10 Best Home Remedies for Tan Removal from Face

10 Best Home Remedies for Tan Removal from Face
If you live in the Indian subcontinent, be it summer or winter, you get ample sun. And the sun, comes with its fair share of evils like UV rays. When your skin gets exposed to the sun, the effect is discoloration of the skin, tanning, redness, sunburn, age spots, wrinkles, premature ageing, permanent damage, etc. What happens is that the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun attack the skin and skin colour changes from the current colour to a shade darker. Of course, prevention is always better than cure, so it’s best to take necessary preventive measures to keep your skin protected. Even if you lead a lifestyle in which you spend a lot of time indoors, it’s necessary to protect your skin else you’ll be left with patchy tanned skin that stays for days to come. Needless to say sunscreen is important, it helps preventing a myriad of skin issues, including skin cancer.

But do you know the right way to use a sunscreen? Here are 7 tips to make sure you do.

  1. Choose a sunscreen with 30+ SPF (sun protection factor)
  2. Apply the sunscreen all over the exposed skin.
  3. Make sure, you apply it at least 30 minutes before you step out in the sun.
  4. Also ensure you reapply sunscreen after 4 hours, or more frequently if you happen to sweat a lot.
  5. You need to apply sunscreen even if you are indoors.
  6. When it comes to choosing the sunscreen, beware of picking one that’s loaded with too many chemicals. A lot of these chemicals can have side effects like allergic reactions and redness, it could aggravate acne, and lead to eye irritation, or even increase the risk of breast cancer.
  7. To avoid the side effects, you can do the following: choose a sunscreen that’s ideal for your skin type, be extra careful while using it on kids, if you develop irritation on using a certain brand of sunscreen, you must consult your doctor to prescribe one for you.
Though sunscreen helps in preventing tan to a certain extent, if the damage is already done, the quickest way to get rid of it is to bleach the skin using Fem Fairness range of natural bleaches. The best part about bleaching is that it’s a very simple process, it’s inexpensive and is not very time consuming either.

Here’s a quick recap of the bleaching process and homemade beauty tips for glowing skin so you know how to use Fem bleach the right way:

  • First, make sure you tie your hair in a ponytail or a bun so it does not come in the way
  • Wash your face and remove any makeup or dirt with a cleansing foam
  • Take a teaspoon of the bleach cream and mix it with ¼ of the bleach powder
  • Mix the bleach cream and powder properly for about a minute
  • Do not let the cream sit, apply it immediately to the face and neck area
  • While applying the bleach cream, make sure you avoid the eye and eyebrow area
  • Keep the bleach on for about 15 minutes but not any longer, otherwise it might burn your skin
  • If you feel a tingling sensation in your skin, it means the activator powder is doing its work. You might be tempted to scratch your face at this point but avoid it at all cost, because after a few minutes the itchiness of the bleach subsides
  • Once it’s done, take a warm wash cloth and wipe your face clean.
  • Do not wash your face with soap or facial cleanser for at least a day after applying the bleach
However, if you want to go natural altogether, there are many ingredients from your kitchen or refrigerator that act as excellent fairness tips/tan removal tips.

Read on to know how to get instant fairness with these home remedies for tan removal from face

  1. Aloe Vera, Masoor Daal And Tomato Tan Removal Face Pack

    For instant results in case of extreme tanning, masoor daal helps in clearing the skin. When mixed with aloe vera gel and tomatoes, it acts as a complete skin rejuvenator.
    How to?
    • Soak a table spoon of masoor daal in water for 20 minutes and then make a rough paste.
    • Mix this paste with fresh aloe vera gel and 1 table spoon tomato pulp and massage on face and neck.
    • Keep for 20 minutes and rinse off with water.
  2. Besan And Turmeric Tan Removal Face Pack

    A two in one wonder, home remedies for tan removal besan is a combo of bleaching and scrubbing with the wonder ingredient: Turmeric.
    How to?
    • Mix 2 tablespoons of besan, a pinch of turmeric, 1 table spoon of milk, and 1 table spoon of crushed orange peel in a bowl with cold Gulabari Rose Water.
    • Apply on clean face and let it dry for 20 minutes.
    • Moist the dried areas by sprinkling water on it and slowly remove the pack by scrubbing gently in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction.
    • Apply this pack once in two days for effective exfoliation and tan removal.
    This is a very effective homemade beauty tip for glowing skin.
  3. Cucumber, Rose Water And Lemon Juice Tan Removal Face Pack

    Lemon juice can be used to remove scars on the face and also reduce tan, and the best part is that it’s purely natural and it doesn’t make your skin dry. All you have to do is, slice up a lemon and rub it on the tanned areas. The lemon might tingle a bit, but don’t worry; that just means it’s working, it will do nothing bad to your skin. Leave it on for a 10 minutes or so and then wash your face with plain water. If you follow this home remedy for tan removal regularly, you’ll see the tan disappearing in no time. But you must continue to follow this homemade beauty tip for glowing skin because one doesn’t cease to tan! If you want to give your skin something extra, here’s a homemade pack for you. This fairness tip won’t just remove tan, it will soothe your damaged skin too!
    How to?
    • Take a table spoon each of cucumber juice, lemon juice and rose water and mix in a bowl.
    • Apply with cotton on tanned areas, wait for 10 minutes and wash off with cold water.
    • Apply this pack every day after you get back home from the sun.
  4. Papaya And Honey Tan Removal Face Pack

    The enzymes in papaya are known for skin renewal, whitening, exfoliation and restoration. Honey helps in moisturizing and softening the skin. 
    How to?
    • For this homemade remedy for tan removal pack, take ½ cup of ripe papaya pulp and mash it well, add a table spoon of honey to it and mix well.
    • Apply on clean face and dry for 30 minutes.
    • Rinse off with water.
  5. Oat Meal And Butter Milk Tan Removal Face Pack

    One of the best properties of butter milk is that it helps in soothing skin and healing blisters and oatmeal acts as a natural scrub that exfoliates skin, removes blackheads and dead cells. And together they work better than the best tan removal creams available in the market.
    How to?
    • >Mix 2 table spoon of oatmeal with 3 tablespoons of butter milk and apply on face and body.
    • Gently massage in circular motion.
    • Let it stay for 15-20 minutes and cleanse with water.
  6. Honey And Rice Powder Tan Removal Face Scrub

    Rice powder and honey make an incredibly effective face scrub which removes older dead tissues and skin and makes it feel smoother. This face scrub is best home remedies for tan removal and is great since the rice powder also helps tighten and tone the skin, whereas honey retains the moisture.
    How to?
    • Grind 2 tea spoonsful of rice powder add one teaspoonful of honey.
    • Use this face scrub to exfoliate the face and body.
    • This fairness tip is ideal for sensitive-skinned people as well.
  7. Honey And Oatmeal Face Scrub To Remove Sun Tan

    Sensitive skin needs something extra that doesn’t cause irritation or rashes. This honey and oatmeal face scrub to remove sun tan is exactly the same. It works brilliantly on sensitive skin. 
    How to?
    • Take 2-3 tea spoonsful of oatmeal.
    • Add one teaspoonful of honey and mix it well.
    • Use it to get rid of sun tan off the face and body.
  8. Tomato And Sugar Face Make The Best Tan Removal Scrub

    This face scrub can be your go-to and simple remedy for sun tan removal from the face and body. 
    How to?
    • Pour some fine sugar on the tomato.
    • When the sugar crystals are huge then try to soak them in tomato juice before starting to use it on the face as that can be pretty harsh for the delicate facial skin.
    • This will slough off dead skin to uncover glowing smoother skin.
    • You will get smoother fairer skin which is an added bonus of this face scrub.
  9. Baking Soda And Water Tan Removal Face Scrub

    Another face scrub to removal sun tan from face which is mild and works like a wonder on oily skin. It removes dead cells and gives a brighter looking skin. Oily acne prone skin needs daily exfoliation as the dead skin cells along with the sebum can be a breeding place for bacteria to form a pimple. This scrub takes away the sun tan from face and makes skin colour brighter. 
    How to?
    • Take some baking soda and add some water to it slowly.
    • Mix the ingredients till it forms a paste.
    • Use the preparation to exfoliate
  10. Lemon With Sugar Face Scrub To Remove Sun Tan

    One of the most efficient face scrubs, lemon and sugar remove sun tan and make skin fairer and a lot softer. It also reverses the sun damage due to the lemon juice which is fortified with Vitamin C.
    How to?
    • Take 2 teaspoonful of sugar and add lemon juice in it.
    • Let it settle for 10 minutes.
    • Use it on the face with gently movements to exfoliate.
  11. The same scrub can be used on the body, just increase the quantities and take it with you in the shower to get the tan off your body.
    If you find these home remedies for tan removal from face useful, do tell us which one worked best for you in the comments section below. We’d love to know!


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