Homemade Remedies To Get Instant Fairness

  1. Orange Juice to Get Instant Fairness

    Again, one more fruit comes to help the skin get fairer tone and glow. Orange has good content of Vitamin A and C that helps in decreasing pigmentation and spots. Regular application of chilled orange juice over the facial skin for a week or more can result in fairer and evenly toned skin. All it takes is just three tablespoon of chilled orange juice applied over the face with a piece of cotton. Keep it for 10 minutes and then clean it with cold water.
  2. Tomato to Get Instant Fairness

    Tomato is a popular vegetable to remove the sun tan. To get rid of sun tan instantly and bring back the natural skin tone, apply mashed tomatoes over the skin for several minutes. One can also different and effective face pack with the help of tomatoes. One of the effective tomato face packs could be prepared by mixing fresh lime juice in tomato juice. Application of the tomato pack for two or more weeks regularly will result in fairer skin tone. One important thing to note about mashed tomato application is that it will cause slight itching or discomfort. The slight itching or discomfort is a natural reaction over the skin removing sun tan. So, there is no harm or worry in slight irritation or itching.
  3. Yogurt to Get Instant Fairness

    Yogurt is something which could be easily prepared at home or can be purchased from the market. Application of yogurt pack over skin has great benefits and outcomes. The skin becomes moisturized and the skin tone also gets fairer. To make yogurt pack, mix one tablespoon of honey in one tablespoon of yogurt making a paste. To make more quantity of the pack, mix both the ingredients in equal ratio. Apply the paste over facial skin and leave it off for 15-20 minutes. Wash the pack with Luke warm water to get fair skin. 
  4. Rose Water to Get Instant Fairness

    Rose water has many utilities, some use it as eye drop to clean the eyes, and others use it to cleanse the face. Rose water carries anti-oxidants which help in removing oxidants and dust particles from the skin. Rose water should be applied over the face covering all portions properly. To apply rose water, use cotton balls and dip it in rose water and dab it over the face. Regular usage of  rose water will easily give you fairer skin tone and youthful skin.
  5. Papaya and Cucumber

    The blend of papaya and cucumber can do great wonders to the skin. Both the ingredients are used together to make an amazing skin whitening pack. To prepare the pack, blend ripe papaya slices and cucumber until it becomes smooth mixture. Add one tablespoon of fresh milk cream to the smooth mixture and mix it well. The skin whitening face pack is now ready to apply. Apply the pack over the face and neck covering all portions properly for 20 minutes and wash it off with normal water. This amazing skin whitening pack of papaya and cucumber is full of skin whitening enzymes, antioxidants which increase collagen production, and healthy vitamins. This pack also helps in treating skin problems like dark marks, pigmentation and discoloration.
There are many other natural ingredients that could help in achieving fair skin and glow. All one has to do is to look for proper remedies and solutions on time. Natural ingredients will never harm the skin in any way and will give natural and long lasting results. In spite of choosing clinical solutions and using harsh chemicals or solutions over the skin, try the natural remedies first. So, instead of asking doctors about how to get instant fairness, give a glance at nature’s wonders. Natural remedies will not even cost much like the doctors and clinically treatments and will surely help out in some or the other. So, don’t skip the natural and simple way to get the fair and glowing skin.


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