41 Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Neem (Margosa) For Skin, Hair, And Health

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1. Clears Acne & Dark Pigmentation

How To Use
Boil a concoction of about 20 neem leaves in half a liter of water till the leaves are soft and discolored, and the water turns green. Strain and store in a bottle. Use this liquid as a skin toner by just dipping a cotton ball into it and wiping your face with it every night. Regular usage will help in clearing acne, scars (2), pigmentation and blackheads.

2. Prevents Recurrence Of Blackheads

How To Use
In case you have a very sensitive skin and are suffering from blackheads, dilute neem oil with water and apply it over the blackheads (3). Make sure that that you don’t use more than 2-3 drops of neem oil. Applying this regularly will help you in getting rid of blackheads and also prevent them from coming back.

3. Treats Skin Infection

How To Use
To get rid skin of infection, prepare the concoction as mentioned above and add about 100 ml of it to your bathing water (4).

4. Prevents Acne Breakouts

How To Use
To get rid of acne, take about 10 neem leaves, boil them with small segments of orange peel in a little water. When they become a little soft, let them cook a little and then pound them into a pulp. Apply this to your face and let it sit till it starts drying after which you can rinse with cold water. This face pack will help in clearing acne and prevent breakouts (5). It also helps in getting rid of whiteheads and blackheads.
Note: In case you have very dry skin, you can add a little honey and yogurt to this pack.

5. For Clear And Glowy Skin

How To Use
Another effective remedy for acne and pimples using neem is to make a paste of neem leaves and turmeric and use it twice a week. Regular usage gives you a clear and flawless skin (6). You can also add some grated cucumber to it as well.

6. Treats Pimples

How To Use
Just like neem, tulsi is another herb that has many benefits for the skin. Grind together a few neem leaves with a handful of tulsi leaves or you can use the powder form of both, if they are available to you. Mix it with rose water to form a paste and apply it to naturally treat pimples (7).

7. Controls Excess Oils

How To Use
Oily skin beauties who are looking for some sebum control can make a paste by mixing neem powder with lemon juice and a little bit of yogurt. This will not only control the excess oil but also prevent acne and infections that are common problems associated with this skin type (8).

8. Adds Glow To The Skin

How To Use
For getting a glowing skin with a clear complexion (9), mix neem powder with rose petal powder, yogurt, and a little milk to make a smooth paste. Apply it and let it rest for 15 minutes and rinse with water that is mixed with 2-3 tbsp. of rose water.
Note: You can also add fuller’s earth or gram flour to this pack to make it into a scrub.

9. Lightens Skin Pigmentation

How To Use
To get rid of pigmentation and blemishes on the skin, mix neem powder, with tulsi powder, sandalwood powder and rose water to make a fine paste. Apply the paste on your face and let it dry before you wash it off with cold water. Regular usage will help in lightening the blemishes (10).

10. Treats Skin Dryness

How To Use
Not many people know about the moisturizing properties of neem but, nonetheless, neem helps in getting rid of dryness of the skin without making it oily, thus giving a very balanced effect (11). Mix neem powder with some water and few drops of grape seed oil and apply it to your face.

11. Delays Signs Of Skin Aging

How To Use
Neem contains immune-stimulating compounds and regenerative properties that help the skin fight pathogens below the skin surface, thus keeping the skin remain supple. Applying neem oil on your face or adding neem powder to your face packs helps in soothing the skin and reducing the effects of aging (12).

12. Treats Skin Allergies & Infections

How To Use
Neem has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that help in soothing the skin in case you are suffering from some skin allergy or infection (13). Boil the neem leaves & apply the water on the allergy after refrigerating it so that it cools down.

13. Heals Psoriasis

How To Use
Psoriasis is a skin disease that is not only painful but also leaves your skin looking as if its burnt. The most common problem associated with this disease is dryness and scaling. Neem oil helps in getting rid of itchiness and irritation. It also helps in keeping the skin moisturized, thus reducing the dryness and scaling. The antibacterial properties also prevent the development of any further skin infections (14).

14. Treats Eczema

How To Use
Eczema is a skin disorder which makes the skin dry and itchy. Neem offers instantaneous and long-term relief from eczema. It also effectively cleans the rashes caused due to eczema. You can boil neem bark in water and use its paste as a pack against eczema (15).

15. Perfect Solution For Dark Eye Circles

Why Does It Work
Looking like a panda because of those dark circles around your eyes. Neem helps in reducing the pigmentation as well as acts as a moisturizing agent, it is the perfect solution to this problem. Just make a paste of water and neem powder and apply it around the eyes. Wash it off after 15 minutes. Do this every day to see the difference.

Benefits Of Neem For Hair

Every girl dreams of having long, shining and healthy hair just like Rapunzel. It doesn’t matter whether you are born with healthy hair or with an unruly mane, it is important to take care of those tresses. If you are tired of using chemical laden hair products that make big promises but disappoint you when it comes to results, then stop looking and just read on to find out about some simple DIY with neem that will prove miraculous for your hair.

16. Enhances Hair Growth Rate

How To Use
Neem has regenerative properties which help in reducing hair fall. An oil massage to the scalp using neem oil can increase the blood circulation in the scalp and help in enhancing the rate of hair growth (16).
Note: You can mix it with any of your favorite carrier oils (olive, almond, coconut, jojoba, etc) as well.

17. Conditions Hair

How To Use
Just like neem can be used to moisturize dry skin, it can also be used as a natural conditioner for dry and fizzy hair. Just make a paste of neem leaves boiled in water & honey, and apply it to the hair followed by regular hair wash, and your dry and untamed tresses will be well-conditioned, dandruff-free and without frizz (17).

18. Treats All Scalp-Related Problems

How To Use
Another hair mask that will help you deep condition your hair can be made by mixing neem powder with amla powder, shikakai powder and reetha powder with water and lemon juice. Apply this to your hair and let it sit for 30 minutes before you wash it off with your regular shampoo. The ingredients of the pack will help in keeping the scalp problems at bay while retaining the moisture in the hair and preventing dryness.

19. Keeps Scalp Healthy

How To Use
If you apply Henna on your hair regularly, just add 2 tbsp. of neem powder with Henna powder, 1 tbsp. of yogurt, lemon, black tea and 1 tbsp. of coffee. The Henna will help in moisturizing your hair while the neem will keep your scalp healthy (18).

20. Treats Baldness

How To Use
Most of us believe that baldness is a cosmetic issue. But the lesser-known fact is that baldness can also be a result of some long-term treatment with heavy drugs. Such cases of baldness can be cured by using neem.
Neem makes the hair stronger against hair fall and restores lost hair too. Regular use of neem as a hair mask and neem water as a rinse promotes hair growth. Neem also triggers the normal functioning of the scalp to ensure the regrowth of hair.

Health Benefits Of Neem

21. Antibacterial Properties

How To Use
Serious diseases like chicken pox and small pox have been treated with neem tree paste. Spread neem leaves around the patient and make him sleep over it for its soothing and antibacterial properties (19). It also cures people suffering from herpes and hepatitis B viruses.

22. Contraceptive

How To Use
It is used for birth control and abortions. In the olden days, cotton soaked in neem seed oil was used as a contraceptive (20).

23. Cures Asthma

How To Use
Take a few drops of neem oil – 3 drops to start with, at the center of the tongue and swallow. Increase the dosage of intake gradually – say 4 drops in the second week, 5 drops in the 3rd week and go up to one teaspoon within six months (21).
Asthma can be completely cured by this method. This also helps in controlling phlegm, wheezing, cough, and breathing. Neem offers a long-term relief from such respiratory disorders when taken regularly.

24. Heals Ulcers

Peptic ulcer is painful. It is an outcome of disturbed pH level in the stomach and intestines. Excessive acidity leads to ulcer formation in the stomach as well as in the intestines (22). Neem not just prevents ulcers by maintaining the pH level, but also cures ulcers by restoring the normal PH level. It is an amazing soother and healer that calms the stomach. Its analgesic benefits offer freedom from pain as well.
How To Use
Neem bark extract has been found to be a curative for peptic ulcer disease. The bark extract, when taken twice daily for 10 weeks, almost completely heals ulcers.

25. Controls Diabetes

Why Does It Work
Neem can be used to treat the non-insulin dependent, type 2 diabetes. It controls the blood sugar level and triggers sugar metabolism. This brings down the blood sugar level and offers long-lasting relief from diabetes. Neem acts as insulin after being digested by the body (23).

26. Maintains Oral Health

Why Does It Work
Neem makes for an amazing oral remedy that keeps you safe from gum diseases. It can cure the problems of bleeding gums and foul smell. It checks germ formation in the mouth and offers long lasting fresh breath. It offers freedom from toothache as well (24).

27. Beneficial In Leprosy

Why Does It Work
Neem is a popular ancient remedy for leprosy. Neem leaves and sap are two compounds that are medically proven to be effective in treating this dreaded disease. The patient, when given 60 grams of neem sap daily, recovers fast from this disease. Even a neem massage helps to treat leprosy. It heals the skin and offers strong anti-inflammatory benefits. Leprosy patients should massage neem leaves paste regularly (25).

28. Blood Purifier

Why Does It Work
Neem, being a purifying agent, clears toxins from the blood. This amazing health benefit of neem can keep you safe from acne, skin irritations and much more. It also controls the formation of free radicals (26).

29. Beneficial In Digestion

Why Does It Work
Neem leaves are a rich source of fiber. They contain 20% fiber alongside essential proteins, fat, calcium and amino acids. It improves the digestive capacity of the body and makes the intestines more active. The consumption of neem leaves treats digestive disorders like gas and constipation (27).

30. Treats Malaria

Why Does It Work
Neem offers the goodness of an antipyretic agent as well. Malaria is a lethal fever that affects the efficiency of the human liver. Eat a few neem leaves daily to keep the liver safe from malarial side effects (28).

31. Enhances Blood Circulation & Regulates Hormonal Levels

Why Does It Work

No amount of makeup can give you the natural glow that is a sign of a healthy skin. To get that glow, it is important that you are healthy from within. Neem is known since the ancient times for cleansing the blood and the body. Regular consumption of neem leaves helps in enhancing blood circulation as well as preventing hormonal imbalances that are a major reason behind some skin and hair problems (29).
Consume 2-3 neem leaves mixed with some honey on an empty stomach every day and you will see the changes for yourself.
Make sure you don’t try to consume the concoction that you make by boiling neem leaves in water as the leaves tend to leave behind a pungent smell after they are boiled which would make it difficult for you to consume the liquid.

32. Gives Shiny Teeth On Brushing With Twigs

Why Does It Work
We all know that a beautiful smile is a girl’s best accessory. To make that smile even more special, use neem twigs to brush your teeth (30). This is an age-old remedy that will not only leave your teeth shiny and white but will also keep dental problems like cavity, plaque and bad breath at bay.

33. Treats All Kinds Of Nail Problems

Why Does It Work
If you are suffering from common nail problems like splintering and peeling of nails, then neem oil is the best solution. Neem oil helps in making your nails strong, thus preventing them from peeling or becoming brittle. These problems might occur due to some nail infection. Neem oil will help you to tackle that as well. The antibacterial and anti-fungal properties of neem help you get rid of infections, keeping your nails healthy (31).
Just massage your nails and cuticles with a few drops of neem oil and that is all that is required to get healthy nails.
One word of caution is that neem oil does not smell pleasant. Also, you need to make sure that you wash your hands properly before you eat anything so that you do not consume the neem oil.

34. Improves Eyesight

How To Use
Neem flowers also help improve eyesight. Dry the neem flowers and then fry it. Now ingest the fried neem flowers to get best results.

35. Aromatherapy

Why Does It Work
Oil extracted from neem flowers is used in aromatherapy due to its calming and restorative effect on the body. Today neem flower oil and extract are the important ingredients in various creams, massage oils and astringent.

36. Treats Wounds And Rashes

Why Does It Work
Topical application of organic neem honey can heal wounds and rashes. Its ingestion also treats infections and other health issues. It possesses powerful antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties.

37. Better Liver

If you want improved liver functioning, neem juice is your magic potion. Nowadays people often face the problem of having a weak liver due to various reasons, such as excessive or regular consumption of alcohol. Neem juice helps improve the liver conditions.

38. Muscle And Joint Pain Reliever

Drinking neem juice or applying it with a bit of oil helps relieve muscle pulls, pains, and joint pain. It is also known to be a cure for arthritis, which is a widespread illness nowadays.

39. For Curing Breast Cancer

People affected by cancers, especially breast cancer, can seek help from the consumption of neem capsules due to its immunity-boosting properties. These qualities are known to shield the body from the action of antibodies.

Miscellaneous Benefits Of Neem

The benefits of neem are not just limited to your skin and hair. Neem helps in solving a lot of other issues as well.
Here are some more benefits of neem:

40. Pesticide/ Insecticide

How To Use
Neem oil is used in the preparation of pesticides and insecticides. In one liter of water, add liquid soap, neem oil and stir the solution. This solution is now ready to get rid of insects. This natural oil doesn’t kill bugs like insecticides, but instead repels them away (32).

41. Ointments For Eyes And Ears

The extracts of neem seeds are used to make ointments and drops for the eyes and ears. Their antibacterial activity fights against bacterial pathogens that cause eye and ear infections. According to experts, the drops and ointments made from neem seed extracts can be used to effectively treat eye and ear problems that are caused by germs and bacteria.
Neem is a wonder herb. Every part of the neem tree has its benefits whether it is the fruit, the leaves, the bark or the twigs. It is one of the few natural ingredients that have so many benefits but no side effects, as such. Also, always try and use fresh neem leaves. The neem leaves start losing their benefits as soon as they are plucked from the tree.
Which of these tricks have you tried before? Were they effective? It is always advisable to consult a doctor before you proceed to take neem in the oral form. Leave your feedback in the comments below.


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