Natural Homemade Beauty Tips For Oily Skin Face

Beauty is one of the most important factors which affect your personality and confidence. You can get fair skin without going to beauty parlours.

Every skin type has its beauty products that one must use to keep the skin looking fresh and charming. Oily skin may take you through tough times as the skin oil glands are over-active, producing excess sebum, adding to a shiny, greasy-looking face and skin concerns such as acne, blackheads and whiteheads, enlarged or clogged pores etc. Pollution and dirt may even lead to comedones for those with very oily skin.
At the start, you should know something positive about oily skin too. Oily skin is less vulnerable to wrinkles and other signs of ageing primarily because the oil has a tendency to lock the moisture into the epidermis which is the outermost layer of the skin.
The solution with this is to keep the oil production in control by following some simple beauty and skin care tips for oily skin.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera extract can be really helpful for any skin kinds. It can help to get a shine as well as getting hold of a perfect skin tone. Furthermore, it can help in taking in the oil from your pores and skin, so its likely to use it daily just for fifteen minutes.

Lemon and Aloe Vera Facial Kit

Apart from orange, Lemon is another rich supply of Vitamin C which keeps skin oil-free skin while aloe vera moisturizes skin without making its greasy. Hence, inclusion of lemon and aloe constitutes a wonderful facial kit for oily skin.


Mix a table spoon of orange juice inside a table spoon of powdered orange peels. This’ll form an even paste which you can apply like a facial mask after massaging your face. Orange is a very rich supply of vitamin c which works effectively on curing pimples.


Add two teaspoons of honey inside a cup of aloe pulp. Blend this combination to make it creamy. Now add two teaspoons of tea-tree oil and several drops of rose water for this mix. This aloe based moisturizer will keep your skin toned.

Papaya and Lemon

Have a fresh papaya and also take a half lemon then mix both properly, now apply on your face and massage slightly when you are feeling massage is complete then have to leave it for twenty minutes or if you have small amount of time then just wait fifteen minutes and then wash with cold water. Papaya and lemon`s massage controls the oil from skin pores perfectlTake a peel off a fresh apple and make some slices from it (Make the slices very thin) adding two table spoons of natural honey and blend it. If this become in a shape of paste, applies on your whole face then let it rest and wait for fifteen to twenty minutes. After waiting wash it from lukewarm water. It will control tighten pores, glow as well as moisturizer the skin inside a natural way
.Apple and Honey

Papaya pulp to exfoliate and clean skin

Take a slice of raw papaya and puree it to transform into a fine paste. This will clean and exfoliate your skin. Papaya is also considered effective removal of blemishes and dark spots on skin.


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