3 Fairness Face Pack to lighten skin complexion with in days

Fairness face pack which is made from natural and herbal products is brilliant in inducing fair skin and giving skin a fair glow. Now a days, so many ready made fairness face packs  ruling the markets, it become very hard to find the one that will work the best for you. Store bought products like fairness creams or face packs for fairness can have temporary effects and are with so many chemicals, therefore we feels that home made fairness face packs to be the best with no side effects and long term maximum benefits.

What are the benefits of using fairness face packs and masks

Fairness is not achieved in a day, you have to constantly work towards it. We need to regularly use the fairness and skin whitening remedies that will help us to get rid of the sun tanning, pigmentation and also to remove the dark spots. Fairness is not just the fair complexion but it is a complexion that is free from the dark spots.
Fairness face packs will help to not only improve the complexion but will smoothen the skin.
These packs are made with the natural ingredients hence they have no side effects.
They will whiten the skin as they contain the enzymes that cures the skin darkness
These two fairness face packs will be ideal for getting fair skin within days if used regularly.

1. Milk Powder and Honey Fairness Face Pack

You will need:
  • Milk powder
  • Lemon juice
  • Honey
How to make?
Mix one teaspoonful of milk powder with one teaspoonful of honey.
Add 5-7 drops of lime juice into this mixture.
Mix all the ingredients well and if needed add some plain water to make the paste but only if you need to dilute the consistency.
Apply this face pack on the skin evenly. wait for 20 minutes. Wash off with plain water and pat dry your face.
This is an excellent remedy to improve the skin complexion within a matter of few days. Milk powder helps improve the skin tone, making skin fair and honey adds a glow by nourishing the skin while lime juice is well known ingredient to remove tanning from the skin. To increase the fairness for teh dry ksin you can also try the effective

2. Oatmeal and Yoghurt exfoliating fairness face pack

  • Yoghurt
  • Oatmeal
How to make?
  • You will need to add a teaspoonful of oatmeal into a teaspoonful of yoghurt.
  • Mix both the ingredients thoroughly and let it sit for some time so that the oatmeal can soften up a bit.
  • Now, add two pinches of turmeric in this oatmeal, yoghurt paste and mix.
  • Apply this face pack on the face by gently dabbing. Wash your face with plain water after 20 minutes.
This face pack helps mild skin exfoliation and bleaching at the same time due to the presence of oatmeal and yoghurt into it. Turmeric on the other hand, will make skin lighter and fair

3. Gram Flour and Turmeric natural fairness face pack

  • Gram flour or chick pea powder
  • Turmeric powder
  • Lemon juice
How to prepare this fairness pack?
  • This is one tried and tested face pack when it comes to getting fair skin sooner.
  • You will need to put a teaspoonful of gram flour (besan) in a small bowl.
  • And add 2-3 pinches of turmeric powder, 5-7 drops of lemon juice and some rose water or milk to make the paste of medium consistency. 
  • Apply this on the face evenly and let it dry for 20 minutes.
  • Once it is dried, try to remove it gently with mild massaging which will help in exfoliation. But be gentle.
  • After completely removing it with plain water, pat dry the face.


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