Homemade green tea face packs and masks

Homemade green tea face packs and masks

Green tea is one of the most powerful antioxidant rich beverages which has become extremely popular all over the globe. Medicinal uses of green tea are numerous but here we will concentrate more on the face packs that can be made from the green tea. Poly-phenols are group of antioxidants that gives green tea its wonderful properties for skin like it is skin brightening, pore tightening, pore cleanser, anti inflammatory and soothing. Green tea is also has excellent anti aging properties. These homemade Green tea face packs are good for most of the skin types and are very suitable for the sensitive skin. So, if you are wondering how to make a green tea face mask/ pack at home then this article is for you.

10 Homemade Green tea face packs and masks

Homemade Green tea face packs and masksHomemade green tea face packs and masks

Green tea is one of the most powerful antioxidant rich beverages which has become extremely popular all over the globe. Medicinal uses of green tea are numerous but here we will concentrate more on the face packs that can be made from the green tea. Poly-phenols are group of antioxidants that gives green tea its wonderful properties for skin like it is skin brightening, pore tightening, pore cleanser, anti inflammatory and soothing. Green tea is also has excellent anti aging properties. These homemade Green tea face packs are good for most of the skin types and are very suitable for the sensitive skin. So, if you are wondering how to make a green tea face mask/ pack at home then this article is for you

green tea face pack5. Green tea face pack with orange peel powder for oily skin
Orange peel and green are good combination to exfoliate and to get rid of the excess oil. This green tea face pack with orange peel powder keeps the pores clean and removes clogged pores from the face.
Procedure to prepare:
  • Take half teaspoonful of green tea leaves and add the same quantity of orange peel powder.
  • Add one teaspoonful of honey.
  • Mix and use on the face in a layer. Wash after 20 minutes.
6. Milk cream and green tea face pack for dry skin
Dry flaki parched skin is far from looking glowing and radiant. It does illuminate or glow rather feels stretchy most of the times, hence this homemade green tea face pack is excellent remedy to get rid of the dryness on the face naturally at home with just two ingredients.
Directions to prepare this green tea pack:
Mix half teaspoonful of green tea leaves in one teaspoonful of milk cream. Ix them well and keep aside for 5 minutes. Mix it again and apply face. First massage this on face for 5 minutes and then leave for 20 minutes. Wash with normal water and see the glow on the face. Please remember, this face pack is only for dry skin and not at all for oily combination skin.
 Besan, turmeric green tea face mask for fairness
This green tea face pack targets the fairness and is good to get the fair skin by natural means at home.
Procedure for this Green tea face pack:
Take one teaspoonful of besan (gram flour) 2 pinches of turmeric and half teaspoonful of green tea leaves. Add milk to mix all these products to form a medium consistency paste. Use this face mask on the face and rinse after 15- 20 minutes.
8. Egg white and green tea face pack for lines on the face
Fine lines and deep wrinkles can be dreadful once we start to age or at times these can be due to premature aging of the skin. Green tea is a powerful antioxidant which keeps the skin younger looking and egg white tighten the facial skin naturally hence this egg white green tea face pack is best as anti aging and face tightening pack at home.
Procedure for face mask with green tea:
  • Take egg white and add some green tea leaves.
  • Mix it will and apply evenly on the face.
  • Wash when it gets dried after 20 minutes.
9. Green tea face pack with honey for glowing face
Glowing skin is like a dream for most us girls. Not for the face but the glowing skin for the body skin as well. This green tea honey pack is very simple remedy to get glowing skin in a natural way.
Recipe for this glowing skin face pack:
  • Take less than one teaspoonful of green tea leaves and add one teaspoonful of honey.
  • Mix both of them and apply on the face as thick layer.
  • Wash after 20 minutes. This can be tried 2 times in a week.
10. Green tea toning face pack for rejuvenated skin
  • This toning pack is good for all skin types and can be done daily.
  • Take half teaspoonful of green tea leaves and add one teaspoonful of orange juice.
  • Mix them and keep it aside for 5minutes. Use it as face pack.
  • Wait for 15 minutes and wash off.
It would be runny so lightly dab it on the face and keep a napkin underneath the face so that the clothes are not spoiled.


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