Get Rosy Cheeks At Home With These 5 Home Remedies

When people say that you’re looking ‘in the pink of health’ they are generally referring to your rosy cheeks. Umm, the ones not covered by your clothes, we mean. But seasons come and go, and rosy cheeks too. How do you get rosy cheeks, at home, naturally?

Short of having you face pulled by annoying aunties who gush over how sweet you look, what is the best way to get rosy cheeks? Not with makeup; that might be the easiest way to sport the pink cheek, but it is not the best. You never know what those pretty little makeup boxes actually contain!
Now that we’ve scared you enough and stopped you just as you were reaching out for the blush, we need to make a better suggestion, right? Sit tight and listen while we tell you how to get rosy cheeks naturally.
All you need to do is quit your job, sell everything you don’t need and move to the mountains. Oops, sorry, wrong article. Although we must tell you that fresh mountain air can work wonders on your skin and give you natural rosy cheeks. But short of doing just that, here’s our list.

How to get Rosy Pink Cheeks at Home

#1 Relax
  • Easier said than done, but stress and anxiety can rob you off your natural glow.
  • Get enough sleep, exercise, meditate and learn to enjoy life.
  • Now that we’ve got the nearly-impossible remedy out of the way, here are some more realistic goals:
#2 Wash and Scrub, Wash and Scrub
  • Keep your skin clean and healthy by washing it regularly.
  • Stay away from harsh soaps and use gentle cleansers like Olay Moisture-balance Foaming Face Wash with Vitamin E.
  • Use warm water that doesn’t shock your skin like cold water can.
  • Exfoliating regularly will remove dead skin cells and bring out the hidden pink to the surface.
  • Sweeten the deal by massaging your damp cheeks with a little sugar.
  • Do this regularly, once a week and you will see a pink glow.
  • Don’t forget to moisturise afterwards.
  • When people say that you’re looking ‘in the pink of health’ they are generally referring to your rosy cheeks. Umm, the ones not covered by your clothes, we mean. But seasons come and go, and rosy cheeks too. How do you get rosy cheeks, at home, naturally?

    Short of having you face pulled by annoying aunties who gush over how sweet you look, what is the best way to get rosy cheeks? Not with makeup; that might be the easiest way to sport the pink cheek, but it is not the best. You never know what those pretty little makeup boxes actually contain!
    Now that we’ve scared you enough and stopped you just as you were reaching out for the blush, we need to make a better suggestion, right? Sit tight and listen while we tell you how to get rosy cheeks naturally.
    All you need to do is quit your job, sell everything you don’t need and move to the mountains. Oops, sorry, wrong article. Although we must tell you that fresh mountain air can work wonders on your skin and give you natural rosy cheeks. But short of doing just that, here’s our list.

    How to get Rosy Pink Cheeks at Home

    #1 Relax
    • Easier said than done, but stress and anxiety can rob you off your natural glow.
    • Get enough sleep, exercise, meditate and learn to enjoy life.
    • Now that we’ve got the nearly-impossible remedy out of the way, here are some more realistic goals:
    #2 Wash and Scrub, Wash and Scrub
    • Keep your skin clean and healthy by washing it regularly.
    • Stay away from harsh soaps and use gentle cleansers like Olay Moisture-balance Foaming Face Wash with Vitamin E.
    • Use warm water that doesn’t shock your skin like cold water can.
    • Exfoliating regularly will remove dead skin cells and bring out the hidden pink to the surface.
    • Sweeten the deal by massaging your damp cheeks with a little sugar.
    • Do this regularly, once a week and you will see a pink glow.
    • Don’t forget to moisturise afterwards.


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