. And for the purpose of bleaching the skin, use gram flour paste by adding few drops of Dabur Gulabari rosewater in gram flour powder. Use this natural bleaching paste at any body part skin like legs, hands or face. After applying the paste over skin, let it dry for 15-20 minutes. And at the end, wash off the skin with normal or lukewarm water suitable as per individual’s need.
Natural bleach for face is good in every sense and will never put the skin in any trouble. Though there are some ingredients, which are allergic to some people, in that case avoid the particular allergic ingredient and use any other natural bleach ingredient. And the amazing and surprising part about the natural ingredient is that they always come with multiple benefits. For example, you are using honey as an ingredient to bleach the face; the honey will automatically make the skin moisturized with its moisturizing agents. So, going by the natural way will only give lots of benefits and happiness to you and your skin.


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