Turmeric Fairness Ubtan for all skin types

Turmeric Fairness Ubtan for all skin types
Ubtans are prepared during the marriage rituals for the bride and grooms as they are best to give fairness and great looking skin. But you don’t have to be a bride or groom to get the benefits of turmeric ubtans. Any men or women can try this fairness ubtan whether you are a college going person or someone in than mids. In this post, I will share  this easy ubtan using turmeric powder to give you fairness and glow. Turmeric is one such ingredient which works in dual way. It is anti bacterial and anti- septic therefore, it is ideal for pimple problem care and it is also good for gaining the natural fair skin color. This Turmeric home ubtan can be tried by everyone for face and body skin.

Recipe of homemade turmeric fairness ubtan: how to prepare ubtan

This is the recipe and procedure how to make this at home to get the benefits and to beautify your skin.

Ingredients for Fairness ubtan using turmeric

Besan (gram flour)
Rice flour
Lemon juice

Preparation of Turmeric fairness ubtan

You will need a small bowl if you are preparing this ubtan just for the face or take a large bowl if you want to try that on the entire body. Take 1 teaspoonful of besan and 1 teaspoonful of rice powder. Add 2-3 teaspoonful of lemon juice and use milk to make a paste. You can adjust the amount of milk as we need a slight thick but paste that can be easily spread on the face. Wash your face with water and dry the face. Now, apply your turmeric ubtan. Let it get dry for 20 minutes. Then moist you hands with water and try to scrub your face. This way your skin will be exfoliated and smoother looking. While scrubbing this ubtan pack, you don’t have to be too rough on your skin. Just use the circular upward motions. If you wish to prepare this ubtan for your body then just increase the amount like instead of 1 teaspoonful of ingredient take the amount that you think will be sufficient for your hands, legs, back etc.

Benefits of Turmeric Fairness ubtan

Skin lightening: This ubtan with turmeric will help to improvise you skin color and complexion. Turmeric has skin lightening natural properties.
Exfoliation: Other than the whitening of the skin thus turmeric ubtan will also take off the top most dull and dead skin layer to reveal a younger smoother skin. The dead skin lying on the skin make you look dull and dark hence when the ubtan removes that  dead skin and your skin starts to glow.
Skin Patchiness: Regular application like once in a week, will results in removal of the patchy skin and patchiness effectively.
Pimples and Acne care: This ubtan with turmeric will also make your pimples heal faster as turmeric is a natural anti septic and antibiotic. This will treat the pimple infection as well.
Pimple marks and scars: Turmeric will also reduce the pimple marks on your face left by the pimples.
Hair removal: As we have put some rice flour in the ubtan hence it will make the facial and body unwanted hair thinner due to which you can soon get rid of the unwanted hair.
Ingrown hair: As this turmeric ubtan exfoliates it will also keep the pores clean and prevents the ingrown hair which look bad on the body skin.
Body polishing: This can be used by the body as a body polishing ubtan pack to achieve a smoother and radiant body skin.


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