6 Quick Home Remedies To Grow Nails Faster

Want your nails to grow faster? May we suggest that you stop watching scary movies? Nothing slows down nail growth faster than biting them. Or cutting them. Instead, try any of these simple nail growing home remedies that you can start implementing from today.

The verdict is out. Bad habits lead to bad nails. It’s as simple as that. Biting them, using bad nail colour, torturing them with inferior quality nail art or using nails as tools – all of them contribute to broken, unsightly nails.
If you want to grow nails fast, the first thing you must do is learn to take better care of them. We’ve put together some home remedies to grow nails faster. Read on to know how you can get shinier, stronger and better-looking nails, fast.

5 Super Simple Remedies for Quick Nail Growth

#1 Nourish your nails with oil
Take your pick – olive, coconut or flaxseed – depending on the easy availability and need.
  • Olive and coconut oil, both, have antifungal properties.
  • So if broken, ugly and fungusy nails is your problem, olive or coconut oil is your answer.
  • These oils have anti-fungal properties that heal and strengthen nails.
  • If your nails are just weak, use flaxseed.
  • Gently massage the warmed oil into your cuticles and say hello to healthy and long nails tips, soon.
#2 Some fruit juice for your nails?
  • Weak and yellowing nails can be embarrassing.
  • A shot of juice will put some zing back in them.
  • The citric acid and Vitamin C in lemon and orange juice is a good combination for strengthening nails and banishing the yellow.
  • You can rub a slice of a lemon or orange on your nails every day for a few minutes, or you can soak your nails in a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil, or just plain orange juice, for 5 minutes.
  • Wash it off well and don’t forget to moisturise afterwards.
A word of caution: don’t use this remedy if you have hangnails or have a cut on your fingers. It will sting baaaaad!
#3 The humble tomato
  • Eating raw tomatoes is an excellent way to give weak nails the much needed Vitamin C.
  • Even better is a mixture of the juice of one tomato and one table spoon olive oil.
  • Soak your fingers in this for 10-15 minutes, daily.
  • Your nails will grow strong, long and shiny.
Also, check out the skin care benefits of tomatoes here at Reward Me. 
#4 Quick and cheap, with petroleum jelly
  • Most homes already have petroleum jelly.
  • It is probably the easiest and least expensive remedies to grow your nails.
  • Apply a layer of the jelly on clean and washed hands, and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • At least long enough for it to penetrate into your skin and nails.
  • Do this before your bath and wash it off using Olay Total Effects 7 in One Foaming Cleanser. You will soon say goodbye to weak and brittle nails, and dry cuticles.
#5 Salt of the land, umm, kitchen
  • One of our last and really easiest tips to grow nails faster is to turn to common salt.
  • In a bowl of water dissolve 3-4 pinches of salt and a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Soak your fingertips in this mini spa for 10-15 minutes.
  • If your nails are also yellowish, add a few drops of freshly-squeezed lemon juice.
  • Remember the sting warning though.
What else?
#6 Eat healthy
  • While you work on the outside, a little help from within also goes a long way.
  • Nails need a dose of keratin. You can’t really pop into your corner store and pick up a bottle, can you? There are other ways you can get your fix.
  • Eggs, milk and curds, meat and chicken too should be on your list if you want to know how to grow nails faster.


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