How To Get Fair And Glowing Skin In Summer

Don’t you love sun kissed selfies where you pose and the sunlight brightens your face and your picture glows? We love it too! But continuous exposure to the scorching heat can take away life and radiance away from your skin as well. Skin exposed to UV radiation can develop rashes, freckles and damage that is disheartening.
If you are missing your fair and glowing skin, you need to look for remedies that can get the magic of your skin back. Before working on these remedies, it is very vital that you work on your lifestyle and healthy skin habits. Read upon these 5 Summer Mantras for Fair and Glowing skin that will help you protect your skin from the harsh summer sun. Then, go on exploring our magical remedies that will get back your radiance and confidence.

5 Summer Mantras for Fair and Glowing Skin

  1. Coverage from Tip to Top

    The most important thing that you need to keep in mind to get glowing and fair skin is to cover yourself from top to toe. In summer, the sunlight is very harsh and equally harmful for your skin. So, it is better to keep yourself covered than to suffer.
  2. Sunscreen, New Best Friend

    Apply sunscreen lotion, high in SPF, 30 minutes before you go out in the sun. It will protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Repeat this process after every 4-5 hours.
  3. Hydrate Your Body

    Keep yourself hydrated. Drink lots of water. Water removes toxin from your body and keep your skin healthy and glowing.
  4. Under the Umbrella

    Keep an umbrella with you always in this scorching summer to protect yourself from fire balls.An umbrella will give you the shade that you so require and protect your body from direct contact with the Sun.
  5. Liquid and Light Diet

    It is better to stick to light food and liquid diet. Light food is easy to digest in summers and cold liquid drinks will keep your skin hydrated and glowing.

Natural Remedies for Glowing Skin and Fairness

Now, you are closer to all the answers of how to get fair and glowing skin in summer. So, what are you waiting for? Read further-

Step 1- Skin Gleams with Steam

: Steaming helps to circulate your blood and opens up your skin pores to clean the impurities. You can easily do steaming at home.
  • Method-You need boiling water, essential herb either lemongrass or sandalwood, towel
  • Wash your face
  • Take a boiling water in a small round tub and add the essential herb (lemongrass or sandalwood)
  • Now, hold your face in the steaming water and cover your head with a towel, then come out and breathe. Repeat the process for 10 minutes. Excessive steaming can damage your skin
  • Then, wash off the sweat with dry towel.

Step 2- Exfoliate Dead Skin

: One of the best ways to keep your skin fair and glowing is to exfoliate aka remove dead skin cells. To do that, follow this natural tip-
  • Method- To make a face mask to exfoliate dead skin cells, you need 2 tablespoons of honey, avocado and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Sugar helps to gently exfoliate dead cells, whereas honey and avocado provide the necessary nourishment to the skin
  • Mash up avocado in a bowl
  • Now, add honey and sugar in it.
  • Blend the ingredients well and now gently rub it on your face
  • Wash it off with cold water after 20 minutes

Step 3- Sing the Tune of Cleansing

: Cleansing is one of the most important step so as to keep your skin fair and glowing in the summer. Cleansing removes unwanted dirt particles and reduce the chances of pimples and dullness.
  • Method- To make a cleanser, you need 6-8 milk soaked almond, 1 tablespoon of buttermilk and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • Make a paste of soaked almond in a bowl
  • Then, add buttermilk and lemon juice in it.
  • Mix them well and apply it on your face with cotton.
  • Use it to clean your make-up, under-eye area and cheeks.
  • Now rinse off your face with lukewarm water.

Step 4- Even-Tone with Toner

: After cleansing, which opens up your skin pores, it is very important to use a toner to close off the pores to stop dirt from entering your skin. You can easily create a toner at home and apply it on your face on a daily basis.
  • Method- To make a natural skin toner, you need glycerine and Dabur Gulabari Rose water
  • Take 2 tablespoons of glycerine and 2 tablespoons of water.
  • Stir them properly and apply the toner on your face with cotton balls.

Step 5- Hydrate and Moisturize Properly

: Moisturizing skin is very important after toning. It provides smoothness and softness to the skin and make it glow.
  • Method- To make natural moisturizer, you need 3-4 tablespoon of coconut oil, ½ teaspoon of vitamin E oil and 5-6 drop of lavender oil. Coconut and Vitamin oil has anti-aging property, whereas lavender oil helps to provide the glow and softness
  • In a bowl, whisk coconut oil, vitamin E oil and lavender oil together.
  • Apply it on your face

Step 6- Ban the Tan

:Tanning is very common in summer. Your gorgeous fair skin gets dark and all you can think of is a solution to make your skin fair. So, here is one of the best natural remedies for glowing skin and fairness to ban your tan.
  • Method- To remove tanning, you need 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of cucumber, 1 tablespoon of honey and ½ tablespoon of potato extract.
  • Take lemon juice, cucumber juice, potato extract and honey in a bowl
  • Blend them properly and apply it on your face
  • Leave it there for 30 minutes.
  • Wash it off with cold water and get the tan-free glowing and fairer skin.


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