5 Natural Face Bleach Products To Help You Get Rid Of Facial Hair

We love hair, but not when it shows up in the wrong places. A fine moustache, straggly strands on the chin or the annoying sideburns. Is there no end to this hairy tale!

Face it, ladies! Hair is going to grow. And not always where you want it to. Facial hair is the worst. You can’t seem to get rid of it. When one strand goes, another one sprouts somewhere else. And the hair that you removed, never really goes away. In a few weeks it makes a rather annoying comeback, sometimes longer, thicker and just more obvious.
Waxing, shaving, tweezing and epilating – you’ve tried it all. But it’s just too much effort. And such a waste of money too, because eventually it’s all for nothing.
If you think it’s a lost cause, you clearly haven’t heard of face bleach. No, not the chemical-laden, off-the-shelf products that lighten hair but often have unsavoury side-effects. Have you tried bleaching facial hair at home, the natural way?
You might not know, but your kitchen is stocked with products that can help you lighten facial hair with ease, and without any side-effects.

How To Use Natural Facial Hair Bleach Products:

#1 Papaya and milk
The papaya is a healthy and delicious fruit that also has a few other tricks up its sleeve.
  • Mash a slice of papaya into a fine pulp
  • Add enough milk to make a paste
  • Apply this mix to your face and wait for 10 minutes before washing it off
The beauty of this treatment is the soft skin that papaya leaves behind.
#2 A tomato rub
A salad essential, this fruit (or is it a vegetable?) has uses other than adding a unique tang to your food. It is also nature’s effective bleaching agent.
  • Rub a thick slice of tomato on that part of your skin which has dark hair
  • Allow your face to dry naturally
  • Wash it off with cool water and pat dry
  • Repeat the process daily until the hair gets lighter
#3 Chickpea flour
Chickpea makes excellent gravies. Did you know it also doubles up as a bleaching agent? Well, the secret’s out, so might as well tell you.
  • Make a paste using 2 tablespoons of chickpea flour and 1 tablespoon milk (or milk cream – malai)
  • Add 1 teaspoon turmeric to the mix
  • Apply the paste to dark facial hair
  • Wash it off after 15 minutes
Repeat this regularly until hair is lighter in colour.
#4 Lemon magic
The astringent properties of lemon can be used to make that pesky fuzz disappear, at least visually, if not for good.
  • Make a solution of 1 teaspoon of lemon and 2 tablespoons of honey
  • Apply the solution to your hair
  • Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off
  • Dilute the lemon juice if it irritates your skin
Do this regularly until you are happy with your bleached hair.
#5 The radical radish
Radish is as good for your outside as it is for the inside. It is loaded with antioxidants and vitamins that are wonderful for your body.
To use as natural bleach:
  • Thoroughly wash and peel the radish
  • Grind it along with the juice of half a lemon
  • Apply all over your dark hair and wash off after 15-20 minutes


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