5 Face Masks to Hydrate Your Skin Naturally

Skin is a mirror of our inner health and vitality and it is important to nourish and care for it regularly. Dryness of skin is a common problem and can be caused by several reasons such as change in weather, exposure to the sun or harsh soaps. Certain skin types are naturally dry and winter makes things even worse. Mostly, people end up resorting to remedies that don’t work in a large number of cases. Therefore, it is best to turn towards natural remedies. Here are a few skin care tips that will make your skin healthy and add a precious glow to it without any side effects. 
  1. Banana Face Pack:
    • 1 ripe banana
    • 1 spoon honey
    • 1 spoon olive oil
    • Mix all the ingredients to make a smooth paste.
    • Apply all over the face and rinse with water after 10 minutes.
    Honey helps in locking the moisture, while banana and olive oil help remove and neutralize the bad effects of free radicals on the skin. The skin care tip offers relaxing, soothing, and moisturizing effects.
  2. Yogurt and Rose Face Pack:
    • 1 spoon yogurt
    • 2 spoon honey
    • 2 spoon  Rose Water
    • 1 small bowl of rose petals
    • Mix all the ingredients to make a smooth paste.
    • Apply all over the face and rinse it after 20 minutes.
    Honey will help hydrate your face while the yogurt and rose will make your face feel fresh supple and radiant by cleansing all impurities.
  3. Oat Almond Face Pack:
    • 5-6 almonds
    • 2 spoon oats
    • 2 spoons yogurt
    • 1 spoon honey
    • Grind almonds and oats to get a powder like consistency.
    • Add yogurt and honey to make a smooth paste out of it. Apply the pack and rinse it after 15 minutes.
    Almonds deep nourish the skin, oats moisturize the skin and yogurt tightens it along with making it soft and soothing.
  4. Coco Mask:
    • 1/2 spoon cocoa powder
    • 1/2 spoon honey
    • 1 spoon grounded oatmeal or besan
    • 2 spoon coconut milk
    • Mix all the ingredients to make a smooth paste.
    • Apply it on the face and rinse it after a while.
    • With most homemade face packs, the ingredients are easily available and the risk of artificial ingredients is thus avoided.
    The antioxidant and cleansing properties of chocolate freshens the dull and tired looking skin while the honey and coconut milk moisturise the skin by locking in the moisture. This skin care tip is ideal for those who have dry skin and an oily T-zone.
  5. Cucumber Face Pack:
    • 1 peeled cucumber
    • 1 spoon sugar
    • Mash cucumber, add sugar, and refrigerate it for some time.
    • Apply it on the face, leave it on for ten minutes and rinse it with cold water.
    Give your skin a break from itchiness and dryness by making it soft, supple and refreshed with cucumber and sugar


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